Just like you. Initially perceived as hostile for being a Kraang, Bishop explains his background as an Utrom, and how the Utroms are a peaceful group of Kraang who defected and how they oppose the Kraang Hive Mind. He made a Utrom vow not to deal with Earthly matters but broke it to warn the turtles about the Triceratons. Bishop wins over the Turtles' trust and helps them fight against the simultaneous invasions of both the Kraang and Triceratons. However, when Raph reveals Chompy, Bishop is horrified they brought him to Earth and demands they hand him over, but Raph refuses. His father took him from the hospital and submitted him to an unknown procedure that saved his life. Type of Hero Bishop benötigte die genetischen Informationen der Turtles und Meister Splinters, um eine Armee von Übermenschen herzustellen, die als eine sofort einsetzbare Schutztruppe gegen Alienangriffe fungieren sollte; alle diese Klone sollten auch auf Bishops eigenen genetischen Material basiert sein, aufgrund seiner überragenden physischen Fähigkeiten. Bishop is a supporting hero in the 2012 incarnation of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. The Turtles identified it as a Kraang, and followed the speeding car. Raphael (TMNT 2007 CGI) | To make matters worse, General Griffen has ordered the commander and his troops to apprehend the Turtles. Not a lowly rat who abandons his children... leaving them to their pitiful deaths. Max Winters | He gained a valuable asset in the Desperate Measures arc, when the E.P.F. He works to protect the earth from alien invasion. Fugitoid | The concept of Bishop having a artificial robotic body used in this series was incorporated into his IDW Comics incarnation, where in that series he was a deformed human (as a result of being born prematurely) instead of an Utrom. Agent John Bishop ist ein Spezialagent der US-Regierung, Leiter der Earth Protection Force ("Erdschutztruppe") und ein Antagonist - und gelegentlicher Verbündeter - der Turtles aus der 2003 Zeichentrickserie. Bishop is a helpful and caring Utrom. A new version of the character, known simply as Bishop appears in the 2012 TV series, voiced by Nolan North. Likewise, his Kraang form looks exactly like a normal Kraang. Nexons ago in Dimension X, Bishop became a part of the Utrom High Council in an unknown time period, alongside with his brother, Knight. Unfaithful to his own kind and shamefully disloyal to his own father. I'm powerful. Michelangelo (1990's Live-Action Flim Series) | He is an ally of the Ninja Turtles.

Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. He'd seen the real monsters and knew my life—all human life—was worth preserving, if only to ensure our race could defend itself against the unearthly invaders. MIDNIGHT.". Bishop encounters the Turtles again, but this time, in Dimension X. Somebody has to save us, doctor. Raphael (TMNT 2012) | All of us. And with abominations like this thing running loose on our world, I'm needed. Bishop is a member of the Utroms who sent the Fugitoid to the Turtles. Bishop tries to overrule him, but the commander refuses to defy Griffin's orders, leaving Bishop to deal with the troops while the Turtles take another Kraang Stealth Ship to take Chompy back to Tokka. Zog (2003 TV Series) |

Michelangelo (TMNT 2018) | Lessons taught to me by my father. Despite my appearance, I am still human. Bishop war ursprünglich ein Offizier der Armee der Vereinigten Staaten aus dem frühen 19. John Bishop was born to Wayne and Marie Bishop … Starlee Hambrath, 2012 Series At some point, he even designed the Norman disguises, which later on became the disguise he started to become known for. Nachdem er die Präsenz der Turtles in der Zukunft entdeckte, heuerte Bishop sie gelegentlich für Spezialmissionen an, bei denen ihm ihre speziellen Talente besonders nützlich waren, da er als Präsident und Führer einer unparteiischen Organisation keine direkten Operationen mehr durchführen konnte. He was captured by the Foot Clan shortly thereafter, and Splinter offered him a temporary alliance in order to neutralize the threat. April O'Neil (TMNT 2003) | Later at the TCRI building, the Turtles team split ways to find the solution to deal with Tokka. 3117 BAYFRONT STREET. Als Leiter der Earth Protection Force steht Bishop eine große Auswahl an irdischer und außerirdischer Hochtechnologie zur Verfügung.

Nanobot (TMNT) | Shinigami | Splinter (TMNT 1987) |

[9][10][11] Obwohl die Turtles ihm aufgrund ihrer nicht so gut verlaufenen gemeinsamen Vergangenheit zunächst sehr mißtrauten, kamen sie nach und nach doch noch zur Überzeugung, dass Menschen sich doch noch ändern konnten. The Ninja Tribunal | Dr. Tyler Rockwell | Being this way. Given how this encounter takes place months before Annihilation: Earth, this is technically the first time Bishop meets the turtles. Leonardo (1990's Live-Action Film Series), Donatello (1990's Live-Action Film Series), Michelangelo (1990's Live-Action Flim Series), https://hero.fandom.com/wiki/Bishop_(TMNT_2012)?oldid=2032456, This version of Bishop is much more heroic than the. Family is a father who loves and accepts his son no matter what others say. From a young age he was extremely intelligent, but his body was stunted and deformed. Karai | Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (1990 film), A chief agent of the Utroms, the Turtles' ally, To aid the Turtles in protecting the Earth from the Triceraton Empire, Leonardo, Donatello, Michelangelo, Raphael, April O'Neil, Casey Jones, Splinter, Leatherhead, Fugitoid, Sal-Commander, Mona Lisa, Queen, Pawn, Rook, General Griffen (formerly), Kraang Subprime (archenemy), Newtralizer (second archenemy), General Griffen, Mozar. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. However, the Triceratons destroyed Bishop's suit and he scuttled off. Raphael (TMNT 2003) | Annihilation Earth: While the Turtles, April O'Neil, and Casey Jones were strolling around the city in the Shell Raiser, all of the sudden a black sedan pasts by them. Overcome. TMNT Comics/1987 Series https://tmnt2012series.fandom.com/wiki/Bishop?oldid=73636. He made a Utrom vow not to deal with Earthly matters but broke it to warn the turtles about the Triceratons. Traximus | April O'Neil (TMNT 2018), Movies surrounded the TCRI building in order to capture the mutant Zodi, leading to a siege in which the Turtles struggled to escape capture. Bishop encounters the Turtles again, but this time, in Dimension X. Jack Kurtzman | The Turtles soon lose Bishop, but, in an alley way, they spot Bishop's garfitti on the wall. Karai (TMNT 2012) | Hobby Agent John Bishop (also simply known as John Bishop), or better known as Agent Bishop, is a major antagonist in the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles series. Ever since then, Bishop has been trying to convince his brother to join back with Utrom High Council, even though the former now considers the latter as a traitor. Bishop was to have appeared in additional storyline for the Fast Forward series, but it was discontinued in favor of Back to the Sewer. Leonardo (TMNT 2003) | To protect and to lead does not come without difficult choices and sacrifice. He rejoined the Turtles to help them disable the Heart of Darkness. Donatello (TMNT 1987) |

Um eine mögliche Alieninvasion effektiv bekämpfen zu können, benutzte Bishop jedes Mittel, das er nur in die Hände kriegen konnte - von geborgener oder auch gestohlener Alientechnologie bis hin zu geheimen (und auch recht illegalen und unethischen) Experimenten an gefangenen Aliens und Mutanten. Allerdings hat sein Körpersystem die dumme Angewohnheit, mit der Zeit diese Modifikationen abzustoßen und damit den Körper allmählich zu zerstören. He was attacked by the Turtles and the Mutanimals while breaching the island's defenses in an attempt to free Slash from under his control. Splinter (TMNT Live Action 2014) | A chief agent of the Utroms, the Turtles' ally April O'Neil (TMNT 1987) | In this continuity, he is a member of the Utrom, a Kraang tribe … He was paranoid about both mutants and aliens, believing they all pose an immediate existential threat to humanity, and was determined to eradicate them all without any consideration for losses and without any compromise. Leonardo (TMNT 2018) | Utroms | On several occasions, Bishop can easily subdue the Turtles in a fight, as well as is capable of taking on hordes of Kraang, Triceratons, and Earth Protection Force alike. It was later revealed that Bishop had escaped from the Triceraton attack on the Technodrome by riding Leatherhead to shore. Shortly after his exo-suit was repaired, Bishop was confronted with a new entity: Metalhead, who offered the four Turtles in exchange for access to Area 51's computers. It will be the last thing you ever see. [16] Zu diesem Zweck versklavte Bishop sogar Slash als seine persönliche lebende Waffe. Serling | https://turtlepedia.fandom.com/wiki/Jonathan_Bishop_(IDW)?oldid=523050, This is the second version of Bishop whose visible body is revealed to actually be an exo-suit his much smaller self is piloting, after. captured Slash and turned him into a controllable weapon. Marvel at the true reality of what I am. Bishop wins over the Turtles' trust and helps them fight against the simultaneous invasions of both the Kraang and Triceratons. Mona Lisa | Bishop finishes off the troops engaging him, before contacting the troops engaging Tokka and orders them to withdraw, but once again, orders from General Griffen overrule him. He serves one of the three main antagonists of the fourth season of the 2003 series (alongside Karai and Hun), and a supporting protagonist in the sixth season, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Fast Forward.
Agent John Bishop is a special agent of the U.S. government, head of the Earth Protection Force and an antagonist - and occasional ally - of the Turtles.He works to protect the earth from alien invasion. Hob blasted off Bishop's head, only for his true appearance to be revealed in his robot chassis. Bishop is a member of the Utroms who sent the Fugitoid to the Turtles.

Now that he is helping out the Earth more, he has become the leader of the Earth Protection Force and has provided them with some Utrom technology, to better prepare them for alien threats in New York City. It was also revealed that he now appeared to be a cyborg with a metal skull and fully mechanical hands. To find out where they had gone, he ordered Detective Kara Lewis to bring Baxter Stockman to him, and obtained the current whereabouts of the aliens. It was Bishop inside. Origin Michelangelo (TMNT Live Action 2014) | The Ancient One | Es ist jedoch bekannt, dass Bishop wenigstens einmal einen kompletten Transfer seiner Persönlichkeit in einen geklonten Körper durchführen musste; wieviele Male insgesamt und in welchen Zeitabständen, bleibt in der Serie allerdings ungeklärt.[2]. Donatello (TMNT 2003) |