You are eligible to become a Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry (FRSC) if you’ve been more than five years in a senior position, and your efforts have made an impact in any field of the chemical sciences. Susan Elizabeth Gibson is a British research chemist, Professor and Chair in Chemistry and Director of the Graduate School at Imperial College London. Search | This scheme is for outstanding scientists who are in the early stages of their research career and have the potential to become leaders in their field. Helen H. Fielding is a Professor of physical chemistry at University College London (UCL). Fellowship of the Royal Society of Chemistry (FRSC) is an award conferred by the Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) in the United Kingdom. Its members, including people with and without medical degrees, work in the field of obstetrics and gynaecology (O&G), that is, pregnancy, childbirth, and female sexual and reproductive health. Apply for up to £500 to attend an analytical chemistry-related overseas conference. With our Grants for Carers, you can apply for up to £1,000 per year to help you attend a chemistry-related meeting, conference or workshop or a professional development event. Our Outreach Fund provides financial support to encourage and support the development of projects that raise awareness of chemistry in people's everyday lives, especially those not already interested in chemistry. Our Technician Travel and Training Grant supports technicians working in all sectors (for example industry, academia, education or research) to participate in activities such as conferences, training courses and networking events both overseas and in their country of residence, to facilitate their professional development. The RSC is Canada's National Academy and exists to promote Canadian research and scholarly accomplishment in both official languages, to recognize academic and artistic excellence, and to advise governments, non-governmental organizations and Canadians on matters of public interest. The scheme is highly competitive, and URFs are expected to be strong candidates for permanent posts in universities at the end of their fellowships. The headquarters of the Society are at Burlington House, Piccadilly, London. Find out more and apply to the Outreach Fund. Privacy, Royal Society University Research Fellowships, - Early and mid-Career Research Fellowships, Find out more and apply for an ACTF Developing World Scholarship. Engage with the chemistry community through our online professional network. These bursaries help members of the Royal Society of Chemistry to activate and energise their research in the field of chemistry education. Find out more and apply for a Gordon J Tiddy Travel Bursary. Cornell University Graduate Fellowship Database Find U.S. and international fellowships through Cornell University’s fellowship index. These grants each support attendance at conferences on a specific area of chemistry. About this site | This award will provide the opportunity to establish my independent research group here in the Chemistry Department, and the freedom to develop my research program at the interface of synthetic chemistry, supramolecular and coordination chemistry, and membrane science.”, More:, Site Map The organisation carries out research, publishes journals, books and databases, as well as hosting conferences, seminars and workshops. [1] FRSC award. Grants of up to £2,000 are available to members to support their own scientific meetings. His research interests are in supramolecular chemistry and lipid bilayer membrane chemistry. Printable View |
We're sorry, your email could not be sent. On starting his chemistry PhD at the University College London […] We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. Grants of up to £300 are available to student members of the Macro Group UK to attend important conferences in their field. | An expression of interest should include the following: 1. your up to date CV with a full publication list 2. a draft research proposal - this will either be requested as 2-3 or 5-6 sides of A4, with references excluded from the page limits 3. a short statement setting out your reasons for wanting to base your research at York and how you fit in within the remit of your chosen fellowship scheme High q… We provide funding opportunities to support our members and wider community in many ways, and at every career stage. Subjects: Chemistry. We use cookies to support your experience on our website. You are eligible to become a Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry (FRSC) if you’ve been more than five years in a senior position, and your efforts have made an impact in any field of the chemical sciences. One-to-one careers support (phone, face to face and online) that focuses on leadership, consultancy advice, and specialist resources. Give and receive support, including volunteering, for our confidential service that provides support for all members and their families in times of difficulty. DELTAFLOW® and ANIAN® are registered trademarksof River Lane Research Ltd in the UK and the EU. Division. It is the oldest such body in any branch of the basic sciences in Sri Lanka. Grants are available for student members of the Polymer Physics Group to support their participation in conferences. Find out more and apply to the Inclusion & Diversity Fund. Directions. Find out more and apply for a Polymer Physics Group Bursary. Registered charity number 207890. The Analytical Biosciences Group offers bursaries up to the value of £500 to allow suitably qualified, UK-based scientists working in the area of analytical biosciences to attend conferences, symposia etc. Grants can be used to attend conferences and training courses, visiting the laboratories of collaborators and to support their research projects. Fellows and Foreign Members are elected for life through a peer review process on the basis of excellence in science. In 2013 he was appointed as Postdoctoral Research Associate at the University of Manchester, working with Professor Gareth Morris and Dr Mathias Nilsson. Travel bursaries of up to £200 for international conferences and £75 for UK based conferences are available for students. Royal Society of Chemistry Researcher Mobility Fellowship. The primary objective of the RSC is to promote learning and research in the arts, the humanities and the sciences. The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences has jointly awarded this year’s prize to Sir Peter, alongside Professor William Kaelin Jr and Professor Gregg Semenza “for their discoveries of how cells sense and adapt to oxygen availability.". For more information or to find out how to apply, see the Research Fund page. Available to PhD students at UK or Irish higher education institutions who are members of the Analytical Division. Car, home, travel, medical and dental insurance, roadside assistance, life assurance. Becoming a Fellow (FRSC) means… Deserved recognition of your accomplishments + Tailored careers management geared towards leadership + Christopher David Garner FRSC FRS is a retired British chemist, whose research work was in the growing field of Biological Inorganic Chemistry. Subscriptions for membership are due on 1 January. His research primarily focussed on the role of transition metal elements in biological processes, for which he published over 400 original papers and reviews on the topic. Grants of up to £2,000 are available to encourage those in the early stages of their career and those returning from a career break to develop their career in water science. Find out more and apply to the Analytical Chemistry Trust Fund Outreach Scholarships. The award of designatory letters FRSC is subject to the final approval of the RSC Applications Committee. Find out more and apply to the ACTF Overseas Conference Travel Grants. Excludes bank holidays), 6-9 Carlton House Terrace, London SW1Y 5AG. These grants are available to assist members in running their own scientific activities and meetings. Fellowship of the Royal Society of Chemistry(FRSC) is an award conferred by the Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC)in the United Kingdom. His specific interests lie in the roles of Molybdenum and Tungsten as the metal centres in various enzyme cofactors based on the molybdopterin molecule. Clearly demonstrate the depth of experience and strategic input you provide your organisation by using the letters FRSC, and use them to best effect with our help. It is a not-for-profit organization, learned society catering to the Chemical Sciences as well as a professional, qualifying and examination body looking after and responsible for the maintenance and enhancement of the profession of Chemistry in Sri Lanka. revolves around the design and applications of novel magnetic resonance methodologies and data processing tools, especially drawing on numerical methods, optimisation techniques, and computational learning theory.’, Matthew Langton studied for his first degree and DPhil here at Oxford (Part II with Prof. Harry Anderson FRS, and DPhil with Prof. Paul Beer), before undertaking post-doctoral research in Cambridge with Prof. Chris Hunter FRS. There are approximately 1,700 Fellows and Foreign Members, including around 75 Nobel Laureates. Grants of up to £500 are available to members of the Formulation Science and Technology Group (FSTG) to support their attendance at conferences which have not been wholly organised by the FSTG within the UK. The unifying theme of all of these projects has been their common objective of enhancing the learning and teaching experience in relation to chemistry. Fellowship of the Royal Society of Chemistry (FRSC) is an award conferred by the Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) in the United Kingdom. Cookies policy | Royal Society University Research Fellowships - Department of Chemistry Royal Society University Research Fellowships Drs Matthew Langton, Michael Booth and Mohammadali Foroozandeh (L-R) have all been awarded University Research Fellowships (URFs) by the Royal Society to start independent research groups in Oxford Chemistry. For more information or to find out how to apply, see the Researcher Development Grant page. This money would be used to cover any additional costs you incur, paying for care that you usually provide. Mohammadali’s URF research project entitled ‘Next-Generation Magnetic Resonance Experiments: Evolution, or Intelligent Design?" Royal Society Te Apārangi 11 Turnbull St Thorndon, Wellington 6011 Aotearoa - New Zealand. Since October 2018 she has been executive chair at the EPSRC. Website designed and built by Rubber Cheese. Venue finding, business phone tariffs, business landlines, stationary. Find out more and apply to the Electrochemistry Group Student Bursary Scheme. In 2011, he was included by The Times in the list of the "100 most important people in British science". Dave has also won the Ministry of Defence Chief Scientific Advisor Award in 2014, and again in 2019. Fellows with an income below £28,000 per annum: The eligibility of a member living outside the UK will be established by converting the total annual income in local currency into Great Britain Pounds (GBP) using the daily rate. Grants of up to £750 will be available to support our member networks to develop and deliver events during Chemistry Week, 19 - 25 November 2018. Financial support is available for postgraduate student members of the Electrochemistry Group who wish to attend a major electrochemistry conference taking place outside of their country of residence.