If a proposed drug underperforms when run against it – which the vast majority often do, it doesn’t go on sale. Quantum can also suggest that healing may occur without regard to proximity. When the genital chakra is full it starts to flow down the 3” tube to the ground chakra. It’s the unifying theory that transcends the physical world and connects the tangible (matter) to the intangible (thought). Start with the Crown Chakra. Healing can start with the body, but it must always head its actions into the mind and the soul as well. A duplicate was then made, with one copy receiving the intention to create increased footfall while the other did not. It takes breathing exercises and body awareness to create a healing field around the body which is made up of cosmic energy. Turn to the Star Magic Healing team for Quantum Meditation sessions which will change your life. It works with the subtle energy field that surrounds us in a more immediate way than the hypnotic model of quantum healing. It is about 3” wide. This energy can be used by your mind better and bring the body to optimal wellness faster. IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO MAKE A SMALL DONATION TO KEEP OUR SPIRITUAL QUANTUM PHYSICS WEB SITE GOING PLEASE PRESS ON THE PAYPAL BUTTON. It’s a combination of the belief in yourself and/or practitioner to affect an outcome in your life. Review and discuss the areas of concern and clarify the questions that you would like to ask and set up the intention. Everything that is, was or will be exists in the Mind of God, Quantum Ocean as a Divine Energy blueprint or Matrix. When you are completely soaked in the energy ... Now with the power of your will push this energy out from your body till it forms a shell. I will ask you questions about your life, your childhood, your family, and your concerns. It takes breathing exercises and body awareness to create a healing field around the body which is made up of cosmic energy. Beyond Quantum Healing (BQH) is an extraordinary journey of your consciousness through time, space (past and future lives), and even beyond that to discover your true nature and power. Now start your meditation by visualizing your Middle Pillar Chakra system as described above. The Art of Quantum Meditation is the way I, as well as you, can tap into the universal consciousness. Then feel the energy of the 2 rings as they spin around your body from front to back and left to right. Your thoughts send information to the Quantum field, which creates your reality, and your world! But you don’t need to be fluent in algebra or a science buff to understand the basics. At one point it will shift from a fully alert mode to a completely relaxed one. The reason for this name is through manifestation, you’re acting from a higher part of yourself trying to affect an outcome on a lower plane – the mental affecting the physical. He used the visualization technique on the cancer patients in America’s Fort Worth Cancer Counseling Center. YOU WILL BE TAKEN TO A PAYPAL LINK WHERE YOU CAN MAKE A SMALL $2.00 DONATION. The illnesses that we think of as diseases are most often “dis-eases” within the body. You can also tap into it. The music that I’m using is 852 hertz. Today we’re going to be doing a quantum field meditation - one that will help us cleanse ourselves of any fear, anxiety, and also bring - and affirm, wellness in our bodies. Quantum Healing Meditation combines practical science with intangible spirituality. They also knew that any physical, mental or emotional problems you may have are caused by a blockage of energy, Chi, Prana or Life force in any of these Chakras. Researchers have found that 75% of diseases have their origins in the mind. In the 20th century, medical science became heavily dependent on medicine and surgery. This is the Divine Blueprint of Man's energy system. As long as you kept these Chakras unblocked and flowing with life force, you will remain healthy. The implications for this are huge. This time is important and serves as preparations for the hypnosis session. And it happens more than you might think. Down your forehead, your eyes, your nose, your lips, your chin, your neck, your chest, your stomach, your genitals, your thighs, your knees, your legs all the way down to your feet. Everything that I have experienced and learned in this life brought me here. Your mind and body will learn many aspects which are clear for all living beings. Often times, without even realising it. But these discoveries were made well over 300 years ago. What is Quantum Healing and How Does it Really Work? Let us go together and explore the magnificent story of You! Copyright 2019 Star Magic | All Rights Reserved, You’ll also get free videos, activations and, We promise never to spam or give your email away. Conventional science can’t locate these meridians or provide proof of their existence. Stop a minute and feel this pulsating, powerful dynamic white light energy flowing all around the outside and inside your body. I created Quantumhealimguk.com to guide you in discovering yourself and access your inner healer and knowledge. This is a more a hands-on method of quantum healing that has a lot in common with the Reiki tradition of energy healing. Understand Quantum Healing Why do we become sick? View fullsize. Perhaps her most ground-breaking experiment though didn’t involve any healing at all. This system tells us that there exists a non-physical pillar of energy Chakras through out your body. Now a complete wrap of energy. Believe me when I tell you, it’s not! Dr. Cornwall selected 24 college girls between the age 21 to 25 for his research. You’re probably thinking quantum physics is a bit intimidating, I’m sure. The tape which had been mediated on had significantly more audio spikes, indicating an increase in footfall. You don’t need to be spiritual to get results. Entire belief patterns can change in an instant. Are you ready to let go of the past and embrace your unlimited potential? These are what is causing all the pain and suffering in the world. in becomes even more certain of the possibility of danger. Surely it’s just mumbo jumbo, right? The laws of Spiritual Quantum Physics tell us that all is energy. In essence, the application between an ME practitioner and you as the client rests on the communication between the quantum level of reality. This white haling energy now cascades down your whole body washing every inch of your body with white, healing, dynamic, pulsating energy. You are literally taking a shower in white, healing, energy. You now have visualized the 5 spheres of your middle pillars. There’s a famous quote by psychologist Abraham Maslow that goes, ‘If the only tool you have is a hammer, you’ll see every problem as a nail.’ That’s the position we’re in with our current thinking of health. Once you open your body to the positive energy of the Universe, it will take the cosmic energy from the quantum mind and heal you faster than it could ever do on its own. It puts the possibility and power to heal firmly in your hands. The first group was asked to practice free throw for 20 minutes every day. It also stated that doctors were advising their patients to meditate more and more. It’s a very linear and materialistic view of the world. An indomitable positive force washes away the negative root of his disease or problem, and shows the path of solution. So it continues to send signals to different muscles and sends chemical signals to warn different organs as well. But to call quantum healing a miracle is to disempower yourself. People who’re suffering from chronic and degenerative “Dis-eases” are not marks to be preyed upon by unscrupulous companies whose only real motivation is their bottom line. It was discovered in the late 1700s by British physician John Haygarth who was looking to expose the quack remedies of the time. Lifestyle disease that are the result of poor diet and lack of self-care are a real concern. I am Bogdan and after years and countless life experiences, I was guided here to connect with you! It starts with the Crown chakra and goes to the throat chakra. The less the number of danger signals from the muscles, the more the brain will relax. In the last 18 years thousand of people have restored their health in this process that we call Quantum Healing. It’s become the modern term for modalities that can loosely be defined as energy work. The reason it does not touch your head is because it is also connected to the non-physical world of the quantum ocean. You now have white healing light in every cell in your body. Researchers have found that 75% of diseases have their origins in the mind. Most people began to believe that faith or religion has no impact on health. A report based on his research was published on the 14th Jan 1991 edition of the Canadian newspaper `National Inquirer’. It proved that human consciousness could not only affect events, but it could also do so while transcending time and space. Then this 3” ribbon of healing white light goes under your foot and up the right ankle. The placebo effect and psychosomatic symptoms are still seen more as anomalies than anything that demands further study. This raised the question, did the intention actually place more people during that event in a branch timeline or parallel universe? Our mental, emotional and spiritual health is intertwined closely with our physical well-being. The healing abilities of the body are also influenced by the frequency of the energy. I’ve spent a lifetime cultivating the skills that enable my clients to achieve in a matter of hours, day or weeks, what took me years and years of study and searching to find. In his ongoing work in the subject, Gregg Braden refers to it as the “Divine Matrix,” Rupert Sheldrake calls it the “Morphogenetic Field.” Other’s may have their own interpretation. This modality taps into the waveform patterns that are existing all around us as pure consciousness. Middle Pillar. The throat chakra now filled ups with healing, sparkling, pulsating, dynamic white healing energy. One, the Crown Chakra exists about four inches above your head. Working within these parameters, quantum physics and quantum healing is concerned with treating objects and events as possibilities. Nothing is set or an absolute. Let go of fear, overthinking, and worries to cleanse the destructive energy and awakening intuition. Are you in need of healing, rejuvenation or simply an avid consciousness explorer? One of the most powerful aspects this practice of meditation is its healing energy which can help each and every one of us. The ancients knew that man was not his physical body, nor his thoughts, nor his feelings. Quantum healing uses the power of heightened consciousness (meditation) to enable the patient to identify where those negative vibrations (from childhood or adulthood) have been stored in the body, what caused it, and then encourage its release.