It is explicitly stated to be a separate Deck from his Water Deck in the Japanese version, which he calls his 7th Deck. His Water Deck is a Water Dragon Deck which focuses on Tributing "Hydrogeddon" and "Oxygeddon" using "Bonding - H2O" to Special Summon "Water Dragon". This is a video game depiction of Bastion Misawa, a character from the Yu-Gi-Oh! GX manga. Against Jaden Yuki, Bastion plays a Water Dragon/Control Deck, that focuses on countering Jaden's Deck by restricting the use of "Polymerization" via "Cursed Seal of the Forbidden Spell". The Yokai Monsters often have effects that activate in the Graveyard or when they are Special Summoned from the Graveyard. He also builds up enough monsters in his Graveyard to Special Summon his ace monster "Red Ogre" via "Enma's Judgment". His Deck was built with a formula that he made.
Most of his monsters tend to be based off of scientific processes. Bastion only Duels one of the Shadow Riders, Tania.
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Bastion Misawa, known as Daichi Misawa (三沢 大地, Misawa Daichi) in the Japanese version, is a character in the Yu-Gi-Oh!
Er plant und berechnet seine Züge in einem Duell lange bevor es überhaupt stattfindet um so vor seinem Gegner im Vorteil zu sein.
Due to his skill Bastion is one of the seven Duelists that receive a Spirit Keys to the Spirit Gate that can unleash the Sacred Beast cards.
In the anime, despite his keen intellect, Bastion later develops something of an inferiority complex in the latter half of the second season when other characters begin to pay less attention to him as compared to the beginnings of the series. In the dub, Bastion speaks with a posh British accent and occasionally mixes in British slang and exclamations such as "knackered." His given name in the Japanese version means "great intellect", reflecting his Dueling style and character.
*Disclosure: Some of the links above are affiliate links, meaning, at no additional cost to you, Fandom will earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase. Chazz, however, takes Sartorius' place, and although Bastion has the means of being victorious, Sartorius takes advantage of his self-doubt and desire to be accepted, convincing him to intentionally lose to Chazz and finally join the organization. He carries an Academy-issued Duel Disk on his left hand.
Bastion Misawa, known as Daichi Misawa (三沢大地, Misawa Daichi) in the Japanese version, is a character in the Yu-Gi-Oh! No such distinction is made in the English dub (in the Spanish he makes a small reference to the fact that it's a new Deck, but not specifically naming it his 7th). Bastion is an intelligent, precise, stern Duelist with a genius-level intellect. Bastion Misawa (Legacy of the Duelist) 8.
Fandom may earn an affiliate commission on sales made from links on this page. Wenn man seine Deck, jedoch miteinander vergleichen würde, haben sie immer etwas mit der Physik zutun. Later, Bastion loses to James Crocodile Cook and suffers the effects of a Shadow Duel as a result. In the Japanese version, Bastion occasionally addresses Jaden as "Ichiban-kun" meaning "Number one". 15 (1.Staffel) / 16 (2.Staffel) / 17 (3.Staffel) After seeing Jaden defeat Dr. Crowler, Bastion himself agrees with these titles.
His Deck was built with a formula that he made. Originally a friend and sometimes rival of Jaden Yuki, Bastion's role in the anime slightly decreases as each arc passes, although his role in the manga does not. He ends up going along with the Society of Light on the promise that joining the group will return him to the spotlight, but later leaves the organization of his own volition and is the only character shown on screen to leave the Society of Light under their own will power without having to first be defeated in a duel. In the anime, despite his keen intellect, Bastion later develops something of an inferiority complex in the latter half of the second season when other characters begin to pay less attention to him as compared to the beginnings of the series. Community content is available under.
Despite his protests that such feelings are illogical and irrational, it is implied that Bastion has feelings for several female monster cards seen throughout the series, his primary crush being "White Magician Pikeru", but it is implied that he is also crushing on other cards and other girls. After they do so, Bastion takes Alexis to watch the Duelist Kingdom DVD, leaving Jaden to whimper about how he was supposed to get to see it first since he won.
There, he wandered the world for an indeterminate amount of time, until he was finally reunited with his friends. Duel Links. Maximillion J. Pegasus (Pegasus J. Crawford), Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community.