A false start is an attempt to start something, such as a speech, project, or plan, which fails because you were not properly prepared or ready to begin. Top synonyms for great start (other words for great start) are good start, headstart and good beginning. Finally, her husband has come to heel and they will buy a new car, as she wants. Understand start meaning and enrich your vocabulary 89 synonyms of start from the Merriam-Webster Thesaurus, plus 163 related words, definitions, and antonyms. What Is The Difference Between “It’s” And “Its”? The Great War started in August of that year... All of the passengers started the day with a swim. Good start synonyms and Good start antonyms. When something starts, or if someone starts it, it takes place from a particular time. But before you start to read let me explain what I intend to do. Top synonym for good start (another word for good start) is great start. Are You Learning English? “Epidemic” vs. “Pandemic” vs. “Endemic”: What Do These Terms Mean? a new employee who is able to, [Comp.];[Bus.] Any economic reform, he said, faced false starts and mistakes. The meanings of inaugurate and start largely overlap; however, inaugurate suggests a beginning of some formality or notion of significance. You use start to say what someone's first job was. ...1918, four years after the start of the Great War..., She demanded to know why she had not been told from the start. Synonyms for good-tasting include palatable, delicious, tasty, appetising, appetizing, delectable, luscious, savoury, toothsome and scrumptious. You can complete the list of synonyms of start given by the English Thesaurus dictionary with other English dictionaries: Wikipedia, Lexilogos, Oxford, Cambridge, Chambers Harrap, Wordreference, Collins Lexibase dictionaries, Merriam Webster... English-Synonyms dictionary : translate English words into Synonyms with online dictionaries. Übersicht im Wörterbuch für Synonyme, Bedeutungen und ähnlicher Wörter.
WORD ORIGINS ; LANGUAGE QUESTIONS ; WORD LISTS; SPANISH DICTIONARY; More. Mr. Dambar had started off as an assistant to Mrs. He was huddled with John trying to jump-start his car. On the 23rd we were engaged making preparations for a start for Eucla.
Start on this journey of progress and justice, and America will walk at your side. Online English Thesaurus von Collins: Mehr als 500.000 Synonyme und Antonyme - Mit Definitionen, Bedeutungen, Ausdrücken und Beispielen. GRAMMAR A-Z ; SPELLING ; PUNCTUATION ; WRITING TIPS ; USAGE ; EXPLORE . Learn a new word every day. You use for a start or to start with to introduce the first of a number of things or reasons that you want to mention or could mention. a device that once plugged in is automatically recognized by the system and launches the expected process without any action on the user's side; 2. appear, arise, begin, come into being, come into existence, commence, depart, first see the light of day, get on the road, get under way, go ahead, hit the road, activate, embark upon, engender, enter upon, get going, get (something) off the ground, get the ball rolling, initiate, instigate, kick off, kick-start, make a beginning, open, originate, put one's hand to the plough, set about, set in motion, set the ball rolling, start the ball rolling, take the first step, take the plunge, begin, create, establish, father, found, inaugurate, initiate, institute, introduce, launch, lay the foundations of, pioneer, set up, blench, flinch, jerk, jump, recoil, shy, twitch, beginning, birth, commencement, dawn, first step(s), foundation, inauguration, inception, initiation, kickoff, chance, helping hand, introduction, opening, opportunity, sponsorship, cease, conclude, delay, desist, end, finish, give up, put aside, put off, quit, stop, switch off, terminate, turn off, wind up, cessation, conclusion, dénouement, end, finale, finish, outcome, result, stop, termination, turning off, wind-up, English Collins Dictionary - English synonyms & Thesaurus. If you start out by doing something, you do it at the beginning of an activity. Subscribe to America's largest dictionary and get thousands more definitions and advanced search—ad free! If you start offby doing something, you do it as the first part of an activity. To start someone off means to cause them to begin doing something. put off. See also main entry: start See also main entry: start Thesaurus Trending Words. Synonyms & Antonyms of start Which of the following is a fruit named after a Moroccan seaport. How do you use good in a sentence? Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group. He lifted the bike off its stand and kick-started it. 1. 2.9%. See how your sentence looks with different synonyms. Although the words initiate and start have much in common, initiate implies taking a first step in a process or series that is to continue.
Her mother started her off acting in children's theatre.
can be used as both noun and adjective: plug and play device; plug and play employee or simply plug and play (noun), You want to reject this entry: please give us your comments (bad translation/definition, duplicate entries...), English Portuguese translation in context, Free: Learn English, French and other languages, Reverso Documents: translate your documents online, Learn English watching your favourite videos. the discovery of penicillin inaugurated a new era in medicine. She started off by accusing him of blackmail but he more or less ignored her... Joe Loss started off playing piano background music for silent films in the 1920s. All busy preparing for a start for the Head of the Bight to-morrow. If you start an engine, car, or machine, or if it starts, it begins to work. He started with a good holiday in Key West, Florida. While all these words mean "to take the first step in a course, process, or operation," start, opposed to stop, applies especially to first actions, steps, or stages.
He started the car, which hummed smoothly... We were just passing one of the parking bays when a car's engine started. Good Start synonyms.
Test Your Knowledge - and learn some interesting things along the way. If you startto do something, you do something that you were not doing before and you continue doing it.
(Entry 2 of 2). Translation English Cobuild Collins Dictionary, Collaborative Dictionary English Thesaurus, A specific technical worksheet tool with performer's requirements. E.g. ©2020 Reverso-Softissimo. Search start and thousands of other words in English definition and synonym dictionary from Reverso. Start up means the same as start., phrasal verb.
Delivered to your inbox! start synonyms and antonyms in the English synonyms dictionary, see also 'star',startle',stare',stark', definition. Definition and synonyms of start in life from the online English dictionary from Macmillan Education. Top synonyms for good start (other words for good start) are great start, good beginning and headstart. Daly was a fast-talking Irish-American who had started out as a salesman... What started out as fun quickly became hard work. 1‘there is always a market for a good product’, 3‘the children are good with most of their teachers’, 10‘tomorrow would be a good time to call’, 14‘give me one good reason why I should go’, 16‘a good number of them lost their lives’, 17‘this is something you would only tell a good friend’, 18‘don't you go getting your good clothes grubby’, 3‘they hope he will make good his promise of payment’, ‘luckily the police took the joke in good part’, ‘there is always a market for a good product’, , of high quality, of a high standard, quality, superior, , acceptable, adequate, in order, up to scratch, up to the mark, up to standard, up to par, competent, not bad, all right, , superb, outstanding, magnificent, of the highest quality, of the highest standard, exceptional, marvellous, wonderful, first-rate, first-class, superlative, splendid, admirable, worthy, sterling, , great, OK, hunky-dory, A1, ace, terrific, tremendous, fantastic, fab, supercalifragilisticexpialidocious, top-notch, tip-top, class, awesome, magic, wicked, , ripping, cracking, topping, top-hole, wizard, capital, champion, , righteous, moral, morally correct, ethical, upright, upstanding, high-minded, right-minded, right-thinking, principled, exemplary, clean, law-abiding, lawful, irreproachable, blameless, guiltless, unimpeachable, just, honest, honourable, unbribable, incorruptible, anti-corruption, , reputable, decent, respectable, noble, lofty, elevated, worthy, trustworthy, meritorious, praiseworthy, commendable, admirable, laudable, , pure as the driven snow, whiter than white, sinless, saintly, saintlike, godly, angelic, ‘the children are good with most of their teachers’, , obedient, dutiful, well mannered, well brought up, polite, civil, courteous, respectful, deferential, manageable, compliant, acquiescent, tractable, malleable, , expedient, favourable, auspicious, propitious, opportune, felicitous, timely, well judged, well timed, , able, proficient, adept, adroit, accomplished, seasoned, skilful, skilled, gifted, talented, masterly, virtuoso, expert, knowledgeable, qualified, trained, , mean, wicked, deadly, nifty, crack, super, ace, wizard, magic, , dependable, trustworthy, true, tried and true, faithful, devoted, steady, steadfast, staunch, unswerving, unwavering, constant, loyal, trusty, dutiful, dedicated, committed, unfailing, , fine, sound, tip-top, hale, hale and hearty, hearty, lusty, fit, robust, sturdy, strong, vigorous, , pleasant, agreeable, pleasing, pleasurable, delightful, great, nice, lovely, amusing, diverting, jolly, merry, lively, festive, cheerful, convivial, congenial, sociable, , fantastic, fabulous, fab, terrific, glorious, grand, magic, out of this world, cool, , wizard, corking, spiffing, ripping, top-hole, topping, champion, beezer, , kindly, kind-hearted, good-hearted, friendly, obliging, generous, charitable, magnanimous, gracious, sympathetic, benevolent, benign, altruistic, unselfish, selfless, , suitable, appropriate, fitting, fit, suited, agreeable, , timely, well timed, favourable, advantageous, expedient, felicitous, propitious, auspicious, happy, providential, , health-giving, healthful, healthy, nourishing, nutritious, nutritional, strengthening, beneficial, salubrious, salutary, , safe to eat, fit to eat, fit to be eaten, fit for human consumption, , mouth-watering, appetizing, tasty, flavoursome, flavourful, delectable, toothsome, inviting, enjoyable, palatable, , nectareous, nectarean, flavorous, sapid, ‘give me one good reason why I should go’, , genuine, authentic, legitimate, sound, bona fide, , persuasive, forceful, striking, telling, potent, powerful, strong, cogent, compelling, , weighty, important, meaningful, influential, , full, entire, complete, solid, not less than, at least, , sizeable, substantial, appreciable, significant, , tolerable, fair, reasonable, tidy, hefty, , plentiful, abundant, superabundant, great, large, lavish, profuse, generous, ‘this is something you would only tell a good friend’, , inseparable, attached, loving, devoted, faithful, constant, , best, fast, firm, valued, treasured, cherished, ‘don't you go getting your good clothes grubby’, , finest, newest, nice, nicest, smart, smartest, special, party, Sunday, formal, , clear, sunny, sunshiny, cloudless, unclouded, without a cloud in the sky, , righteousness, virtuousness, goodness, morality, ethicalness, uprightness, upstandingness, integrity, principle, dignity, rectitude, rightness, , truth, truthfulness, honour, incorruptibility, probity, propriety, worthiness, worth, merit, , blamelessness, purity, pureness, lack of corruption, justice, justness, fairness, , advantage, profit, gain, interest, welfare, well-being, enjoyment, satisfaction, comfort, ease, convenience, , aid, assistance, use, usefulness, avail, service, behalf, , very well, all right, right, right then, right you are, yes, agreed, , OK, oke, okey-dokey, okey-doke, wilco, roger, , mend, fix, patch up, put right, set right, put to rights, see to, , remedy, rectify, put back into its original condition, make as good as new, , reconstruct, remodel, refit, refurbish, recondition, , conduct, perform, implement, execute, carry out, perpetrate, , accomplish, succeed in, realize, attain, manage, engineer, bring about, bring off, carry off, carry through, ‘they hope he will make good his promise of payment’, , carry out, carry through, implement, execute, effect, discharge, perform, honour, redeem, , observe, abide by, comply with, obey, respect, conform to, stick to, act in accordance with, act according to, have regard to, heed, follow, pay attention to, defer to, take notice of, be bound by, keep faith with, live up to, stand by, adhere to, , good-humouredly, without offence, amicably, favourably, with forbearance, patiently, tolerantly, indulgently, cheerfully, well, , not take offence at, not be upset by, not be bothered by, not disapprove of, not resent, not mind, take kindly to, , achieve success, be successful, be a success, do well, get ahead, reach the top, become famous, achieve recognition, distinguish oneself, set the world on fire, , make the grade, cut it, crack it, make a name for oneself, make one's mark, get somewhere, arrive, do all right for oneself, bring home the bacon, find a place in the sun, , permanently, for always, for good and all, perpetually, eternally, evermore, for evermore, for ever and ever, for all time, for all future time, to the end of time, until the end of time, world without end, endlessly, timelessly, for eternity, in perpetuity, everlastingly, enduringly, never to return, , until hell freezes over, until doomsday, until the cows come home, , deathlessly, imperishably, abidingly, sempiternally, perdurably, These Foreign Words And Phrases Are Now Used In English.