Watch the thrilling high school drama where Rahat, a street fighter sets out to challenge Ranbir, an undefeated champion. However, soon Rahat shouts at Dinky and asks her to leave. Adhish finds her sister, Lara having sex with Roy in a car. Daher ist es umso wichtiger unseren Kindern zu... Ab sofort bieten Wir Selbstverteidigungskurse an. Wenn du die Website weiter nutzt, gehen wir von deinem Einverständnis aus. On the other hand, Ranbir stumbles upon Rahat while looking for the guy. Kolkata, Other cities - Noida, TV Show. Wundervolle Dinge❤️ Wichtig ist, immer wieder genau das für sich und auch nach außen zu manifestieren, damit es auch seinen Weg finden kann Ich hatte auf jeden Fall ein wundervolles Urlaub mit meinen Herzensmenschen, habe die Natur und gutes Essen genossen, unter freiem Himmel geschlafen. She reveals the truth that he is the son of Rajbir Chowdhary. Ranbir wants all the students of Rosewood to distribute their tokens equally between him and Rahat. Hamzas Punch the Beat Academy
When the chance comes on Ranbir, he is asked to spend 20 minutes in a locked cupboard with a girl of his choice. Ranbir is having fun with his friends and as he had full faith in the 'Spirit of Brotherhood', he jumps off from the bridge. Who will emerge as the actual winner of the school and challenges of life is the main question? Rajbir knows for sure he will lose. Inside the cupboard, Dinky and Ranbir are discussing about love. Jaipur, Und einfach gelebt Und ich habe gemerkt, wie gut mir die Zeit ohne Internet tut ➡️16 : 00 Kids Workout ➡️18 : 00 Schlingen Pilates ➡️19 : 00 Tôsô❌ ... Mehr anzeigenWeniger anzeigen. Maya asks Rahat what he wanted to offer to the dahan. However, Rajbir refuses to accept Rahat as his son. to create your own account! Created by Vikas Gupta. However, other two guys are afraid of jumping. Then, Roy enters. Dinky tends to his wounds that had started bleeding again. The principal of the school, Mrs. Maya Chowdhary, Ranbir's mother, scolds the students for moral policing and for their undisciplined act. Watch Latest Web Series, Originals & Movies in HD Online. A story around punches that will set your foot tapping to the beats. All the students are preparing for the prestigious tournament. However while talking to each other there, they realise that they are committing a mistake. Ranbir and his group of friend are having fun. Eventually, Ranbir intervenes between Roy and Adhish. When Aditi leaves, Dinky walks up to Rahat to return his jacket, however he behaves rudely with her. This motivates him and he decides to fight back with all his best. Amidst ambition, love and never-ending drama, who emerges as a real fighter? He, firstly behaves very nicely and affectionately towards Rahat.
It's a tough match to watch as both the boys spare no mercy on each other. negativ aber das alles schafft gerade Platz für neue Dinge. Samir plays their dad who goes out of his way to hurt Raahat but his wife – school principal (played by Niki Walia) – is in Raahat’s corner. Rahat is emotionally about the recent events and confronts Rajbir. She then calls upon Rajbir to decide the fighters for the boxing tournament. There she accidentally meets Ranbir, who helps her get the ghungroos.
At the annual Holi Celebrations, everyone is enjoying. Patna, His friend save him from falling depicting true friendship. Dinky is the first one to buy Rahat's cap. Die Übungen sind so angelegt, dass bei aufeinander folgenden Übungen unterschiedliche Muskelgruppen belastet werden, sodass die... TÔSÔ X ist eine Fitness-Sportart, die Elemente aus asiatischen Kampfsportarten wie Karate, Taekwondo oder Kickboxen mit Aerobic verbindet und in Workouts zu schneller Musik ausgeübt wird.... Der Fitnesskurs Aroha ist eine Mischung aus Haka, Kung Fu und Thai Chi. Download Terms Privacy Copyright (DMCA) Server Status Source Code This infuriates him and he blasts upon Roy. However, she sees Aditi playing Holi with Ranbir and this leads to further argument between them. Maya is sad reading Nandini's letter. However, The Director argues that the privilege that Rahat had- joining the school midterm-was enjoyed only by the children of the trustees. Das Workout verfolgt dabei mehrere Ziele.
Diese Website nutzt Cookies, Facebook Plugins und Google Analytics um bestmögliche Funktionalität bieten zu können. Mrs. Bose, a teacher in the school was the aunt of Dinky and Aditi. Backup cache in use.Click to show errorfunction cffShowError() { document.getElementById("cff-error-reason").style.display = "block"; document.getElementById("cff-show-error").style.display = "none"; }, Veränderung ist die einzige Konstante im LebenUnd nicht nur meine Haare sind anders, sondern insgesamt leben wir alle gerade in einer Zeit voller Veränderungen. Students do carry books around like a fashionable accessory but are rarely seen using them. From the boxing ring with Ranbir and Rahat, to the dance floor with Divyanka, to following the diva Padmini around 'Rosewood High', care to join the roller coaster ride with the Puncch Beat gang? This arouses the 'Spirit of Brotherhood' in them. ", "Vikas Gupta's show will remind you of Student of the Year", "Here's what Harshita Gaur has to say about Puncch Beat", "Netizens fall in love with Priyank Sharma",, Articles with a promotional tone from June 2020, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 5 October 2020, at 15:27. However, she readily gives up her love for Ranbir's happiness.