Pope Francis Signaling Support for Joe Biden? VATICAN CITY (ChurchMilitant.com) - The Vatican City State Mint has issued a 10-euro silver coin depicting "Mother Earth" — an image designed for World Earth Day by Bergamo-born sculptor and engraver Luigi Oldani. People, you don’t have to go to Mass if there is none but you better bet your sweet bippie that you will burn in Hell for eternity if you worship a Pagan Demon from Hell. How could You invite the followers of “religions” which refuse the only Mediator between God and men, Christ Jesus (I Tim 2:5) or which, by denying the existence of one only, personal God are nothing more than atheism and idolatry? Giacomo Costa, S.J., Secretary of the Commission for Information, agreed, saying, “Stealing objects is never constructive.”. The five-euro silver coin, designed by illustrator Marco Ventura, depicts "St. Peter, Prince of the Apostles, opening his arms wide as a sign of welcome on behalf of the Church to all those migrants and refugees who flee every day from hunger, poverty and conflicts.". At its best, it means a faithfulness to the church’s core belief that God is present in all human cultures; a belief that the ultimate vocation of humanity “is one”, however diverse its myriad cultures. One prominent American critic used the Pachamama episode to denounce “mindless multiculturalism”. Just FYI. Matthew 18:6 I saw this one Twitter account go, What do we do if we go to Mass and they have Pachamama there on the altar? Somewhat under the secular radar, Pope Francis has become embroiled in another bitter dispute with traditionalists in his church. The coin, issued Monday, symbolizes the earth's fertility "with long ears of corn" entwined with the mother's plaited hair and evokes "a cross-reference between past and future that becomes timeless, therefore eternal," the publication said. I suppose that now they will just go swimming for ’em, and worship them some more. Submit news to our tip line. Alleluia. Get briefed on today's top stories with Christine Niles. Faithful Catholics were incandescent after Pope Francis hosted a pagan ceremony Oct. 4, 2019 with Pachamama statuettes in the Vatican Gardens. So it is a great lesson that God gives us in announcing the birth of His Mother, in announcing that we shall have a Mother, a heavenly Mother, a Mother who will do battle. Have a news tip? It was a theft.”, Fr. Cancel at any time to avoid future The reign of Satan has never perhaps been more extensive and penetrated everywhere into all domains as it has today. Amen. He doesn’t believe Chris is God. “Ok, now that you have made that statement, I think it’s time to offer some proof, preferably from high sources. I agree. But how catholic should the Catholic church allow itself to be? Christians, agnostics and atheists of goodwill should defend this kind of thinking. It always make me laugh, as only he could put it. Laws are passed which are contrary to the law of God. With His commands He alone provides the superabundant grace to fulfill them. Pachamama takes the Vatican by storm The Pachamama statue was highly visible in various venues in the Vatican all throughout the Amazon Synod. In order to have this courage and this force, you will ask these graces particularly of the Blessed Virgin Mary. =============================================================== Clarity rocks. 303), and that He was just plain wrong in commanding capital punishment.” A row over Amazonian ‘Mother Earth’ statues, displayed during a prayer service in the pope’s gardens, is a depressing sign of the times. The Roman Catholic Church, by contrast, is concerned with her animating principle and so, like St. Paul, exhorts her members not to “grieve not the Holy Spirit of God” (Eph 4:30). The reign of Satan is the reign of scandal but scandal understood in its true sense understood in the sense of that which leads us to sin and, as a consequence, which leads us to HELL. A top cardinal of the Roman Catholic Church on Friday took exception to Pope Francis’ controversial support for the display of a Pan-Amazonian “Pachamama” wooden idol on a church altar at the Vatican. Cardinal Burke … By these “inter-religious” meetings You do not confirm Your brethren in the Faith. Knowing that he, that is such an one, is subverted, and sinneth, being condemned by his own judgment.” (Titus 3:10-11), Pachamama Drama: Vatican accuses God of violating Seventh Commandment, President Trump, the FSSP, Church and State, The Case Against “ABORTION CONSENSUS”  –  …, BEWARE: March for Life Deceiving Supporters, League of St. Peter Damian: Study Guide …. You also   Yearly: $120 a year, To pay in advance without a subscription, click here I love Louie’s take on these types of events. On the contrary! How could You, Vicar of Christ, Vicar of the solus Sanctus, solus Dominus, solus Altissimus, place Yourself as one among the representatives of the “religions” which deny His divinity? All of this in a time when one believes that our civilization has never been as great or as beautiful! billing. Am I still on Earth, I mean that is REfreakingTARDED. Thank you, Maryiloveher—-where is the Bishop Fellay of 1999? Safer to me are the mountains, the woods, lakes, prisons, and deep caverns; for in these the prophets, either remaining or thrown, prophecy with the Spirit of God.””. Amen. What is the reign of Satan? How could You humiliate the Catholic Church, the only Spouse of Our Lord Jesus Christ (Eph 5:26, 27) by bringing it down to the level of organizations founded not by God, but by the will of man (Jn 1:13)? St. Francis de Sales did not leave it the laity to combat Protestantism. But the theological conservative, Cardinal Gerhard Müller, defended the vandalism saying: “The great mistake was to bring the idols into the church, not to put them out.” Wilder critics, not for the first time, have labelled the pontiff the “first post-Christian pope”. Here’s the beginning: In 1986 Archbishop Lefebvre and Bishop de Castro Mayer considered that it was their duty to publicly reprimand You, according to the example of St. Paul (Gal. “With every passing day it becomes clearer that the institution presently operating out of Rome under the name “Catholic” is anything but;”. While the Numismatic Chronicle interpreted the icon as Madre Terra (Mother Earth), the Vatican portrayed it as "a mother carrying the Earth, to which we owe care and love as if she were a daughter.". One will recall that the Heretic-in-Chief, Jorge Bergoglio (aka the God of Surprises) has already gone on record as saying that the Divine Law is unjust (see Amoris Laetitia, no. Don’t worship the Pachamama, people. The roots of the word “catholic” go back to the Greek adjective καθολικός, which roughly translates as “universal”. You will not be afraid to denounce all that which drags souls into sin. …. The pontiff confirmed that the idol was that of "Pachamama" and apologized for the "act of theft" after Austrian Catholic Alexander Tschugguel removed the idols from the Church of Santa Maria in Traspontina and threw them into the Tiber river. “This victory that the Virgin Mary desires is a victory against Satan and, consequently, against sin. A second coin issued by the Papal Mint is engraved with another leitmotif of Francis' pontificate and is dedicated to the World Day of Migrants and Refugees. Moreover, the humanist, earthly and naturalist themes taken up at these meetings cause the Church to fall down from its entirely divine, eternal and supernatural mission to the level of the Freemasonic ideals of world peace outside of the only Prince of Peace, Our Lord Jesus Christ…”. The Vatican statement accompanying the coin reads: The Church asks and begs for assistance in favor of migrants and refugees and hopes to be heard — for the love of Our Lord Jesus, who suffers in all the marginalized, he is a pilgrim, he is in need — among all men of goodwill. The land must be respected like a mother and her child.". “This, however, is no problem for the Captains of Newchurch in Modernist Rome! Ruffini’s comments also serve to confirm that the statuettes are not what the defenders of all things Bergoglian still insist that they are, Marian. We’ve considered what the PR staff at Conciliar Church Headquarters had to say about the idols that were flung into the Tiber River this morning.