Hebrew name meaning "faithful, trusted." Hebrew unisex name derived from the word aphra, meaning "ashes, dust" and "clay, loam." Hebrew name meaning "God will establish." In the bible, this is the name of several characters, including a son of Hezron.

Hebrew name meaning "double-land; twin-land." In the bible, this is the name of a son of Samuel, the mother of Hezekiah, a member of the tribe of Benjamin, a king of Judah, and several other characters. ", Hebrew name meaning "correspondence" or "vocabulary.". In the bible, this is the name of Jonah's father. ", Variant spelling of Hebrew Gedalyahu, meaning "God is great. ", Variant spelling of Hebrew Elisheva, meaning "God is my oath. Hebrew name meaning "crown, wealth." ", Feminine form of Hebrew David, meaning "beloved.

Also spelled Avra. Contracted form of Hebrew Yehowachaz, meaning "Jehovah as seized" or "whom Jehovah holds fast." Compare with another form of Shirlee. Compare with another form of Afra.

Variant spelling of Hebrew unisex Efah, meaning "darkness" or "gloomy. In the bible, this is the name of many characters, including King David's youngest son.

", Feminine form of Hebrew Uwriyel, meaning "flame of God" or "light of the Lord.

", Hebrew name meaning "ember (or fire) of God.".

In the bible, this is the name of the eldest daughter of King Saul. In the bible, this is the name for gold and its characteristics, the name of a land or city, and the name of the eleventh son of Joktan.

Hebrew name meaning "mountain." Unlike most of the other angels, Kafziel is a watcher, rather than a doer. Variant spelling of Hebrew Nebow, meaning "Mercury" and "prophet." In the bible, this is the name of several characters, including the prophet who lived during the reign of Ahab. Hebrew name meaning "my delight, my pleasantness." Hebrew name meaning "unto God are my eyes." In the bible, this is the name of the father of Rachel and Leah. Hebrew name meaning "chamois," "ibex," or "mountain goat." In Jewish mythology, this is the name of an archangel, a fallen angel, the Angel of Death or Poison, the accuser, seducer, and destroyer famously known as The Grim Reaper. Variant form of Hebrew Neriya, meaning "light of the Lord. Hebrew name meaning "born at Babylon" or "scattered to Babylon."

Compare with other forms of Lev. ", Hebrew name meaning "little friend of the king" or "rejoicing in the way." Hebrew name meaning "sunny or parched place." Hebrew form of Greek Mattathias, meaning "gift of God.".

Hebrew name meaning "cassia," a bark similar to cinnamon. Japheth is the Anglicized form.

In the bible, this is the name of many characters, including the fourth son of Jacob and Leah, the founder of one of the twelve tribes of Israel.
Hebrew name meaning "caress" or "gentle slap." Variant form of Hebrew Akan, meaning "one who troubles." In the bible, this is the name of a place in Judah, near Beth Horon, mentioned in Joshua 15:41. Compare with other forms of Nina.

In the bible, this is the name of several characters, including one of the three young men thrown into the fiery furnace by Nebuchadnezzar. Compare with another form of Kyla.

Hebrew name meaning "my truth." Also spelled Devorah. In the bible, this is the name of a son or grandson of Benjamin. Joseph learned to be joyful in every situation because the joy of the Lord was his strength. In the bible, this is the name of a river in Palestine. Variant spelling of Hebrew Chana, meaning "favor; grace." Was it the knowledge that it would all eventual culminates into a grand plan of God. Compare with masculine Reba. In the bible, this is the name of a harlot of Jericho who aided the spies in their escape and was saved from destruction. ", Variant spelling of Hebrew Nissa, meaning "sign.". Hebrew unisex name meaning "garden." Hebrew name meaning "hot coal" or "pavement." In the bible, this is a name given to Hananiah in the court of Babylon. In the bible, this is the name of a minor prophet who foretold the fall of Nineveh. Compare with another form of Zara. In the bible, this is the name of the last antediluvian patriarch, the main character of the flood story. In the bible, this is the name of one of the Midianite kings. In the bible, this is the name of an ancestor of Azariah who lived in the time of Nehemiah and assisted in rebuilding the city wall.

", Variant spelling of Hebrew Saraph, meaning "burning one" or "serpent.".

Compare with another form of Emmett.
Hebrew name meaning "blessed." The word joy that is used in Nehemiah is the word chadoth which is really the word for pleasure.

Variant spelling of Hebrew Amina, meaning "faithful, trusted.". In the bible, this is the name of several minor characters. In the bible, this is the name of several characters, including a son of Pahath-moab. In the bible, this is the name of a servant of King Solomon. ", Variant form of Hebrew Nachala, meaning "inheritance" or "territory.".

Nick names can be used to shorten the official name. In the bible, this is the name of the father of Shamgar.

Variant spelling of Hebrew Shephatyah, meaning "whom Jehovah defends." Hebrew name meaning "a vinedresser" or "my vineyard." In the bible, this is the name of a son of Caleb. Variant spelling of Hebrew Yehowceph, meaning "(God) shall add (another son). The Anglicized form is Ham. In the bible, this is the name of many characters, including a son of David. In the bible, this is the name of a great-grandson of Noah who was a renowned hunter. Hebrew name meaning "small." Hebrew name meaning "shining splendor," as of the fire or the sun. In the book of Enoch, this is the name of an archangel.