Madame Viper |

[16]​, Después del Día M, X-23 fue uno de los pocos mutantes que conservó sus poderes. Durante su infancia fue entrenada como asesina hasta que una serie de tragedias la llevaría a encontrarse con Wolverine y los X-Men. Venom | Poco después de su despido de Fuerza-X, X-23 sigue la pista de un científico de Arma X llamado Detlef Metzger a un restaurante. Niles Van Roekel | La Academia considera que no necesita ningún entrenamiento de combate después de que ella luchó contra Tigra. To uphold and continue his father's legacy, enslave all mutants, exploit them and also become rich (failed), Experimenting on mutants and torturing them. [37]​ Posteriormente, Laura decide hacerse responsable de su joven clon Gabby, llevándola a vivir junto a ella. Plusieurs séries télévisées se déroulant dans le même univers que les films sont donc actuell…

Dr. Kinney took X-23 out on a mission to rescue her niece not long after which greatly upset Zander. Aunque Kinney continua en el proyecto, Rice exige venganza por su insubordinación obligándola a actuar como la madre sustituta de la muestra. He signed a project, named "Project: Transigen", whose purpose was to capture and control mutantkind. When the other doctors objected, stating it was inhuman, he kicked them out of the room. [11], Following the kidnapping of Daken by the Orphans of X, Laura returned to the installation where she was bred when she recognized its scent on a note left with his severed arm. Over Sutter and Rice's objections, Sarah went forward to create a female version of Wolverine, and thus Laura Kinney/X-23 was born. [38]​, Durante los eventos de la saga Guerra Civil II, Laura y Gabby se encuentran con un viejo Logan (Old Man Logan), proveniente de un futuro alterno.[39]​. The briefcase along with Dale's damaged dog tags were picked up by Dr. Martin Sutter, a colleague of his. Allí se reencuentra con Kimura, quien le corta su brazo izquierdo. Dr. Zander Rice is the head of Essex Corp., and the main antagonist of the 2017 Marvel superhero film Logan. [2], Raised in captivity, X-23 was trained to be a weapon. He develops a pheromone "trigger" that activates her berserker rage and uses it to get X-23 to kill her kind-hearted martial arts instructor, and leaves her behind on a mission to be killed after he murders the other members of the team so he can claim they were taking fire and had to retreat. A sophisticated sadist would be the best way to describe Dr. Zander Rice. X-24 watching Rice's corpse, moments before having his vicious breakdown. He leads The Reavers to attack the mutants near the borderline with Canada. Emily Warren Rice - Nombre Completo: Emily Warren Rice, Género: Femenino ♀, Ocupaciones: Colorista "[9], Several months after Sarah's death, Laura returned to her aunt's house and lived with her and Megan. Arcade | X-23, alias de Laura Kinney, es una superheroína ficticia de Marvel Comics, principalmente asociada a los X-Men.Fue creada por Craig Kyle para la serie animada X-Men: Evolution donde hizo su primera aparición en el capítulo 41 de la tercera temporada estrenado en agosto de 2003.

[5] Unknown to her he put the trigger scent in her hair. Otherwise, you should close this page and view another page. X-23 derrota salvajemente a Deathstrike, vengándose del ataque a Hellion. Brigade | [4], X-23's services were subsequently sold to the highest bidder and she was left emotionally stunted as a result. Extrae sus garras, las cubre con adamantium y las vuelve a colocar en sus manos y pies, un procedimiento que se lleva a cabo sin anestesiar a la niña. El proyecto se toma en una nueva dirección: el Dr. Martin Sutter recluta a la renombrada genetista mutante, la Dra. The team managed to destroy everything they left behind before withdrawing, though Stark successfully analyzed a few of the genetic sequences in the database first. Marvel Studios est la propriété de The Walt Disney Company. Sebastian Shaw | Luego de esto, X-23 parte y decide enfrentarse al hombre que hizo posible su creación: Wolverine. X-Men Origins: Wolverine: William Stryker Jr. | Sabretooth | Deadpool | Agent Zero | Blob Evil-doer Uphold and continue his father's legacy and avenge his father's death by killing Logan via X-24.Suppress and gain control of the mutant gene and to use it in order to create Laura and X-24 and to control over them and the other children (all succeeded).Recapture X-23/Laura and the other clones in order to exploit their abilities into financial profits and thus to enslave all mutants (failed). Crossbones | Crimes Con la ayuda de sus nuevas amigas (y el mutante llamado Bobby Soul), Zebra Daddy y sus matones son derrotados: X-23 lo mata para salvar las vidas de sus amigos. Capitán América quiere que X-23 expie los crímenes que ha cometido. Sin embargo, el agente muere a manos de X-23. Asistió a las escuelas de los X-Men y de Los Vengadores, además fue miembro de los X-Men y de la Fuerza-X. [20]​, Más adelante, X-23 viaja al pasado para evitar la nueva propagación del Virus de legado. Impossible Man | The problem with recreating Wolverine was that no subsequent subjects had possessed Wolverine's healing powers, and as such none could survive the operation. Bastion | Tiene dos garras en las manos a diferencia de las tres de Wolverine, pero tiene una en cada pie. [9]​, Después de siete años, Rice somete a X-23 a envenenamiento por radiación para activar su gen mutante. En la ciudad de Nueva York, se le informa que los laboratorios Alchemax Genetic han creado más clones de ella (Gabby, Zelda y Bellona), que han sido modificadas para no sentir dolor y han escapado. Magneto | Additional Notice: This template is meant for admin maintenance only. [26]​ No information La conversación es interrumpida cuando el Capitán América viene a arrestar Laura. Users who misuse the template will be blocked for a week minimum. [27]​ Los X-Men están perplejos acerca de su situación y ella decide abandonar Utopía. Disfruta de las últimas noticias y novedades del mundo del cómic en la web de

Alias [15], Laura would unexpectedly encounter her mother's legacy once more not long after. He then convinced Dr. Sutter to make him head of everything saying that he had "already lost one father to the program" and that he didn't want to lose another. He later founded a terrorist organization named The Reavers, and commanded them, alongside his mercenary, Donald Pierce. [12] Unfortunately, it turned out to be a ruse; Daken discovered the Orphans were monitoring Laura during his escape,[13] and upon his arrival at the home of Megan and Deborah realized that her mother was a fake. X-23 y Júbilo están caminando en las calles de París, y son acosados por un grupo de hombres. [3], Sarah Kinney was one of the preeminent experts on mutant genetics at the time she was hired by the Facility.[2]. Mr. Siniestro aprovecha para poseer el cuerpo de X-23 y atacar a Claudine Renko, que como "Miss Siniestro", ha usurpado su personalidad. Fue creada por Craig Kyle para la serie animada X-Men: Evolution donde hizo su primera aparición en el capítulo 41 de la tercera temporada estrenado en agosto de 2003. Dr. Zander Rice is the main antagonist of the 2005 Marvel Comics X-Men storyline, Innocence Lost.

Zander's attack has caused the deaths of Will Munson and his family. Zander tried to get Caliban to control the mutants, however, instead, he took control of X-24, and caused him to kill a few of Zander's soldiers. He continues speaking about his intentions to use the mutants and exploit their powers, for his own benefit. Beyonder | He is the surgical head of Essex Corp, the leader and employer of The Reavers, and the one behind Project: Transigen. Dr. Rice and Dr. Kinney did not get along, constantly butting heads, especially when Dr. Kinney produced a female clone rather than an exact clone. la utilice como su propia arma. Vulture. Sarah Kinney, para desarrollar un clon de Wolverine. Nitro | X-23 es una clon de Wolverine creada para ser una asesina perfecta. Killed by The Wolverine, his son, Zander took over the company.

[11]​, X-23 toma un trabajo como camarera en el club nocturno mutante "Wannabee", en el Barrio Mutante de Nueva York. He said she could see her little "pet," a name he often called X-23, one more time. Cíclope la envía a visitar un centro de rehabilitación en San Francisco para los mutantes que tratan de vivir una vida normal, sin embargo, cuando ella camina hacia el edificio, de repente tiene una visión similar a sus sueños con el edificio en llamas y rodeado de cadáveres. [9]​, La sobrina de Kinney, Megan, es secuestrada por un asesino en serie; ella contrabandea a X-23 fuera de la instalación para rescatarla. [5] Sarah Kinney let her out once, not as an attempt to escape, but instead to use X-23 to help her find her niece, Megan, who had been kidnapped by a known child killer. Savage Land Mutates | The Reavers are eventually defeated in a battle with the mutants. En la Tierra Salvaje, X-23 y los X-Men se unen a Ka-Zar y sus aliados, los mutados de la Tierra Salvaje, para evitar que los Hauk'ka destruyan la civilización humana.

He was portrayed by Richard E. Grant, who also played Barkis Bittern in Corpse Bride, The Great Intelligence in Doctor Who, Vic Van Wrinkle in Horrid Henry: The Movie, The Man With a Beard But No Hair in A Series of Unfortunate Events and General Pryde in Star Wars: Episode IX - The Rise of Skywalker. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. He is portrayed by Richard E. Grant, who also voiced Barkis Bittern. Después, el grupo logra derrotar (o más bien retardar) los planes malvados de Bastion. However, before he manages, an angered Wolverine shoots Zander's head, causing him to fall to his death. En 2015, tras la muerte de Wolverine, X-23 lo reemplazó adoptando tanto su nombre como su traje característico en la serie de cómics All New Wolverine. What The--?! He and the Reavers later go to stop the mutants from crossing the border into Canada. The Wink | Wolverine oversees Dr. Zander's attack, far away from the mutant kids' house, located on the top of a tall mountain. Debido a esto, ella duerme fuera para no causar ninguna alarma entre sus compañeros de cuarto. Rice is a sadistic and heartless monster that tortures and enslaves mutant kids for monetary gain, making their lives absolute nightmares in the process. X-23 was able to kill Sutter and his wife, Rachel, but was unwilling to kill their son, Henry, whom she left alive. His father, Dale Rice, founded a tyrannical company named Essex Corp., and controlled the Alkali facility. He determines that X-24 has fulfilled the project's purpose and decides to kill all of the remaining mutant children. Type of Villain Dr. Kinney secretly read children's books to her and did her best to ensure the child retained some semblance of humanity, but her efforts appeared to be in vain. Lamentablemente esta versión futura de Kiden está conectada a varias máquinas y se utiliza como generador para crear una anomalía temporal que interrumpe la tecnología de viaje en el tiempo, atrapando a X-23, Fuerza-X, Cable y Hope en el futuro. X-23 es herida en el cuello, con lo que despiertan los instintos vampiros de Júbilo, quien la muerde. Laura, junto con la mayor parte de Fuerza-X, acompaña a Cable y Cypher al futuro en un intento de cerrar la invasión Nimrod. [33]​, X-23 se presenta como uno de los estudiantes en la nueva Academia Vengadores. Kinney es despedida cuando regresa y es escoltada fuera de la base. [15]​, X-23 es elegida por la entidad cósmica Uni-Power para convertirse en Capitán Universo. Dr. RiceRice Zander Rice A search of the halls led her to a lab where she found someone floating in a stasis tank, and upon smashing it open in fear that Daken was trapped inside, Laura was instead shocked to discover "Sarah," seemingly alive. M.O.D.O.K. X-23 le informa a Megan que el hombre de sus pesadillas es real, y ella lo mató. If you are 18 years or older or are comfortable with graphic material, you are free to view this page.

Wolverine knows what Zander is up to, and runs Zander then returns to his base, and starts planning his strategy, while The Reavers take care of X-24 and Donald Pierce. Brotherhood of Mutants | Due to a decision made by Dr. Sutter, Zander was forced to work with Dr. Sarah Kinney, a talented geneticist who was going to attempt to clone Logan.