Get data on forest fires, compiled annually for the National Forestry Database. :�W��1��ʪ�����ޜ1G'�e���{���כ����E���� ғ�"��=�L#D]X�0���G@Z���""@�J;0p000�4�N`�`�``r`b`�*9y�؁׃ٗᢃ�cC�U ���a��{�8[�2f1�>aa�q` `�`H`g`]��T,z��P$�A� P*("��Z � �1 �� T\ TT��b8�& � C 0000002575 00000 n They have been scanned and are in the process of being inventoried and labelled. 1-Acreage burned in fires from all causes, on four National Forests, 1960-1 969 . Forest fire data is grouped into eight categories, which are further broken down by geographic location. 1109 0 obj<>stream ], Forest area burned and number of forest fires. 0000197191 00000 n See historical wildfires and wildfire perimeters on the Fire, Weather & Avalanche Center Wildfire Map. 0000011246 00000 n 0000001779 00000 n The Alberta Forest Service initiated the modern era of wildfire recordkeeping in 1931, the first complete fire season under provincial jurisdiction. Superficie forestière brûlée et nombre ... Aviation, Forest Fire and Emergency Services Branch, number of fires by cause class and response category, area burned by cause class and response category, number of fires by month and response category, area burned by month and response category, number of fires by fire size class and response category, area burned by fire size class and response category, area burned by productivity class, stocking class, maturity class and response category, other fire statistics, such as property losses. 0000002555 00000 n %%EOF Fires burning 10,000 acres National Forest Total or more and State fires Num- … 0000003733 00000 n 0000195928 00000 n Perth, Australia. Starting in 1996, paper records were no longer being retained and wildfire history data have been entered at the field level on the Fire Information Resource Evaluation System (FIRES). x�b```" �(-� Ā B,�@�q�Ӕ��7q%�1���-=Pw�����4$�X�;� 0000009291 00000 n 0000008437 00000 n From 1931 to 1968, reports were originally kept on microfilm. Fire Type: (BIA,BLM,NPS,BOR) All Action fire/suppressed fires Natural out Support action/assist fire Fire management/prescribed fire False alarm Severity General Cause: (BIA,BLM,NPS,BOR) 0000003842 00000 n 0000001000 00000 n 1076 34 Tell us what you think about our data and how you’re using it. [See the licence for how you're allowed to use this data. 0000001908 00000 n * 2004 fires and acres do not include state lands for North Carolina **Protected Federal lands in Alaska are included from 1959; All State, private and Federal lands in Alaska and Hawaii data are from 1960. 0000005005 00000 n 0000011554 00000 n 0000197828 00000 n Abstract 0000004178 00000 n xref Advances in Forest Fire Research – Page1366 Evaluating wildfire simulators using historical fire data George J Milne, Joel K Kelso, Drew Mellor and Mary E Murphy University of Western Australia. <]>> Over the years, this information has been recorded, stored and made available in different formats. 0000009407 00000 n 0 Please contact us to obtain assistance in either official language. The International Multiproxy Paleofire Database (IMPD) is an archive of fire history data derived from natural proxies. To request these files, interested parties can e-mail: From 1961 to 1982, reports were entered and stored on a mainframe. 0000001431 00000 n [Learn more] [See the licence for how you're allowed to use this data.]. National Fire News Year-to-Date Fires and Acres. 0000001634 00000 n Interactive historical 2019 wildfire map for the United States, including California, Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Arizona, and others. 0000003956 00000 n 0000004065 00000 n Data in this record is open and is published in the language in which it’s collected. The National Forestry Database includes national forest data and forest management statistics to seve as a credible, accurate and reliable source of information on forest management and its impact on the forest resource. Any request for these files will require at least three-week’s notice. Current Wildland Fire Information. Table . These include: The data described here is available for you to use. 0000011721 00000 n 0000006715 00000 n 0000010392 00000 n A client-server architecture employed over a wide area network allows users to maintain a central database. 0000004092 00000 n 0000004013 00000 n %PDF-1.4 %���� Incident Management Situation Report. 0000196562 00000 n 0000005845 00000 n endstream endobj 1108 0 obj<>/Size 1076/Type/XRef>>stream startxref FireSmart Guidebook for Community Protection, 2015 Fire Season and Wildfire Management Program Review. 1076 0 obj <> endobj The IMPD, which includes data from tree scars and establishment data, and charcoal in sediment records, has been established with guidance from an Advisory Board to provide a permanent repository for high-quality paleofire records from around the world. The data on fire size yield a useful comparison, based on reports from four National Forests (table 1). From 1983 to 1995, records were entered and stored on microcomputers at the Provincial Forest Fire Centre. x���1 0ð4d�j\GbG&`�'MF[����. ***Beginning in 1966, when Arizona entered the Cooperative Forest Fire Control Program, statistics became available for all 50 States. 0000007580 00000 n From 1983 to 1995, records were entered and stored on microcomputers at the Provincial Forest Fire Centre. read more. Historical Wildland Fire Information. Get data on forest fires, compiled annually for the National Forestry Database. 0000009519 00000 n Below you will find the data downloads and corresponding dictionaries to support each time period. Protecting Ontario’s biodiversity while promoting economic opportunities in the resource sector and supporting outdoor recreation opportunities. trailer Subscribe to updates to this dataset using RSS. Starting in 1996, paper records were no longer being retained and wildfire history data have been entered at the field level on the Fire Information Resource Evaluation System (FIRES). 0000003984 00000 n 0000001931 00000 n �pu�f�u \4�A�a��b`�-��3�wҌ@� � �eZZ 0000000016 00000 n 0000198464 00000 n