The high reliefs of the walls represent fish, directed towards the north and the south (what can be interpreted as representation of the two currents that mark the Peruvian coast: that of Humboldt, cold, that comes from the south and the one of El Niño, hot, that comes from the north), waves, rombito (fishing nets), as well as pelicans and anzumitos (mixture of sea lion and otter). Moreover it is difficult to imagine which purpose each structure served. Updates? It was probably constructed around 850 AD. Royal tomb in the Tschudi citadel at Chan Chan archaeological site, near Trujillo, Peru. A Pan-American Course on the Conservation and Management of Earthen Architectural and Archaeological Heritage was funded by many institutes coming together, including ICCROM, the Getty Conservation Institute, and the Government of Peru.[12]. Omissions? A two-day ticket costs 10 PEN. We visited as part of a tour from the Holland America ship, Volendam.

Increased rain also leads to increased humidity, and as humidity gathers in the bases of these structures, salt contamination and vegetation growth can occur, which further damage the integrity of Chan Chan's foundations. Chan Chan (literally sun sun) was the largest city of the pre-Columbian era in South America. [15], The ancient structures of Chan Chan are threatened by erosion due to changes in weather patterns — heavy rains, flooding, and strong winds. [7] Chan Chan is the largest mud city in the world, and its fragile material is cause for concern. The central area is formed by a Pull Stone Island Homme set of 10 walled enclosures (called "citadels"). [9] There are no enclosures opening north because the north-facing walls have the greatest sun exposure, serving to block wind and absorb sunlight where fog is frequent. [8] In addition to the ciudadelas, other compounds present in Chan Chan include courts, or audencias,[14] small, irregular agglutinated rooms (SIARs) and mounds called huacas. [15] To increase the farmland surrounding the city, a vast network of canals diverting water from the Moche river were created. Privacy Statement Chan Chan was the largest city of the pre-Columbian era in South America. It was the residence of the king, queens and priests and also served as commercial, political and ad, Chan Chan (literally sun sun) was the largest city of the pre-Columbian era in South America.
On 28 November 1986, UNESCO designated Chan Chan as a World Heritage Site [13] as well as placed it on the List of World Heritage in Danger. The Chan Chan, Peru, Ruins, once formed the capital of the former Chimu kingdom in the Moche Valley near Trujillo, has been declared a UNESCO World Heritage site. Über mehr als 20 km² erstreckte sich die Hauptstadt der Chimú, die nach der Eroberung der Inka zunehmend an Glanz verlor und bei der Ankunft der Spanier nur noch ein trauriges Abbild von dem lieferte, was sie einmal war. Chan Chan is located approximately 5km west of the city of Trujillo in northern Peru. The latter is extensive and rather exposed to sun and dust. [14] This further supports evidence for a hierarchical structure of society in Chan Chan as it was likely that the construction of this architecture was done by the working class. What's the Difference Between England, Britain and the U.K.? Die hohen Mauern sind kunstvoll bemalt oder mit Reliefs verziert, die Fische, Vögel und mythische Figuren darstellen. In 1998, The "Master Plan for Conservation and Management of the Chan Chan Archeological Complex" was drawn up by the Freedom National Culture Institute of Peru with contributions from the World Heritage Foundation – WHR, ICCROM, and GCI. Zur Besichtigung ist nur der Bezirk „Tschudi“ freigegeben. Located near the Pacific coast city of Trujillo, Chan Chan was the capital of the Chimú civilization, which lasted from A.D. 850 to around 1470. Some friezes are being hardened with a solution of distilled water and cactus juice, while others have been photographed, then covered to protect them. The central area is formed by a Pull Stone Island Homme set of 10 walled enclosures (called "citadels"). The plan was approved by the Peruvian Government. Very well presented and preserved, excellent museum and a 10 minute video that is nothing short of outstanding (do not miss). "The Chimú were a highly organized civilization" and any water damage to the adobe-brick structures of Chan Chan "could be repaired immediately," says Claudia Riess, a German native who now works as a guide to archaeological sites in northern Peru. The carvings at Chan Chan depict crabs, turtles, and nets for catching sea creatures (such as Spondylus.

Nur die zentralen Bezirke der Anlage, die einst zehntausende von Personen fassen konnte, sind heute noch erhalten und geben eine leise Ahnung von der Pracht, die das präkolumbische Volk der Chimú erschaffen hat. Adobe citadel at the Chan Chan archaeological site, near Trujillo, Peru.

Just one downside: the relentless onslaught of the. The size of the city and buildings is impressive. Der nach dem Schweizer Forscher Johann von Tschudi benannte Palastbezirk ist bisher am besten restauriert und eines der Zeugnisse der tiefen Religiosität der Chimú. While erratic water supplies created myriad challenges for agriculture, the Chimú could always count on the bounty of the sea. This is the largest city in pre colombian era in South America and largest adobe city in the world. Chan Chan is a labyrinth of dwellings, palaces, fortifications, streets, storehouses and temples, all organised into a well-planned city structure spanning approximately 20 square kilometres. Today, however, Chan Chan is threatened by too much water, as torrential rains gradually wash away the nine-square-mile ancient city. There is also a small Chan Chan Museum - Museo de Sitio - housing some finds from the site. [10] The tallest walls shelter against south-westerly winds from the coast. Each of these contains pyramidal temples, cemeteries, gardens, reservoirs, and symmetrically arranged rooms. The heart of Chan-Chan is made by 10 citadels, called that way becaus… It was the Chimor empire capital city with an estimated population of 40,000–60,000 people. When a drought, coupled with movements in the earth's crust, apparently caused the underground water table to drop sometime around the year 1000, Chimú rulers devised a bold plan to divert water through a canal from the Chicama River 50 miles to the north. Its economy was based on agriculture, which in that dry region was supported by irrigation ditches.

Besonders seit dem 20 Jahrhundert ist Chan Chan durch die veränderten Wetterbedingungen, wie den starken Regenfällen des Naturphänomens „El Niño“ vom Verfall bedroht und steht damit auf der Roten Liste des gefährdeten Naturerbes der UNESCO. The "Shi" voice translates as Moon and "An" as a house, meaning House of the Moon, making known that the Moon was the main deity.

Now they occur more frequently. Encyclopaedia Britannica's editors oversee subject areas in which they have extensive knowledge, whether from years of experience gained by working on that content or via study for an advanced degree.... Death mask of gold and silver alloy with copper eyes and ears, Chimú kingdom (. Hier befanden sich Gebetshallen, Zeremonienplätze und eine Grabstätte, in der wertvolle Beigaben gefunden wurden. The "Nik An" complex had a single entrance and high walls up to twelve meters for a better defense, and was wider at its bases (five meters) than at its summits (one meter), in anticipation of possible earthquakes on the seismic coast. touts, guides and taxi drivers is unattractive to the point of dishonesty. Peru, ein Land der Traditionen, ein modernes Land, ein einzigartiges Land, komm und genieße einzigartige Erfahrungen! By the 15th century, as many as 60,000 people lived in Chan Chan—mostly workers who served an all-powerful monarch, and privileged classes of highly skilled craftsmen and priests. The archaeological site covers an area of approximately 20 square kilometers. [5] Chimor, a conquest state,[3] developed from the Chimú culture which established itself along the Peruvian coast around 1400 AD. [12] Chan Chan currently has 46 points of critical damage, though the site's total damage far exceeds these points.

Chan Chan liegt mitten im Moche-Tal zwischen dem Badeort Huanchaco und Trujillo, der Hauptstadt der Region.

As the capital of the ancient Chimu civilisation, Chan Chan was developed in around 1300 AD and would have reached its peak in the fifteenth century, after which the Chimu were overtaken by the Incas and the city was abandoned. Chan Chan ist ein Lied des kubanischen Musikers Compay Segundo.Ein Welterfolg wurde es als das erste Stück auf dem Album Buena Vista Social Club, das Compay Segundo zusammen mit Ry Cooder und kubanischen Künstlern wie Eliades Ochoa und Ibrahim Ferrer 1997 veröffentlichte.

The archaeological site covers an area of ​​approximately 20 square kilometers.

[14] Many images seemingly depict structures very similar to audencias[14] which indicates the cultural importance of architecture to the Chimú people of Chan Chan. The two styles of carving design include a realistic representation of subjects such as birds, fish, and small mammals, as well as a more graphic, stylized representation of the same subjects. Reconstructed adobe walls at the Chan Chan archaeological site, near Trujillo, Peru. Chan Chan was pillaged as the Spaniards formed mining companies to extract every trace of gold and silver from the city. Images of indigenous people are impressive as well. The visit is mostly outdoors, and the sun and wind are strong. Keep up-to-date on: © 2020 Smithsonian Magazine. The site covers an extension of 20km; the central zone is formed by 10 places with walls, called citadels, and a few structures with a pyramidal shape, and the rest is formed by sidewalks, walls and cemeteries in bad shape. Heavy Rains Threaten Ancient City in Northern Peru, Archaeologists Restore High Adobe Walls in Ancient Chimu City of Chan Chan, Historical Centre of the City of Arequipa,, Pages containing links to subscription-only content, Wikipedia articles with WorldCat identifiers, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 15 October 2020, at 13:46. Smithsonian Institution, Smithsonian Magazine Huanchaco The city was a giant metropolis populated by peoples from across the Chimu Empire, the largest the Americas had ever seen up to that time.Today, many of Chan Chan’s huge palace complexes with their high relief-decorated adobe walls still survive … The walled compounds (palaces) that make up the metropolis are the following: The walled complex "Nik An" is the greatest in illustration of the importance of water, particularly of the sea, and of the cult that surrounded it in the Chimu culture. The maquettes of the towns also give you an impression of how life evolved. Around 1300, they apparently gave up on the project altogether. Most of the damage to Chan Chan during the Chimú reign was caused by El Niño storms, which occurred every 25 to 50 years. [9] In this figure, it can be seen that Verlarde, Laberinto, and Bandelier form the northern border of Chan Chan while Uhle, Chaiguac, Tschudi, and Rivero form its southern flanks. Partly due to erosion, but also to mass looting, what remains is a shadow of the grandeur of the former city and yet is still an incredible sight. changing nature of certain elements mean we can't absolutely guarantee that these It was probably constructed around 850 AD. If you know of any information on this page that needs Wear a hat and sunblock. Chan Chan was at the height of its power in the 15 th century until it got conquered by the Inca Empire in 1470. Sadly, what cannot be seen now is any gold or silver which probably decorated many of these sites, as this has all been stolen. The museum gives you a better idea of how people lived during pre Hispanic (and even pre.

[6] In the Chimú tongue, Quingnam, Chan Chan means "Sun Sun;" it was named for its sunny climate which is cooled year round by a southerly breeze.[7].