Tears have a chance to spawn a troll bomb upon hitting an enemy. 0.14 damage per frame, or 4.2 damage per second. Bombs placed by Isaac only explode when Remote Detonator is used.
Afterbirth † added 111 new items, for a total of 547 items. Gives Isaac a random Pill, and will cause him to drop any held Q-slot item (If any).
He also cannot shoot or pick up items during this time. Isaac heals 1 heart instead of taking damage from an explosive source. Places an explosive TNT barrel that can be pushed and used to destroy rocks or damage enemies when used. Thunderstorm (Pushes all entities in the room to the left, and spawns hailstones and lightning bolts that damage enemies); 4. Freezes all enemies until a fire button is pressed. White poop has an aura that halves tear delay and can block enemy shots. Choosing 1 item causes the other to disappear. Tears have a chance to inflict the "Possessed" status on the enemy hit.
Increases damage by 1, range by 5.25, and tear height by 0.5.
Tired of coming across new items and trying to decide whether you're about to gain an actual boon or arm yourself with a dud off of sheer looks? Throwing the ball at an enemy instantly kills it and captures it.
Poisoned enemies will also explode upon death.
Displaces enemy sprites for the current room, randomly increases one stat and decreases another. Allows Isaac to walk across gaps one square across by automatically placing a ladder between the two walkables. Grants 5 bombs. Allows Isaac to re-roll collectible items in the current room into other items, depending on the current room's Item Pool. If all rooms are explored, including the Devil or Angel room, it will teleport Isaac to the I AM ERROR room. Isaac's tears are replaced with shockwaves that must be charged, the shockwaves break rocks and open stone chests. Each time Isaac kills an enemy, Isaac's damage increases for the current room. Bombs you place explode only when you use this item. Deals 1 Heart of damage to Isaac, which increases damage for the current room. Grants a moon orbital. Also multiplies damage by 3. Type: Active. Infection shots give enemies the Infection status which does damage and spreads creep that gives more Infection status. When charged can be used in a room to resurrect enemies as friendlies.
Upon use, deals one heart of damage to Isaac and grants +1.2. Gives 5 bombs and grants all bombs poison effect. There will be 2 items available to choose from after defeating a boss. Let's you draw drawn turrets just like The Drawn can. Sets Isaac's tears to their maximum rate of fire and minimum range. Gives Isaac waving shots and increases Rate Of Fire by 0.4.
The lower your luck, the higher your tears, up to a 0.5x tear delay multiplier. Connects Isaac's tears with electricity that can damage enemies.
Upon taking damage, there's a small chance your currently-held card will be activated. The following activated items can only be acquired in the Wrath of the Lamb DLC. Once collected, Isaac no longer shoots tears, he shoots a knife in boomerang style. Grants an Abel-like familiar that does not shoot, but rather deals contact damage. A fly orbital appears when Isaac takes damage. Follows Isaac and automatically fires at enemies in its reach. Bees block shots but flee when Isaac is injured. These go into your Q slot and are one-time-use items. Gives Isaac a familiar eye that floats around the room, damaging enemies on contact, Tears fired from left eye become red (cosmetic only). This can be observed in the Library, which can spawn 2 of the same book. After exploding, there is a cooldown time where Isaac can not shoot. Doubles the effects of cards and runes. Unlocks. Isaac's bombs explode with random bomb effects. Grants 1 Red Heart container and increases tears, but decreases shot speed. Afterbirth Save Editor v1.0. The items then recharge in one of two ways. When Isaac reaches a half-heart, he is given +2.16 damage, and his speed increases by 0.3. Increases speed by 0.3 and shot speed by 20%.
Isaac's bombs will now explode in a large cross-shaped pattern (roughly 5 bombs explosions wide). 1-3 Blue Flies randomly spawn every time Isaac gets hit.
This page was last edited on 7 November 2019, at 02:08. Spawns a familiar that will follow Isaac's movements on a 2.5-second delay. • Upon use, any pedestal item (e.g. You now have a curse every floor. Gives Isaac a golden censer familiar which creates a huge aura of light that slows down any enemies and enemy shots inside it. Increases chance of finding Locked Chests and normal Chests, but reduces chance of finding pickups. These cannot be removed and are individually counted on the collection screen. Isaac farts and pushes back nearby enemies (. While Isaac has no damaged red heart containers, grants diamond tears that deal double damage and have increased range and reduced shot speed. Drops an Epic Fetus missile upon taking damage. Adds 2 points of damage for the current room.
After 6 floors the transformation is complete, and the "Beelzebub" transformation is granted. Adds a chance to shoot a tooth instead of a tear, which deals greater damage than regular tears. Consumes all pedestal items in the room. Isaac now shoots eight color-switching tears at once. Pack 2: All That Is Unholy added 29 items. Reveals the Secret Room and Top Secret Room when passing by it and reveals if a room contains a mini-boss.
5 years. +0.666 Luck, +1.3 Range, +0.2 Shot Speed, +0.4 Speed, -1 Fire Delay, +1.666 Evil.
Spawns a bone familiar that can be aimed with the fire buttons and does contact damage. Increases movement speed and causes tears to travel faster. Freezes enemies within a close proximity. When taking damage, Isaac farts, causing poison damage to all enemies in range. The curses can be permanently removed if you increase your Size by about 3 "One Makes You Larger" after picking it up. Adds a chance to fire an egg sack which spawns slowing creep and spawns a blue fly or spider upon hitting an enemy.
Enemies have a chance to explode into a bloody volley of tears on death. Constantly shooting causes Isaac to release gas clouds that can be pushed by his tears and damage nearby enemies. Allows Isaac to fire tears from the back of his head. an item room item) will be re-rolled into another item. (Multiplies damage by X2.3+1, -0.4 tears, -0.25 shot speed.). Speed and range also change according to your heart containers, increasing when you have a balanced amount of containers and bone hearts.
+0.55 Damage, and a random Tears and Range up. Each time you progress to a new floor, it gains another segment and increases damage. Grants a familiar that blocks enemy projectiles and shoots bouncy tears. Gives Isaac 5 Bombs and causes all dropped bombs to home towards the closest enemy. While firing tears, Isaac has a chance to fire an eye across the screen with a very slow shot speed, which will fire tears of its own in the same direction as Isaac. Gives various tear effects depending on which way you shoot and/or move your body.
Isaac's tears have a chance to stick to enemies and explode. Any enemy killed while in this state will drop coins.
In the burst of tears is a kidney stone which deals a lot of damage.
Item, Angel, and Devil Rooms are now filled with items. Changes tears to a chargeable laser, which pierces all objects in its path. Increases damage. Whenever an enemy is killed while this is held, all enemies in the room take damage; this damage increases the more times you activate the item and resets each floor. Creates an explosion in the same area as Isaac, dealing one heart of damage to him and also damaging all enemies caught in the blast radius. After continuously firing tears for 2.5 seconds, a red cross appears on Isaac's head that, upon releasing the fire button, creates a black ring that rapidly deals damage equal to Isaac's tear damage to any enemies in contact with it.