This phase is very awkward if you have to face Grim while shooting, simply because you’ll have to keep moving away from him.
Perhaps he is even friendly, I mean you are playing the bad guy in this game. Xbox One and PC users who have played Cuphead know that Grim Matchstick is the start of the seriously challenging final stretch. After taking enough damage, Grim will retract his tongue with a beaten up look as his eyes bulge out of his head, then promptly rears up and grows two more heads, becoming a three-headed dragon, as he laughs mockingly. The final ring of the beam can be parried. After you’ve forced Matchstick to recoil, you’re going to see him conjure two more heads, turning him into a far more deadly Hydra. Grim Matchstick is quirky and goofy, being more like a giant, overly playful dog, just as likely to hurt you while trying to play as he would be apologetic after his folly. Interestingly, Grim is one of the only two bosses (the other being Ollie Bulb) in the game that doesn't actually want to hurt Cuphead and Mugman. However, despite the similarities, Elliott and Grim have a good deal of differences between one another, in terms of physical appearance and their abilities, while only their personalities are almost the exact same.
In this phase, Grim repositions himself on the left side of the screen, expels his tongue, and has a marching band of little fire dudes run across his tongue. Grim has three heads now, each of which shoots out small fire orbs that gravitate towards you in a weird, hard-to-dodge motion. hope i could help! Flame Minions I have defeated every world 2 boss EXCEPT Grim Matchstick.
Please help me with Grim Matchstick! He later appears on the bottom left and commences the second phase of the battle. Phase 2 Instead, you have to jump across small clouds that constantly move across the screen.
What makes Grim’s first phase so tricky isn’t the fireballs and laser rings themselves, but his tail attack. The grinning fireballs will jump either directly towards the player or to the right side of the screen (no matter the location of the player/s) in an arc trajectory, and try to damage the player(s). You could also use roudabount for the second phase, but you'd need to stay low and close to the flames. In Simple mode, the clouds move slower. Forms In Simple and Expert mode, he can start with either of the two attacks. Gender
You may die early on, because this fight is unlike any other that you’ve played up until this point.
I have defeated every world 2 boss EXCEPT Grim Matchstick. At first, it’s three rings. He sometimes shoots two at the same time that crisscross each other, but only does this when he reaches a damage threshold. The three heads are going to rotate in a rotating cycle motion, with the two outside heads occasionally firing out fire orbs at you. Hitpoints = 5/5. The Grim Matchstick is a three headed Dragon who breathes fire, willing to burn poor Cuphead. 1200/1700/1900 ", "Sorry, I didn't mean to put you in the h-h-h-hot seat...", "One..two..three! Similarly enough, Grim spends the entire battle fighting off Cuphead and Mugman to defend himself, his soul, and his contract. Level He will puff out his chest and take a deep breath in before unleashing one or two fireballs. my main tip is use charge and lobber for the whole fight, first phase charge, second lobber, third charge so u dont hit the fireballs . Let’s get this out of the way. The Grim Matchstick is a three headed Dragon who breathes fire, willing to burn poor Cuphead. Grim Matchstick activating and deactivating his peashot mode. For weapons, we recommend using the standard Peashooter and either the Chaser or Roundabout. You can wrap this phase up pretty quickly. I am not trying to get a perfect score; my goal for Cuphead is just to finish it.