Aux XVIIIe et XIXe siècle, les différents propriétaires n’eurent eux aussi de cesse de mettre au goût du jour les intérieurs. The project is located in Maisons-Laffitte, Yvelines (78), Ile-de-France, France.The architectural style is french baroque. Arbres remarquables et patrimoine végétal. Le château n’a pas perdu sa réputation, et les guides des environs de Paris sont nombreux à en recommander la visite aux étrangers de passage dans la capitale. The distance between the Château and the forest of Saint-Germain-en-Laye was covered by a central axis, still used today by strollers and picnickers. According to French architect Claude Perrault (1613-1688): “The Château of Maisons, of which Mansart made all the buildings and the gardens, is of such a singular beauty that there is no foreigner who does not go there to see it, as one of the finest things that we have in France”. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. It was René de Longueil who started the construction of the Château in 1630 with the fortune inherited by his wife. Son mobilier est dispersé… Le château échappe à la destruction et va, le calme revenu, passer de main en main tout au long du XIXe siècle. Photo CC-BY-SA Moonik, Château de Maisons, façade coté cour, CC-BY-SA Nwolpert91, Escalier du château de Maisons, vue depuis la corniche, Canéphore, cheminée de la grande salle du château de Maisons. Pour prévenir les éventuelles déceptions, je rappelle que les terrasses des toitures et la partie haute de l’escalier ne sont pas ouverts à la visite. By severely reducing the area surrounding the Château, the majestic view that once marked the entrance to the Château was considerably dulled. Notre guide n’était autre que David Madec, administrateur du château : passionné et passionnant, il nous a fait pénétrer les moindres recoins de demeure, du sous-sol… jusqu’aux combles ! There’s no extra cost to you. Click here to get your free copy now! French Moments is about promoting the French culture and language through its website and social network. The château of Maisons-Laffitte from the Park © French Moments. The horse has since become a part of the daily life of Maisons-Laffitte’s inhabitants; when strolling in the park, you will often come across horse riders. Mais pourquoi donc ? Pour mettre à exécution son dessein, René de Longueil se tourne vers un architecte réputé, François Mansart, qui vient d’achever le très admiré château de Balleroy, et qui a depuis reçu de prestigieux chantiers, comme l’agrandissement du château de Blois. Moreover, the style of this castle had much influence in future architecture. This explains the singular rule of priority that applies to cars in the presence of people trotting along on horses in the park. René de Longueil a un atout de taille : le terrain qu’il possède est plein de potentiel, idéalement situé à mi-chemin entre Paris, la capitale, et Saint-Germain-en-Laye où le roi, Louis XIII, séjourne régulièrement. The chateau of Maisons-Laffitte © French Moments. Le vestibule est un chef-d’oeuvre d’élégance avec ses pilastres, son dallage de pierres noires et blanches… Quatre bas-reliefs, figurant les quatre éléments, surplombent les portes : ils sont l’œuvre du sculpteur Guérin sur un modèle dessiné par Jacques Sarrazin. The Château was designed by renowned French architect François Mansart from 1630 to 1651. The apartment includes a richly decorated ‘Salle des Fêtes‘ with a tribune for musicians, the ‘Salon d’Hercule‘ named after a painting of Hercules defeating the Hydra which used to stand on the chimney breast, the ‘Chambre du Roi‘ (King’s bedroom) a domed room, and the fine decorated ‘Cabinet aux miroirs‘ (small oval cabinet) with its mirrors and its pretty small cupola. How and where to rent a chateau in France? The works were interrupted in 1782 due to a lack of funds. In the 1830s, the Château’s owner, Jacques Laffitte, experienced financial difficulties. Classé monument historique depuis 1845, le château royal de Blois présente un magnifique panorama de l'art et de l'histoire des châteaux de la Loire. The main vestibule is the principal entrance to the centre of the Château. A few know that Château de Franconville was built having Maisons-Laffite as a model, also Plaza Constitución built in 1887 in Buenos Aires, currently a terminal train station was used as a model. He has a background teaching French, Economics and Current Affairs, and holds a Master of Translating and Interpreting English-French with the degree of Master of International Relations, and a degree of Economics and Management.