I don't know how he came in contact with this gentleman, but I do know that it was not through the foundation.". Kyle, 38, served four tours in Iraq and was awarded two Silver Stars, five Bronze Stars with Valor, two Navy and Marine Corps Achievement Medals, and one Navy and Marine Corps Commendation. "We have lost more than we can replace. Shooting range at Rough Creek Lodge . How many covert wars, miscarriages of justice, and dystopian technologies would remain hidden if our reporters weren’t on the beat? Kyle often took veterans, such as Routh, out on shooting ranges to work with them and help them cope with PTSD and related problems. He left the Navy in 2009. A hunting guide found Kyle, 38, and Littlefield, 35, Kyle's friend, motionless and called 911. So, after completing his high school education, the young man ventured out to accomplish his dream. 1. He said that Routh actually had paranoid personality disorder exacerbated by drug use. "Kind of have an idea that maybe that's why they were at the range, for some type of therapy that Mr. Kyle assists people with, and I don't know if it's called shooting therapy," Bryant said. Chris Kyle, who wrote a bestseller about his time in Iraq and the more than 150 insurgents he killed, created a foundation that tried to help "emotionally and physically wounded veterans." [21] Hundreds of people, many waving American flags, lined Interstate 35 to view the procession and pay their final respects to Kyle. The murders of Chris Kyle and Chad Littlefield occurred on February 2, 2013, at a shooting range near Chalk Mountain, Texas. Sunday, February 2, 2020 marked seven years since the most lethal sniper in U.S. history, Chris Kyle, and his friend Chad Littlefield were killed by former Marine Eddie Ray Routh.
on about your day, ask yourself: How likely is it that the story you just read would have been produced by a different news outlet if The Intercept hadn’t done it?
Lt. Lau said the discrepancy was the result of an error on the part of Navy officials sifting through incomplete paperwork relating to Kyle’s award citations and certificates, and the new DD214 reflects every award or commendation Kyle received during his military service. "I … He drove to his sister's home in Midlothian and when he allegedly told her and her husband that he had shot the two men, the couple called police. ... Taya Kyle, Chris Kyle’s widow, did not respond to a … When his condition worsened, his family took him to the Dallas VA, where he stayed for almost two weeks. [17], On February 24, 2015, Routh was found guilty of murdering Kyle and Littlefield. "Chris Kyle was a hero for his courageous efforts protecting our country as a U.S. Navy SEAL during four tours of combat. She approached Kyle and discussed her son with him, asking if he would help her son. Routh has been charged with two counts of capital murder, for Kyle and Littlefield. Moreover, he was a hero for his efforts stateside when he helped develop the FITCO Cares Foundation.
Routh had been in and out of mental hospitals for at least two years and had been diagnosed with schizophrenia.
After being arrested, Routh told a detective he was worried about his own mental state, according to an officer's body camera video. 5 Fast Facts Before The 'American Sniper' Murder Trial.
“After thoroughly reviewing all available records, the Navy determined an error was made in the issuance of Chief Petty Officer Chris Kyle’s form DD214 (report of separation from military service),” wrote Lt. Jackie Pau, a Navy spokesperson. How Did Chris Kyle Die? ... Chris will be remembered as a great American Hero, and another friend lost but not forgotten. His sister, Laura Blevins, called 9-1-1 and told the emergency operator: "They went out to a shooting range ... Like, he's all crazy. psychotic. "[6], After the killings, Routh went to his sister's house in Midlothian and told her what he had done. They smoked marijuana together occasionally, Watson said, and Routh smoked "not everyday, but pretty regular. A famous Navy SEAL sniper was the victim of a homicide on February 2, 2013.