Mystique later gave birth to a normal human child - Graydon - whom she gave up for adoption, although she kept an eye on him. [5], Graydon was shown in Hell, strapped to a hospital bed and screaming in agony.
Creed also came to join the Upstarts, a group of wealthy and powerful individuals who had been brought together by Selene and the enigmatic telepathic Gamesmaster with the sole purpose of killing mutants for points in a twisted game.
When a reporter from the Bugle obtained information regarding Creed's parentage, Zero Tolerance's leader Bastion killed the journalist to prevent the news from leaking out. Amazing Fantasy #15 (Spider-Man's First Appearance), Tales of Suspense #39 (Iron Man's First Appearance), Incredible Hulk #181 (Wolverine's First Appearance), 53 Appearances of Graydon Creed (Earth-616), 6 Minor Appearances of Graydon Creed (Earth-616), Media Graydon Creed (Earth-616) was Mentioned in, 4 Images featuring Graydon Creed (Earth-616), 2 Quotations by or about Graydon Creed (Earth-616), Character Gallery: Graydon Creed (Earth-616), Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A-Z hardcover Vol. Graydon Creed Jr. is the son of Sabretooth and Mystique and the only member of his immediate family who was not a mutant. Very little is known about the early life of Graydon Creed, except that during the Cold War he was born to two mutant terrorists, Mystique and Sabretooth. He was left to be raised by his father who bullied and beat him constantly.
Having grown tired of the yelling, Sabretooth came to his room and found him. Le personnage est doublé par John Stocker en version originale[7]. Afterwards Kelly was kidnapped by Magneto then later … Later he died again in the battle against X-Men. De cette union nait un fils Graydon Creed. When Graydon learned of his heritage, that he was the son of two mutants who had abandoned him as an inconvenience, he grew resentful of all mutants, and that resentment colored his outlook for the rest of his life. Nightcrawler seeks the help of Rogue and Wolverine; they locate the base and walk straight into a trap.
Dans la réalité alternative de Age of Apocalypse, Graydon Creed se bat aux côtés de son père contre l'Arme Omega[6]. Kelly was the target of a failed assassination attempt by Mystique, Avalanche, Pyro, and Blob. The pages of X-Force show a group of Purifiers digging up the corpse of Graydon Creed, his body is then taken back to their base. Posing as German spy Leni Zauber, Mystique seduced freelance supervillain Victor Creed (Sabretooth) while he was in Germany on a mission. He was also a member of the Upstarts, a group of well-connected murderous youths who were being manipulated by the telepathic Gamesmaster for his own amusement.
He engaged in a brief fight with his father, even managing to gain the upper-hand shortly. The character was created by writer Scott Lobdell and artist Brandon Peterson and first appeared in The Uncanny X-Men #299 (April 1993).
After the Beast's pardon by the President, Graydon's resentment grew even more and the Friends of Humanity began targeting the X-Men. La dernière modification de cette page a été faite le 12 avril 2020 à 16:37. In his adult years, Graydon formed a group called the Friends of Humanity, dedicated to opposing mutant civil rights by committing acts of terrorism against peaceful mutants and mutant sympathizers, and using the acts of violent mutants such as Magneto to rally support for their cause. Posing as German spy Leni Zauber, Mystique seduced freelance assassin Victor Creed (aka Sabretooth) while he was in Germany on a mission.
Beast begins searching for her and Wolverine infiltrates the Friends of Humanity, pretending to be the victim of an assault by evil mutants. Fandom may earn an affiliate commission on sales made from links on this page. Creed is recovered by the Friends of Humanity and callously delivered via parachute to Sabretooth's cabin in the woods, who presumably tortures him.
After slaying the zombie Lord Dark Wind, Lady Deathstrike stabs the zombie Graydon in the neck. Graydon Creed annonce au public que se sachant pourchassé par des mutants terroristes, il s'est fait remplacer par un sosie lors de ses apparitions publiques. Graydon Creed began looking for new ways to extermin… and promoted Nick Fury to General.[13].
Graydon also reinstated S.H.I.E.L.D. Mystique le place en orphelinat mais garde un œil sur lui durant toute sa jeunesse.
Créé par le scénariste Scott Lobdell et le dessinateur Brandon Peterson, il apparaît pour la première fois dans le comic book Uncanny X-Men #299 en avril 1993.
Mystique argued that Graydon belonged in Hell, but Sabretooth wasn't willing to leave him. Quand il découvre qu'il est le fils de deux mutants, il éprouve une haine immense contre la race de ses parents2.
Il base sa politique sur le principal danger mutant, Magneto. Capitalizing on a near-hysterical fear of mutants in the general public, Creed's popularity swelled, which led to the Daily Bugle newspaper launching an investigation into Creed's activities.
Creed was a follower of Senator Robert Kelly who also took an anti-mutant stance. After Lady Deathstrike and Daken are stabbed by a zombie version of Lord Dark Wind, Sabretooth fights his zombified son who states that there is 10 minutes left before Maybelle is burned to the ground. Not knowing who they truly were, Creed came to hate his parents for leaving him. Graydon Creed est un personnage de fiction appartenant à l'univers de Marvel Comics. Graydon was consequently raised in an abusive environment by his father, causing him …
During the Upstarts' self-professed "Younghunt", Creed was blackmailed into revealing the location of the Upstarts' prisoners by the New Warriors, who threatened to expose Creed as a mutant collaborator and the son of mutants.[3]. [4], He was later brought back again as a zombie and sent after Sabretooth, Daken, and Lady Deathstrike. [4] Several years later, the miniseries X-Men Forever revealed that a future version of Mystique had fired the shot, having sworn to kill Graydon for his part in the Friends of Humanity's brutal attack on Trevor Chase, the grandson of her lover Destiny. In the Age of X reality, Graydon Creed had led a strike force that put the mutant race on the verge of extinction.
It is re-animated by Bastion using the techno-organic virus taken from an "offspring" of Magus. After learning of his parents' identities, Creed sought to kill them as part of the Upstarts' game. The X-Men follow him, attack the base and the scientist reveals himself to be Apocalypse.
Durant la guerre froide, sous les traits de l'espionne Leni Zauber, la métamorphe Raven Darkholme / Mystique séduit l'assassin Victor Creed / Dents de Sabre. Graydon Creed is the leader of the anti-mutant and human supremacist organization, the Friends of Humanity. The FOH protest outside the clinic, and later kidnap Carly. Mystique is the mother of the X-Men hero Nightcrawler and the villain Graydon Creed, and the adoptive mother of the X-Men heroine Rogue. [2][3] A future version of Mystique had fired the shot, having sworn to kill Graydon for his part in the Friends of Humanity's brutal attack on Trevor Chase, the grandson of her lover Destiny. Graydon lashed out at his father for abandoning him and wanted Victor to end his pain by killing him, but Victor refused. Several casualties resulted, including the AoA's Sabretooth, Horror Show, and Fiend, as well as the X-Treme X-Men's Xavier and Hercules.[11]. Marvel Database is a FANDOM Comics Community.
Creed spends months in a psychiatric hospital. Graydon Creed est adapté dans la série animée X-Men. Graydon Creed is a fictional character appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics. He was killed again when the soldiers finally blow up the town of Maybelle. After the Beast's pardon by the President, Graydon's resentment grew even more and the Friends of Humanity began targeting the X-Men.
An enraged Beast attacks the FOH headquarters and the X-Men use a holographic projector to display information on Sabretooth in front of the Friends of Humanity, including his real name (given in this episode as Graydon Creed Senior). In his adult years, Graydon formed a group called the Friends of Humanity, dedicated to opposing mutant civil rights by committing acts of terrorism against peaceful mutants and mutant sympathizers, and using the acts of violent mutants such as Magneto to rally support for their cause. Graydon gladly accepts him into the fold. The X-Men help him get clear of the battle. Disguised as the armored Tribune, Creed hired assassins to kill his mother and had his father implanted with a bomb. Once he recovers, Graydon tries to return to the folds of the Friends of Humanity organisation in the episode "Bloodlines"; the council that now rules over Friends of Humanity, however, after having been made aware of his having a mutant for a father, have been digging further into his past and uncovered that his family tree "bears much mutant/rotten fruit"; they declare that, in order to lead the Friends of Humanity once more, he has to prove himself by killing Mystique (his birth mother) and Nightcrawler (his younger half-brother): Creed then kidnaps Mystique and sends Nightcrawler a letter, telling him that he must come to the Friends of Humanity base or they will kill his mother. He became President of the United States after Mister Fantastic went missing. His prominence was short-lived as Magneto (who compared Graydon Creed to Adolf Hitler) viewed it as his duty to rid the world of the man., Fictional presidents of the United States, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 24 September 2020, at 06:50. Mystique later gave birth to a normal human child—Graydon—whom she gave up for adoption, although she kept an eye on him. He is the son of Sabretooth and Mystique. [7] As Sabretooth continues his fight with Graydon, he tries to get answers on how Graydon came back from the dead.
[1], Posing as German spy Leni Zauber, Mystique seduced freelance supervillain Victor Creed (Sabretooth) while he was in Germany on a mission. During his campaign against mutants he kept his history a secret. [6] Due to Sabretooth's effort, Graydon was freed from Hell and resurrected.[7]. Durant un gala où Graydon Creed vise la Maison-Blanche, il est abattu par un assassin[4]. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Mystique later gave birth to a normal human child - Graydon - whom she gave up under Victor Creed's care. Graydon Creed appeared in the X-Men animated series voiced by John Stocker. Growing up Creed was abandoned by his mother when she discovered he was not a mutant, and she sent him to live in an orphanage. Graydon is a charismatic and intelligent man, hindered somewhat by his bigotry, he is still a highly influential and well-connected figure. Il dirige les Amis de l'Humanité, un parti politique d'anti-mutants fanatiques[1].
Quand il découvre qu'il est le fils de deux mutants, il éprouve une haine immense contre la race de ses parents[2]. À l'âge adulte, il crée les Amis de l'Humanité, un groupe politique s'opposant aux droits civiques des mutants, et provoqu… Durant la guerre froide, sous les traits de l'espionne Leni Zauber, la métamorphe Raven Darkholme / Mystique séduit l'assassin Victor Creed / Dents de Sabre. Magneto sent his assassin Sabretooth to kill him.
Mystique le place en orphelinat mais garde un œil sur lui durant toute sa jeunesse. Graydon Creed's massacred body was found by government agents, and Trask ordered his death ruled an accident to prevent panic.
The X-Men destroy the virus and Graydon returns to the Friends of Humanity headquarters. Tribune Suit: an armored battle suit which gave him much greater strength. He went on to become a rabid anti-mutant … He's wearing an armor and appears to have a flamethrower and other firearms. In the past, Mystique seduced freelance assassin Victor Creed, also known as Sabretooth.