Each level comes with a new special ability and more things to eat. Vergiss nicht auch mal etwas Wasser zu trinken! Beginne das Spiel als stumpfsinnige, Mist-schlürfende Fliege und iss so viel du kannst. In this multiplayer survival game you start out as a teeny tiny fly with the potential to grow big! Everyone. FlyOrDie.io is a free-for-all io game where you must evolve to be the biggest flying creature out there. In this game, you are the last survivor in the world and you must pilot your military plane and try to eradicate all the zombies in each city. Komm und teste Deine Fähigkeiten in Startspiele.de´s gratis Schach-Spiel. Entering the code boosts the exp every time when an Animal gains exp, allowing for faster gameplay. You begin as a tiny fly as well as degree up as you consume extra food. Do not forget to drink water. Fly Or Die. https://flyordieio.fandom.com/wiki/Bonus_Codes?oldid=6299. Do not forget to drink water. Schmetterlinge essen Blumen und so weiter. Try to attack others and eat food. Evolve to the strongest creature and show who rules here. Try to attack others and eat food. Steuerung: Maus. Beginne das Spiel als stumpfsinnige, Mist-schlürfende Fliege und iss so viel du kannst. The Most EPIC Blobs vs Blobs Online Action battles out here! Bonus Codes are offered by the developer, Pixel Voices, every month on their twitter. As you develop, various other players become part of your diet regimen too. FlyOrDie.io. The remaining expired boosts currently listed here expired on February 29th. This section is about all of the special Bonus Codes Pixel Voices has given. 14,280. Damit wirst du dich bald in etwas wertvolleres verwandeln, wie etwa eine Mücke. How to Play FlyOrDie.io Eat creatures with green border and avoid with red one. Whether you're looking for a social free chess game or a competitive rated game, there are always couple of players to choose from. Watch on your water level too, you'll require lots of water to survive. Viel Spaà mit FlyOrDie IO! The choice is simple, you Fly or Die. As you progress through the game you can use the money you earn to upgrade your plane - improve its engine, body, guns and fuel tank for example to increase its survivability and damage output. Only one code may be active at a time. Fly or Die is a multiplayer survival game. All rights reserved | Game copyrights belong to their respective owners or authors. Fly and eat or be eaten. Copyright ©document.write(new Date().getFullYear()); FlyOrDie.xyz. Install. Check out the new io game. Enjoy the full version of the flyordie.io game for free. Do not forget to drink water. Deine Aufgabe ist es Nahrung zu finden und dich so in Insekten, Vögel und vieles mehr zu verwandeln. Fly Or Die Radio Control Flyer`s © 2020. Dabei sammeln wir auf dem Weg upgrades und versuchen nicht oft zu crashen. Run, run & run! Fly or Die is a multiplayer survival game. Contains Ads. FlyOrDie.io is a fun-addicting multiplayer survival game about different kinds of flying animals and you an play it online and for free on Silvergames.com. As you progress through the game you can use the money you earn to upgrade your plane - improve its engine, body, guns and fuel tank for example to increase its survivability and damage output. Note: All green codes are active, the rest are archived. Alle Rechte vorbehalten. Spiel auch eines der anderen coolen Actionspiele auf 1001Spiele.de! Try to attack others and eat food.