Africa shows a number of examples of the massive help given by Justinian in building—and particularly decorating—churches and in reestablishing Christian orthodoxy, though surviving Donatists were inevitably persecuted. Why did the Huns and Goths and Vandals invade Rome? By the end of Vandal rule, independent kingdoms existed in the region of Altava (Oulad Mimoun), in the Ouarsenis Mountains, and in the Hodna region (in present-day Algeria). Christianity no doubt spread to Cyrenaica from Egypt. The Five Good Emperors of Rome & the Nervan-Antonine Dynasty, What is Medieval Feudalism? 1. Did the Goths want the wealth the Romans had? In the 3rd century the bishop of Ptolemais was metropolitan, but by the 4th century the powerful bishops of Alexandria consecrated the local bishops. The Vandals, like other invading tribes except the Franks, were divided from their subjects by their Arianism. Belgian scholar Henri Pirenne formulated a theory, widely discussed, that the essential break between the ancient and medieval European worlds came when the unity of the Mediterranean was destroyed not by the Germanic but by the Arab invasions. It required a dozen years, however, to pacify Africa, partly because of tribal resistance in Mauretania to an ordered government being reestablished and partly because support to the army in men and money was poor, leading to frequent mutinies. Some were garrison forts in the frontier region, which again seems to have extended, at least for a while, south of the Aurès and then northward from Tubunae to Saldae. At the very moment of the effective victory of the African church, the rest of the Roman Empire was crumbling to ruin. Explanation:Trust me you will get it right . Wiki User Answered . North Africa - North Africa - The Vandal conquest: The effect of the Donatist controversy on the economy and administration of the African provinces cannot be measured but was certainly profound. The power of the military element in the provinces grew, and in the late 6th century a new official, the exarch, was introduced whose powers were almost viceregal. Meanwhile large tracts of imperial territory were lost as invading tribes settled them. Answer. Led by their king Gaiseric, the whole people, 80,000 in all, crossed into Africa in 429 and in the next year advanced with little opposition to Hippo Regius, which they took after a siege during which Augustine died. Gaiseric’s successors were less formidable: Huneric (477–484) launched a general persecution of the Latin church, apparently from genuine religious fanaticism rather than for political reasons, but his successor adopted a milder policy. Seriously weakened though it had been under the Vandals, the African church retained some traces of its vigour when it led the opposition of the Western churches to the theological policies of emperors at Constantinople—e.g., those of Justinian himself and also of Heraclius and Constans II immediately before the Arab invasions. An agreement made in 435 allotted Numidia and Mauretania Sitifensis to the Vandals, but in 439 Gaiseric took and pillaged Carthage and the rest of the province of Africa. Hulten thinks this should not be held against them. Does Jerry Seinfeld have Parkinson's disease?