have made it a favourite for generations, while its satire continues to resonate. The main volume presents the full text of Tristram Shandy, as established by Melvyn and Joan New in their authoritative Florida Edition of The Works of Laurence Sterne. done (The Mirror of the Sea by Conrad or the works of Sir Thomas Browne) or others I might one day consider undertaking (Eliot’s ‘Prufrock’ or Faulkner’s The Wild Palms). These incorporate printed cloth and gold blocking on the limited edition, blind blocking mirrored on the front and back of the commentary and dark red metallic foil blocking on one side of the slipcase. Javier Marías was born in Madrid in 1951. Their runaway success transformed Sterne’s fortunes, catapulting him to celebrity and giving him instant access to the most elevated circles: friendship with the acting superstar David Garrick; his dedication of Tristram Shandy to the Prime Minister, William Pitt, officially accepted and his portrait painted by Joshua Reynolds. We hope the images in the gallery above give some sense of the splendid results. He has had a long association with Sterne’s work, and shares many of his preoccupations: the creation of fragmentary and chronologically jumbled narratives; the recycling of texts and pictures to generate fresh meanings; playing with artistic alter-egos; and a desire to test the limits of what a book can do. By Javier Marías, Avni Doshi discusses her novel, Burnt Sugar, ‘We have an expectation that loss comes all at once.’. Despite achieving the recognition that he craved, Sterne died in debt. Tom Phillips (born 1937) is one of the greatest polymaths that England has produced — equally renowned as an artist, poet, photographer and composer. Laurence Sterne spent the majority of his life in relative obscurity as a provincial clergyman in rural Yorkshire. Tom Phillips is a remarkable finder of postcards – his collection runs to thousands and many are now archived in the Bodleian Library. I don’t believe the person I am now would be capable of the task. With illustrations by celebrated artist Dave McKean, this is the ultimate collector’s edition of a modern fantasy classic. Asking a writer to choose his favourite book is tempting him either to lie or to boast, since, if he’s really honest (not that there’s any reason why he should be, either then or on any other occasion), he would be sure to say that his favourite book is one that he himself has written. The text follows the authoritative Florida Edition of 1978 but with one important addition. There are books I wouldn’t want to write and wouldn’t like to have written and which I nonetheless admire, precisely because, quite apart from not wanting to have written them, I feel I would have been incapable of doing so. A work by Laurence Sterne Tarassei tous Anthropous ou ta Pragmata, alla ta peri ton Pragmaton, Dogmata. Just as there is an element of chance in the production of these eye-catching pages, so there will be an element of chance about which of these glorious patterns each collector receives. All these are faithfully reproduced in this new limited edition. An exclusive new Folio edition, Letters from Fairyland features exquisite miniature envelopes filled with heartfelt letters from Fairyland, and is lavishly illustrated with Charles van Sandwyk’s enchanting illustrations. There’s another circumstance to be added to all of this, one that apparently contradicts what I’ve just said and yet which is crucial to me in making my choice. But one feature of the first edition of Tristram Shandy made each individual copy unique: the marbled page that suddenly appears in Volume 3. His translated English works are All Souls, A Heart So White, Tomorrow in the Battle Think on Me, When I Was Mortal, Dark Back of Time, The Man of Feeling, Voyage Along the Horizon, Written Lives, the Your Face Tomorrow trilogy (Fever and Spear, Dance and Dream, and Poison, Shadow and Farewell), Bad Nature, While the Women Are Sleeping and The Infatuations. 3 and 4, 1761; vols. The Folio Society’s unique limited edition has been designed, illustrated and signed by an equally extraordinary artist —— Tom Phillips RA. Registered office: 20 Vauxhall Bridge Road, London, SW1V 2SA UK. Folio bought an 1802 edition of Tristram Shandy which included the score of Uncle Toby’s favourite air ‘Lillibullero’. Illustrated by Sam Weber. Cicely Mary Barker’s complete collection of Flower Fairies has been brought together in an exclusive new presentation by The Folio Society, with fully restored original paintings. Sterne took the unusual step of signing thousands of copies of the first edition himself, in a desperate attempt to address piracy and a glut of fake sequels. Frontispiece to Volume VI featuring siege guns sourced from Picture Post magazine, The skull featured in the frontispiece to Volume IX is reputed to be that of Laurence Sterne, The wide variety of hand-marbled sheets by Jemma Lewis for the tipped in page in Volume III, Pages from the preface by Patrick Wildgust, curator at Shandy Hall, The glossary of terms of fortification in the commentary volume, The humour, colour and lively adventures in. Consequently, I can announce the title of my favourite book without resorting to lies. An illustrated Folio Society edition of Christopher Clark’s magisterial history of Prussia from 1600 to the aftermath of the Second World War – winner of awards including the Wolfson History Prize. Illustrated by Nushka, Sensitively translated, beautifully bound, and illustrated with original oil paintings, this is the ultimate edition of a literary masterpiece, Illustrated by Tom Phillips RA, The ultimate edition of this comic masterpiece newly illustrated and signed by Tom Phillips RA, Rarely seen archive material from The Morgan Library and a large-format first edition all reproduced in exquisite facsimile, Illustrated by William Blake, John Bunyan’s religious masterpiece paired with William Blake’s watercolours in a unique limited edition, Editorial material by Melvyn New Tristram Shandy 3 The Life and Opin-ions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman. The Borges character Pierre Menard set out to write Don Quixote and, before he died, managed to complete two whole chapters and a fragment by his own means (that is, not by copying or transcribing it or even trying to live the same life Cervantes lived in order to find out if it was those experiences that had led him to write the book). The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman, Volume 1 The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman, Wilbur Lucius Cross The works and life of Laurence Sterne: Author: Laurence Sterne: Contributor: Wilbur Lucius Cross: Publisher: J. F. Taylor, 1904 : Export Citation: BiBTeX EndNote RefMan One of the greatest works of imagination in English literature ——————— this hilarious fictional autobiography of a hapless anti-hero tore up the rules of novel-writing when the novel had scarcely been invented. Penguin Privacy Policy | Terms of Service | Cookie Policy. His work, therefore, remained unfinished — a very painful and frustrating experience for any writer — even though, in his case, Menard could, had he so wished, have easily found out what the rest of his novel would have been like. My favourite book, then, contains all the necessary qualities to be my favourite: it is, at once, the classic novel closest to Don Quixote and to the novel of my own age; thinking about it and occasionally dipping into it always bring me pleasure; and, finally, I admire it immensely because I see it as something beyond my grasp, even though I know that, as well as reading it (which, fortunately, I will always be able to do), there was a time when I re-wrote it. These new illustrations – a striking frontispiece and an intriguing image for each of the nine volumes that make up Tristram Shandy – draw on materials as diverse as magazine pictures culled from The Boy’s Own Paper and Picture Post, William Hogarth’s iconic print Characters and Caricaturas, postcards from Phillips’ own extensive collection and snippets of the text itself. Portraits of individual women depicted on ‘Real Photograph’ postcards occupy the margins of the eighth image. In addition to the ten fabulous frontispieces – one for the book itself and one for each of the nine volumes, Tom Phillips has also created complementary binding designs for each element. Frank Herbert's phenomenal tale of far-future desert warriors, fallible messiahs and interplanetary intrigue is newly crafted as a magnificent limited edition. Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman: The Text, Vol, 2 (Florida Edition of the Works of Laurence Sterne) Ian Fleming’s timeless children’s story about a flying car, Chitty Chitty Bang Bang is given a magical makeover in a new Folio edition with an exclusive afterword by Fergus Fleming. The main volume presents the full text of Tristram Shandy, as established by Melvyn and Joan New in their authoritative Florida Edition of The Works of Laurence Sterne. The comic masterpiece Tristram Shandy is often regarded as a progenitor of the twentieth century novel. The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman, also known as just Tristram Shandy, is a novel by Laurence Sterne.It was published in nine volumes, the first two appearing in 1759, and seven others following over the next seven years (vols. The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman, The life and opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman. *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. A unique Folio edition of Winston Churchill’s 50 finest speeches to inspire Britain during the Second World War, with a new introduction by his grandson, Sir Nicholas Soames. An icon used to represent a menu that can be toggled by interacting with this icon.