I told her that I knew and she asked my why I didn’t tell her.I didn’t want to spoil it for her.I enjoyed believing and I have no regrets about being told there was a Santa Claus.My mother dresses as Santa one year and didn’t say a word. Thank you so much! We still have Santa in our celebration. My parents never created this stick for their backs. Required fields are marked *, Subscribe to Design Dazzle for our free printables and fabulous ideas. Just the idea of giving – without recognition – taught him the true meaning of Santa Claus. An explanation that doesn't lie or destroy the magic of the season? We read stories all about Christ birth.

To this day, we all believe, and no one is suffering any serious mental health issues. I am happy to say that despite their parents claim, they write letters to Santa, talk about Santa all the time and put out cookies and milk. Keep the MAGIC going. Let them be happy to believe in all these characters, it isn’t going damage them.

Don’t fret. When kids are old enough they might question it. ENJOY THE MOMENT..you’ll know when it’s time to tell them. Simple as that. I BELIEVE IN SANTA. It’s all about how they want it to be and about. Seriously??? Many ways they can pass on the joy and excitement of the season to others! Its Christmas after all! He then rolled in a band new bicycle! WHY WRITE A LETTER…..SO IMPERSONAL. By signing up, I agree to the Terms & to receive emails from POPSUGAR.

You follow your heart your children will love you no matter what, I have never herd any saying “ it because my family believe in Santa “ as a response for acts of evil .May you and your family have a wonderful ChristmasEnjoy that magic. Learn how to customize them with essential oils and save a fortune on refills. How To Look Instantly Fresher And Younger, How To Do The Amazing Garlic Peeling Hack, 50 Alternate Uses For Coke You Need To Know, Is Santa Real?

None of them were scarred in any way by “Santa” and always joined in the fun to keep the secret from the younger kids. You love your kids and can just tell them what’s pretend and truth.All the best. No Preasents. Most kids in my world started asking around 10 yrs old. Good luck, love and hugs. The magic of Christmas is real and exciting and it has been a wonderful part of my children’s upbringing and one son has share the magic with his children and another is starting with his family and I can only hope that it continues with my youngest son when he starts his family. There are times you just have to look naysayers in the eyes and tell them you feel sorry for them that they don’t have special things like that you and your children enjoy. REALLY, I think there is a lot of opinions out there about this. May have also mentioned that those who do not believe in Santa get socks & jocks for christmas… They chose to not spoil for others… I now have 2 granddaughters (3yo & 3 wo) for this christmas for the first time.

Thank you Rita! That it was her job as a young Santa to make sure other little kids didn’t find out until they were ready. It crushed me to the very end. They now do the same with their children.Growing up myself and eldest of four, and old enough to know, I recall knowing in the back of my mind that mum and dad were Santa but did not want to pop the bubble so kept quiet. There is NO harm in telling your kids there is a Santa or fairies.When they find out the truth about santa you let them know they are now a santa and it’s their job to secretly find out what their younger brother or sister want for Christmas and you let the child wrap the gifts and put them under the tree.That way they are a part of the new Christmas tradition.You let them know the spirit of Santa lives in everyone and that anyone can be a santa.If there are no younger siblings you can tell your child to secretly find out if there is a neighbour who doesn’t have much money and find out if there are kids and your child can help shop for gifts and sneak them at their door.They feel good for helping make someone happy and who knows as they grow up the tradition of helping someone needy might continue.Let kids be kids. When her oldest first found out, she sat him down & told him that she had a big secret to tell him. They were never mad at us for lying to them. Merry Christmas & God bless…..and don’t forget to give Santa a special hug! Many letters destined for Santa Claus are directed to his helpers in this Indiana town. It’s tradition! Your friend cares very much but you are their mother. Give them happy memories and don’t worry-believe that in this case you are doing right by them and they will carry on your traditions for Generations to come!!! You asked a very good question: "Are you Santa?"

Merry Christmas! If neither of you were scarred, why would you think your children would be? Don’t take that away blah blah blah. I’m sure you were raised with the Christmas spirit! They grew up on many books of different stories. She’s nuts. When asked, they said they didn’t believe any more, so I asked what Santa represented. Lying to an adopted child about their adoption can be very damaging but Santa Claus… truly sad how PC crazy society has become. I also asked them how many gifts did Jesus received and again the youngest said 3, and I said do you feel that you should receive more than Jesus and again the youngest one said we do not deserve any. I will be 47 next month, and I STILL believe.

Is it an absolute fact that one man travels to every house in the world, breaks in, and leaves toys, all in one night? By all means….Keep your traditions…your children will let you know when it isn’t neccessary.

You’re a fun Mom! Whoa! Merry Christmas, Omg, i thought i was the only one!

I believe you should do whats right for you and your family, and if your friends are going to be a**holes about it then you’ve got the wrong friends…. I feel all adults believe in Santa as in giving gifts to others and giving to unfortunate people to make them happy and seeing them enjoy their gifts. And always with a big Christmas meal. Everyone is so it’s about making the kids happy.

One rule the crew follows? Belief is part of Christmas. So I guess in her house there is no Santa, no tooth fairy, no Easter Bunny…what a sad place to live. When you realized it was fantasy, did you hate your parents for being dishonest? But she laughs. How do you explain Santa to your children?What if you had a wonderful explanation of who Santa really is? So I came up with a plan to try and emotionally explain how real Santa really is, my daughter is 27 now and if my memory serves me correctly it went something like this… Really how can Santa not be real? . Santa is just Santa. I always did the Santa thing for my Daughter, until she asked me outright about the Easter Bunny. When our youngest was about 9-10 we were sitting on the floor wrapping Christmas gifts one afternoon. I think we are covered. Christmas is really a celebration of Jesus’s birth. (And I may get some things a little wrong, but the main points are here) She then told him that we are all secretly Santas. Toni Roberts is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to amazon.com. I kept that promise. First, let me set this up: Martha's daughter has figured out the truth about Santa, which "left her mother grappling with how to explain that belief." You could also start a family tradition of giving to those in need in your local community as a way of giving Christmas cheer to others. How did you feel about Santa as a child? Prior to during and after. Their your children, not hers. Santa embodies a spirit of giving, of love thy neighbor, and so much more. She then left the house and came in the back door.He ran out and said he saw the tracks in the show where his sleigh had been.Never heard of anyone being harmed because they believed in Santa. Besides, if your kids are around her kids, they already know that Santa is not real. I don’t think it is going to harm children to live with the Santa fairy tail. We had heard that on Christmas Eve night, if you go to the barn and sit quietly, then at midnight, you would experience the following: if there are animals in the barn, they would face the East, kneel down, and begin to talk; and you would hear a baby cry. They will figure it out in time and maybe like my children never say anything – just go with it ~ keep the magic alive! I don’t think so! Urgently !I have yet to see a child that was psychologically damaged and resentful when finding out/figuring out, that Santa was not real. From cooking to cleaning, and even your beauty routine ... we loved these clever hacks and you will too. We all believe in this household!! I was devastated when my grandmother made the decision to say it out loud that there was no Santa and I was old enough to know. There was an old woman living nearby who nobody seemed to like – and she seemed to feel the same way towards others. Please select the topics you're interested in: Would you like to turn on POPSUGAR desktop notifications to get breaking news ASAP?

Then he said that he didn’t know what happened, but he took the bike, then looked up – and the man was gone!That was almost 60 years ago, and it is still one of my favorite, and greatest, memories! Do as you wish, all will be just fine, let time take care of the facts. You are making Christmas enjoyable for your children. When my now 19 year old Special needs son turned 17 we decided to stop Santa coming to visit ( his younger brothers were in there early teens). Just say you can believe what you want to believe, whatever keeps you happy ? I ran into the same thing with our DIL several years ago. My daughter was in shock running around finding & counting them.I just said ” oh they are not for u, cos u don’t believe, bunny left them for me. Life is too short, difficult , serious, and too many horrendous things happen every day around the world, to not have something to enjoy.