Close-up or Close Shot: the object or subject takes up nearly 80 percent of the screen space and therefore appears to be very large. film script terminology.
Film Glossary . 0000000942 00000 n

terms to use when speaking and writing about your projects. GENERAL FILMMAKING TERMS. Like many careers, filmmakers and film crews have their own terms and jargon to define their various jobs, duties, materials, equipment, positions, organisations, and more. A shot in which the camera photographs a scene from directly overhead. 0000004370 00000 n Creates depth in a shot. Long Shot: the object on the screen appears small or appears to be seen from some distance away. Here is our list. 0000009963 00000 n view is to meet your subject on its own terms. If you are filming someone setting down a glass, rather than show the person from the torso up setting the small object on a table, make the glass your subject and position your camera on the table, then watch as a giant drink fills the frame. Abby (Abby Singer): A term for the second-to-last shot of the day on a shoot. Film Terminology and Cinematic Effects The Shot: a single, uninterrupted piece of film. A guide to key filmic terms Contrast range The range of lighting in a shot can be altered for effect. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (2004) / Focus Features. A few of these terms come from literary analysis and from the theater, but most are specific to film. E:\M55\COURSES\FILM\ 2001-02-23 12:131 CINEMATOGRAPHICAL & FILM PRODUCTION TERMS from James Monaco: How to Read a Film (Oxford, 1981) and The Film Studies Dictionary (ed.
0000000843 00000 n For some of you, this list will be a review, but in everyone’s case, be sure to clarify any terms that you find confusing. x�b```��,�Z��A� � �̈́j�/��L�&qWd`عk�Ι�jY��-|��[v�|A����g�4�6 K �b >*���t�10L=v/�5���:��]p�W����1�k� ��2� endstream endobj 31 0 obj<> endobj 33 0 obj<>/ProcSet 45 0 R>>>> endobj 34 0 obj<> endobj 35 0 obj<> endobj 36 0 obj<> endobj 37 0 obj<> endobj 38 0 obj<> endobj 39 0 obj<> endobj 40 0 obj<> endobj 41 0 obj<> endobj 42 0 obj<>stream Close-up or Close Shot: the object or subject takes up nearly 80 percent of … Resources; Articles; CV Service; Ebook; Film Terminology Updated List Of Film Set Jargon. April 03, 2019 by Amy Clarke in Filmmaking Tips. If you’re an aspiring film editor, you know your craft matters — and you know it also matters how you speak and think about your craft. ޘÅÍGóòå͇7Ü2¯^½¾åß^/Vm]ucÙšúQ³È„mbábâϦıl~?´§ñWóİSøIUu/ê#¢¦. 30 0 obj <> endobj xref 30 16 0000000016 00000 n Filmmaking Terms Glossary Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (2004) / Focus Features Like many careers, filmmakers and film crews have their own terms and jargon to define their various jobs, duties, materials, equipment, positions, organisations, and more. You will quickly get used to all of these film production terms, but in case it helps I wrote a list of basic film terminology below. 0000006415 00000 n

Film Terms Glossary Cinematic Terms Definition and Explanation Example (if applicable) 180 degree rule a screen direction rule that camera operators must follow - an imaginary line on one side of the axis of action is made (e.g., between two principal actors in a scene), and the camera must not cross over that line - otherwise, there is a Script Terms and Abbreviations. Although scriptwriters sometimes feel an urge to indicate camera shots and angles on a script, this is an area that's best left to the judgment of the director.. 0000003290 00000 n H��W�n�H��C?-���a�N�#1�f-ɐ��M�,fD�KR�x�~Ou7/��YXHbY]�S�N}�\p�7\��5�6��џ�]���d�z�xwa��C�7�o���>ŗ��s׽��,�V�x}�uv3���!�Tym���l������Ք�ߖfƦ�Mn)c�i�i�-�q�ˇ�2�3�i�_8�a[��/_9��j�4�'ecl��ᱱ��X�r�׹���2���r1�-�y�Y^�����$�a�`�TH�[�a*K�������P��j9��lf��ī�*�a��0����u)���U�)B��2����պm]�]U��$5��E���*���XA�ۢ��*3��5%[�d�F}�V��0���0� We’ve compiled a guide to help you beef up your terminology and learn to communicate about editing like a pro. 0000008877 00000 n trailer <<1f36231ae0f211d984fa000d9357e50e>]>> startxref 0 %%EOF 32 0 obj<>stream