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Triggered by a joke among students at a Tanzania boarding school, young girls began to laugh uncontrollably. In July of 1518, a woman referred to as Frau Troffea stepped into a narrow street in Strasbourg, France and began a fervent dancing vigil that lasted between four …, Creative Commons Naamsvermelding/Gelijk delen. A Dakhma (Persian: دخمه, In November 1934, an anonymous letter was sent to the girl's parents which ultimately led the police to Fish. google_ad_type = "text_image";
Eventos. Public Domain, Die Wallfahrt der Fallsüchtigen nach Meulebeeck. Ein Ende der Tanztortur wurde dadurch allerdings nicht erreicht.
Possible Causes
De dokters sloten astrologische of bovennatuurlijke oorzaken uit, en stelden dat de plaag een "natuurlijke ziekte" was, die werd veroorzaakt door "heet bloed".
Waller denkt eerder aan een mass psychogenic illness, waarbij mensen die sterk geloven in bovennatuurlijke krachten in een dissociatieve geestestoestand raken die het normale bewustzijn uitschakelt en hen laat handelen volgens cultureel bepaalde ideeën van hoe een bezetene handelt.
Der Wahrheit am nächsten kommen dürfte wohl die Ansicht, dass es sich um eine fatale Mischung mehrerer dieser möglichen Ursachen gehandelt haben könnte. Met rode schoenen om hun bloederige voeten werden ze rond het houten heiligenbeeld geleid. O fenômeno teve início quando uma mulher, Frau Troffea, começou a interpretar passos frenéticos de dança numa rua da cidade de Estrasburgo aparentemente sem qualquer motivo. Numerous people took to dancing for days without rest, and, over the period of about one month, some of the people died from heart attack, stroke, or exhaustion. Not exactly what you're asking for but I always love an excuse to post the. Controversy exists over whether people ultimately danced to their deaths.
In één kroniek is sprake van vijftien doden per dag. Frau Troffea verließ das Haus und trat hinaus in die Straßen der Stadt.
Einen offiziellen Grund der Anfälle konnten sie nicht diagnostizieren. Jahrhunderts ratlos vor den wie besessen Tanzenden.
To increase the effectiveness of the cure, authorities even paid for musicians to keep the afflicted moving. addded on request.
Authorities prescribed "more dancing" to cure the tormented movers but, by summer's end, dozens in the Alsatian city had died of heart attacks, strokes and sheer exhaustion due to nonstop dancing. google_ad_type = "text_image";
But I guess it's always fun to bring up the Flatwoods incident.
It's the "David Fincher future movie adaptation" thread. Diese Website benutzt Cookies um die Seite benutzerfreundlich zu gestalten. This stuff fascinates me. Having my remains eaten by vultures appeals, it's kind of environmentally sound, feeds other life.