Liechtenstein fm.base = '. “Cursive” (handwritten Russian language) is slightly more difficult; however, the good news is that you’ll mainly come across computer-typed Russian words, just as they appear in dictionaries. The hard ones are Country '; In case you wonder, yes, I had trouble coming up with a word that starts with oo and that can be connected to some cartoon…. The Cyrillic alphabet is not only used in the Russian language, but in multiple languages across Europe and Asia. Learn more at RUSSIAN COURSES page. Northern Mariana Islands Venezuela Funny enough Russians use the same numbers that we use. Also note that when a Russian word ends with this rolling r, then it is also really pronounced! Websites are nice, ebooks are better. fm.embed(); Seychelles (1. actor, 2. reporter, 3. business, 4. Georgia Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to the original content source. Peru Syria Iceland Chad Kiribati fm.width = 17; Macao Nauru Today it is used mostly to separate a prefix ending with a hard consonant from the following root. Mongolia Think of a moose that is very drunk because he drank way too much booze.  Иркутск, Irkutsk, Siberian city. Europe, 2. sport, 3. optimist, 4. student, 5. virus, 6. bank, 7. bar, 8. snob, 9. acrobat). Being able to roll the r helps a lot, but don't worry if you can't - Lenin didn't manage to either. Kosovo Jersey Practice pronunciation of Т with examples and audio. fm.width = 17; Palau Imagine a set of 3 chimneys that all the goldfish want to swim through, they just love it! Czech Republic Something that doesn't help is that some Russian letters look like Latin ones, but sound completely different: Niue Hong Kong '; Armenia Gambia Have you ever ordered a kiwi? The contemporary Russian alphabet consists of 33 letters, some of which were borrowed from Greek and Hebrew. Do you remember the letters CCCP that the Soviet Union put on the side of their space ships and on all the outfits of their sports teams? Imagine the letter ш holds three of these delicious shashliks. Sint Maarten Russian Language Home Keyboard. var fm = new bbcjs.plugins.FlashMovie("/staticarchive/904fce8f1233380c955f3530f3aa6e978947d3b6.swf",9); fm.base = '. While you will be able to view the content of this page in your current browser, you will not be able to get the full visual experience. (1. blog, 2. signal, 3. generator, 4. fm.loop = false; Cape Verde Finland Brazil fm.flashvars = "theaudio="; To remember that the letter з means z, imagine an opened zipper in the shape of the letter. The letters which are significantly different are noted in red. This block contains one more false friend and some letters that you also see in Greek alphabet. This letter looks like two letters that are attached to each other, but it is one letter. Not the most fun picture, but you will definitely remember it this way. Russian letter ъ   hard sign, tells you that a syllable has ended (very rare). Russian alphabet: remember it forever with these cartoons, Russian alphabet overview and pronunciation, Russian alphabet block 1: the first 12 Russian letters, Russian alphabet block 2: 11 more Russian letters, Russian alphabet block 3: the last 10 Russian letters. Libya You might be unable and unwilling to pronounce the name of the small Russian town By now you can read all these words: (1. taxi, 2. disk, 3. anekdote, 4. ananas (pineapple), 5. restaurant, 6. vodka, 7. veterinary). Tristan loves learning new languages with all kinds of memorisation techniques, together with applying the 80/20-principle wherever he can. '; fm.wmode = "transparent"; fm.height = 17; fm.base = '. (1. center, 2. medicine, 3. ambition, 4. plus, 5. Some letters in the modern Russian alphabet look familiar to English speakers — Е, У, К, А — while other letters do not resemble any characters in the English alphabet. Estonia fm.embed(); Lebanon fm.height = 17; Israel The New Penguin Russian Course: A Complete Course for Beginners, Russian-English Bilingual Visual Dictionary, Russian Learners' Dictionary: 10,000 Russian Words in Frequency Order. fm.height = 17; The cursive characters are often used in signs and they also are similar to the hand-written form of Russian. The Russian alphabet has 33 letters. South Sudan That’s why some of the letters resemble Greek symbols. Luxembourg For you convenience the letters will be presented in small chunks, with some practice right after the chunk. Think of a Russian soldier holding a gun. fm.height = 17; Benin fm.wmode = "transparent"; The most comprehensive guide to the Russian alphabet. Serbia var fm = new bbcjs.plugins.FlashMovie("/staticarchive/904fce8f1233380c955f3530f3aa6e978947d3b6.swf",9); You can almost smell them. Thus, the updated letters became closer to those of the Latin alphabet. (Make sure you remember the й is the y, not the yo that we have seen before because of the word yoga), Russian letter ж   zh as in pleasure or the French name Jacques. Gibraltar Trinidad and Tobago fm.flashvars = "theaudio="; This is an extract of the ebook “Russian for Tourists” created especially for those who need to bring themselves up to speed with Russian basics before travelling to a Russian-speaking country. New Caledonia Turkey Malaysia Asia, 5. president, 6. browser). Home » Russian Grammar » Russian Alphabet – Learn to Read Russian Letters Russian Alphabet. Ghana '; var fm = new bbcjs.plugins.FlashMovie("/staticarchive/904fce8f1233380c955f3530f3aa6e978947d3b6.swf",9); Croatia Pakistan Voiced consonants devocalize (in other words, we pronounce their voiceless pair  instead) when: Pairs Voiced – Voiceless: б – п, в – ф, г – к, д – т, ж – ш, з – с. This letter looks like the Greek letter d (delta), but is not exactly the same. Many Russian oligarchs (the new rich) love these yachts and they all want to have the biggest one. fm.width = 17; United States fm.base = '. Those French. '; When I studied Russian in university the first week was dedicated to learning the Russian alphabet. Do you want to receive the FREE ebook that contains all these Russian cartoons? ), but the left part is different. In Russian, the pronunciation is slightly different from the spelling. Bolivia  @ собака / собачка, dog / little dog South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands Look at the guy, he is really craving for a kiwi, a typically Russian fruit . fm.loop = false; Curacao This is the other letter in the Russian alphabet that doesn’t produce a sound of its own, together with the soft sign. It was hard to find Russian words that are slightly familiar with these letters, but here they are: (1. Learn Russian 101 network - Learn Russian online and for free. '; fm.flashvars = "theaudio="; Whenever you see the р, think of a (tennis) racket. Bhutan Learners of the Russian language should be grateful to the Bolsheviks for abandoning a few other letters from the Cyrillic alphabet. Chile  / слеш, slash, 10 things to know about the Russian language, Read the story of English ex-pat Chris and Russian beauty, Irina, Quick Fix: Essential phrases in 40 languages, History, politics and economic background of Russia, Pen and paper exercises to print out for free.