Now, take one dough ball and put it in the middle of your buttered baking sheet. Butter, sugar, flour, baking soda and vanilla make thin, cookie like layers of Medovik. Repeat with the remaining cake layers.

The rest of the ingredients are very common for cakes. Continuati sa adaugati faina pana aluatul e maleabil si usor de framantat. Roll out the next layer while the previous one is baking. I made the cake layers by following the classic recipe (somewhat), but with the cream and the decoration I followed my imagination. Cover the sides and the top of the cake with mascarpone frosting. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. This cake was meant for the celebration with my daughter friends, and for the one with the grandparents I made another one:  summer cake with elderflower syrup (you can check the recipe for this one here). Home » Recipes » Dessert » Cake » Russian Honey Cake Medovik, Published February 12, 2020 | Julia Frey (Vikalinka). So creative – love the caramel flames. Had two desserts. It’s a cake with interesting flavors and a gorgoues layering, a cake made to impress! It was impossible to have any sort of celebration without Medovik crowning the meal. So using great tasting honey is the key to the unforgettable taste of this honey cake. Hi Diana, 12 servings. When done, remove from the stove and allow to cool slightly for 2-3 minutes.

Drizzle caramel with a spoon on parchment paper  that was previously sprayed with an oil spray, let it set.

They are the patron saints of ointments. I however, find it too sweet. Evident, ca orice tort/prajitura cu foi, nu se consuma imediat, ci dupa cel putin o zi, chiar mai mult astfel incat sa aibe timp sa-si traga suficienta umezeala din crema iar foile sa devina moi si parfumate. Se transfera aluatul pe masa de lucru si se imparte in 8-10 bucati egale. Use a kitchen scale to measure with accuracy – one ball should weigh about 100-110 g. Roll a round and thin crust of 26-28 cm in diameter from each ball. Caramel flames are best to be set on the top of the cake right before serving or the caramel start to get soft from being on contact with moisture. 8 layers of honey goodness with creamy filling, adorned with caramel flames this cake Medovik is a stunner! After ~5 minutes, they’ll be golden brown and ready to come out of the oven. You can have them made beforehand and pop them on top as you get ready to serve dessert. Pinning. Cand sunt coapte, macinati resturile de aluat intr-un pesmet fin. You can usually see that info in the recipe card. Then break up the hardened caramel and decorate your cake in any way you like, « Baked Bacon Wrapped Fish with Sun-Dried Tomato Pesto. Sprinkle nuts and blueberries on top. When Medovik is made for large gatherings it’s not uncommon to make it into a large rectangular 4 layer cake instead of a tall 8 layer one. Intindeti fiecare bucata de aluat intr-o foaie cat de subtire posibil. Divide the dough into 8 to 10 equal portions. For the cake layers: in a deep saucepan, whisk the egg, add the sugar and whisk again. Eu am inclus aici si una dintre foi caci era cam maronie. Do not keep it there for too long or the caramel will harden before you have a chance to work with it. This cake is so impressive that after it got discovered and reproduced by one San Francisco bakery it developed a cult following! This Medovik Cake Recipe was originally published in 02/2013. Looks gorgeous. Multumesc. read more.. The recipe was being passed on from one household to another although, of course there wasn’t one ‘master recipe”. So I discovered a whole new universe of wonderful flavors to combine and unexpectedly good recipes for gorgeous desserts.

This cake is totally WOW worthy! Enjoy! Mix sugar with lemon juice in a saucepan, set the saucepan on medium heat. Knead with your hands and divide it into 7 equal-sized balls. I baked the cake layers a week or two earlier and froze them. Once the cake layers are baked and cooled, cut the excess edges with the help of a cake ring fixed at 26 or 28 cm: place the ring on one cake layer, press lightly with your hands and form an exact circle with a knife. Va recomand sa folositi frisca naturala intrucat ceva vegetala se “strange”, se strica atunci cand adaugati smantana acra. Try it – you won`t regret it! It is super delicious.

Resturile de aluat nu le reframantati ci le coaceti asa cum sunt pana devin maronii. My husband and I had a similar cake in Moscow and always talk about how good it was.

Totusi, tinand cont de orginile retetei, tind sa cred ca varianta cu smantana e cea mai apropiata de original.

The cake layers tasted just as good, but you can follow the classic white sugar and honey recipe if you wish. Your email address will not be published. Both are authentic and equally delicious. Se coace fiecare foaie la 180C pana devine usor aurie. You can see both versions in the photos. It sounds absolutely delicious too! Se mixeaza ouale cu zaharul pana compozitia isi tripleaza volumul. Could you please tell me how much vodka was used ? If you have a rotating cake stand, it will be much easier for you. Keep an eye on the oven because they tend to go brown very quickly. Required fields are marked *.

Assembling the cake: put just a little of the cream on the cake pad, which you will use, and spread with a few movements. Loving this cake recipe? Dust your work surface with flour and roll out a thin circle slightly larger than 7″, transfer on a parchment lined baking tray and bake for 4-5 min. Keep in mind that thanks to the baking soda the mixture will increase its volume and be careful not to boil it – therefore you will need a deeper saucepan. Decorate with fresh fruits on top – I used raspberries, blackberries and blueberries. I agree, never go out on Valentine’s day. At the beginning of July my daughter turned 2 years old. You have just made my day! Medovik cake Set a double boiler or a large pot filled 2/3 with water and a glass or metal bowl over it on the medium heat. Honey Cake Filling. Updated with new text, photos and improved recipe instructions in 02/2020. Beat creme fraiche or sour cream with whipping cream, sugar and vanilla until sugar is dissolved and it’s doubled in volume. Decorate with a few walnut halves and let the cake rest overnight or even for two days. Debra, I can’t believe I don’t have the amount!