Anti-Demon[1] Although gentle towards animals and his subordinates, his attitude becomes quite obstinate towards Servants that are widely-known tyrants. is a Noble Phantasm granted to Karna by Parashurama of the Brahmins. It is one of the most destructive, powerful and irresistible weapons mentioned in Hinduism. The rifle was found by the Inquisitor on one of his travels while he was acting under the alias of the "God of Death", and from then on her used the rifle in his assassinations of those he was hired to kill.
An Anti-Army, Anti-Country Noble Phantasm granted to Karna by Parashurama of the Brahmin. アンロック条件:「ヴィシュヌの試練」をクリアすると開放 Il est qualifié d'arme ardente qui crée une boule de feu féroce, enflammée de flammes terribles et d'innombrables éclairs de tonnerre horribles. From BG FFXI Wiki. As described in a number of the Puranas, it was considered the deadliest weapon.The Brahmastra never missed its mark and had to be used with very specific intent against an individual enemy or army, as the target would face complete annihilation.
Noble Phantasm. Divine Heaven Piercer: Brahmastra was a gun-type Teigu owned and used by the Inquisitor, the personal bodyguard of Jacqueline. Description: DMG:261 Delay:600 HP+30 STR+10 AGI+10 Accuracy+20 Ranged Accuracy+20 Archery skill +242 "Subtle Blow"+5 Image: Type: Weapon Flags: Obtainable from Goblin Box, CanSendPOL, Equippable, Not vendorable, Not sendable, Exclusive, Rare Stack size: 1 Weapon Information Races: All Races Skill: Archery Damage: … Charisma: B
Japanese name:
神性 A
一人称は「余」。 Rakshasa-PiercingImmortal(Brahmastra) Region: India Parameters Noble Phantasm: A A powerful defensive-type Noble Phantasm that emits the radiance of the sun. Rank: A+ Type: Anti-Demon Brahmastra could be compared to modern day hydrogen bomb. It will manifest as a bow under the Archer class, and it will manifest as a different projectile weapon under other classes. To the opponents, the rank of his sword, spear, bow, Riding and Divinity appears to be one degree lower than what it actually is.
It boasts a tremendous power against any demonic being. 猿同士の戦いに介入し、味方の猿スグリーバを救うために敵対していた猿バーリを卑怯にも騙し討ちにしたのだ。それを許せぬ、とバーリの妻はラーマに呪いを掛けた。
対魔力 A Voice Actor: Miyuki Sawashiro He already died and became an Heroic Spirit, yet the effects of curse that keeps binding him has not grown dim. Owner: Cannot defend against large-scale Magecraft such as High-Thaumaturgy or Greater Rituals.
This Skill is usually active and all the weapons that Karna grasps receive this effect. The golden armor and earring given by Karna's mother, Kunti, who felt fear in becoming an unmarried mother and prayed to Surya to protect her son. ただし投擲武器としての性能は捨てておらず、この剣もブン投げる。
Maximum number of targets: 種別:対魔宝具 An one-shot only spear of light that takes down even gods. Because it's light itself taken shape, it is difficult to destroy even to the gods. Such is Rama. One could say that such curse is, at the same time, a proof of their love. 『羅刹を穿つ不滅』 設定制作:奈須 きのこ Luck: B
If his Class is Archer it will be a bow, while under other Classes it will manifest as a different projectile weapon. Due to that, he might give off the impression of an impertinent brat.
It was cut in two and effectively destroyed by Arthur when he slashed through the Inquisitor at the end of their fight. Brahmastra: The Indestructible That Bores Rakshasas Brahmastra was a weapon of mass destruction created by Lord Brahma, along with its more powerful versions like Brahmashirsha astra, Brahmanda astra and Bhargavastra. It was cut in two and effectively destroyed by Arthur when he slashed through the Inquisitor at the end of their fight. Level 5 Bond
ブラフマーストラ。 Fate/EXTELLA The Noble Phantasm Brahmastra Kundala is the result of Brahmastra bestowed with his Mana Burst (Flame), increasing its range and power.[3]. Utilized by calling upon the name of the god Brahma, it will pursue the enemy and surely strike with a wide effective range, but it cannot be used on opponents of greater ability than himself due to a curse.
TYPE-MOON Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community.
Karna participated in the wars around the borders and fought on an equal footing with Arjuna, son of Kunti and Thunder God Indra. アンロック条件:絆レベルを1にすると開放
ILLUST:輪くすさが The projectile weapon Brahmastra is bestowed with the sweltering heat effect of Karna's attribute and then fired. Lancer (Prototype design)Launcher アンロック条件:絆レベルを2にすると開放
The plasma is so strong that anything caught within the immediate point of impact is instantly vaporized, and as a result of the beam, the objects and earth it touches is turned into glass and nothing can ever grow from that area ever again.
Its rank is high enough to have aptitude for the Rider Class. カリスマ B アンロック条件:絆レベルを5にすると開放 Brahmastra . Agility: A+
“貴方はたとえ后を取り戻すことができても、共に喜びを分かち合えることはない”……この呪いは、今もなお彼を縛り付けている。 宝具 Karna was born between a human mother Kunti and the Sun God Surya. He refers to himself "yo*" インドにおける二大叙事詩の一つ、「ラーマーヤナ」の主人公。 Brahmastra is an upcoming Bollywood Super Hero Fantasy directed by Ayan Mukherji. Brahmastra Movie Wiki, News, Trailer, Songs, Cast and Crew and Release Date.
宝具, カルナの母クソティーが未婚の母となることに恐怖を感じ、息子を守るためにスーリヤに願つて与えた黄金の鎧と耳輪。太陽の輝きを放つ、強力な防御型宝具である。光そのものが形となった存在であるため、神々でさえ破壊は困難。カルナの肉体と一体化している。, カルナがバラモンのパラシュラーマから授けられた対軍、対国宝具。クラスがアーチャーなら弓、他のクラスなら別の飛び道具として顕現する。 Legend Divine Heaven Piercer: Brahmastra was a gun-type Teigu owned and used by the Inquisitor, the personal bodyguard of Jacqueline. When struck, it causes complete destruction to each and every resource of that area, further not a single blade of grass will ever grow in that area. Owner:
Martial Blessing: A The reason why Rama is summoned as a young boy is because, just like it was alluded in the main scenario, the period when he fought in search of Sita is indeed his golden age. Brahmastra is similar to Pumpkin in that its power can be augmented by adding on certain parts, however instead of firing blasts of spirit energy, Brahmastra exclusively fires bolts of pure plasma that can cut through anything, even armor as strong as Tyrannus. Similar to its "cousin" of sorts, Roman Artillery: Pumpkin, Brahmastra also comes with a carrying case that contains several parts which have yet to be seen, but it can be assumed that they are used to augment its power. FanFicCollective Wikia is a FANDOM Books Community. He gives an impression of being cold and cruel because he believes that most things and events are “normal”, and therefore he does not interfere. La frappe de Brahmastra finira par tout détruire. Range: 1~10 Maximum Targets: 1 person Originally an arrow, something to be nocked on a bow and shot with, Rama, who wanted to become a Saber, forcibly remodelled it into a sword. Anti-Army, Anti-Country, « Equipment is inadequate. It will manifest as a bow under the Archerclass, and it will manifest as a different projectile w… On croyait être obtenu en méditant sur le Seigneur Brahma, ou d'un gourou qui connaissait les invocations. カルナは太陽神スーリヤと人間の娘クンティーとの間に生まれ、スーリヤの子である証に不死をもたらす黄金の鎧を授かった。しかしクンティーはカルナを捨て、クル王の后となる。そうして母を知らずに卑しい身分として育ったカルナは、やがて頭角を現し、クル王と対峙するカウラヴァ王家の賓客として、領地を巡る戦争に参加する。そんなカルナと互角の存在として矛を交えたのが、クンティーと雷神インドラの子、アルジュナである。戦の果てにカルナはインドラに黄金の鎧を奪われ、様々な呪いを受け、すべての味方を失って、異父兄弟のアルジュナに討たれる。それでも彼は誰も恨むこともなく、破滅を受け入れた。 These weapons are all created by Lord Brahma, except for brahmanda-astra.
Stonehenge International Railgun Defense Network (Wings of Freedom),, The user, after equipping all of the auxillary equipment to Brahmastra to increases its power to its highest level, the user holds down the trigger to build up plasma at the barrel of the rifle before, upon reaching the critical point, they release it and unleash a massive beam that's large enough to completely consume the face of a mountain. Magic Resistance: A Brahmastra. Bleach Online Wikia, Dragon Ball Online Wikia, Freestyle Street Basketball 2 He will not be deceived by excuses and deceptions from words.
太陽神の子 ラーマ - セイバー 1~10[1] Alignment: Lawful Good Gender: Male Range:
Noble Phantasm In ancient Sanskrit writings, the Brahmastra (Sanskrit: ब्रह्मास्त्र, IAST: Brahmāstra) was a weapon created by Brahma.In hindu Mythology it is said to be the most strongest weapon. Une fois déchargés, toute la nature, y compris les arbres, les océans et les animaux, tremblent, et le ciel entoure de flammes, les glaciers fondent et les montagnes se brisent avec un bruit abondant tout autour. It is integrated with Karna's body. In ancient Indian history, the Brahmastra (Sanskrit: ब्रह्मास्त्र, IAST: Brahmāstra) and its variants, the Brahmashirsha astra and the Brahmanda astra were supernatural weapons used in the war of Mahabharata and are collectively called Brahma weapons. Saber is a Noble Phantasm granted to Karna by Parashurama of the Brahmins. However, when receiving the effect of the golden armor Noble Phantasm, it will not be limited to this. It is trilogy romantic-fairytale in a supernatural format film. A full list of existing categories can be found at Special:Categories.
Endurance: B
聖杯への願望は「シータとの再会」。 Blade Form Type: If his true name is revealed, this effect will be terminated. Divinity: A それこそがラーマである。 死して英霊となってもなお、彼らの身を縛り続ける呪いは、効果が薄れることはない。 Arjuna et Ashwatthama ont presque utilisé l'astra l'un contre l'autre vers la fin de la guerre de Kurukshetra , mais tous deux ont été arrêtés par Narada et Vyasa pour empêcher la destruction du monde. 筋力:A A+[1] Illustrator and Voice actor
The power to put magical energy into weapons. Rank: A+ Brahmastra. Rama - Saber
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