When was the last time one of those tin-pot dictators was charged with so much as perjury of his oath of office? Ferguson’s death toll estimate was wrong, Horby’s drug trial of HCQ was fiddled, the entire process of lockdown was unaffordably broad, economically unaffordable and incompetent in the area of protecting the vulnerable, there is an inquiry going on into PHE’s massively overestimated UK death toll, and the Horby trials are being redone at yet more public cost. He went on to medical school later. Speaking of the fuzz, here’s their take. Not only civil unrest, it could be civil war. Boldfaces mine as usual. «www.lewrockwell.com». These examples give proof that civil disobedience is not a plausible strategy against a non-democratic government. But by this reasoning, they could be banned from accessing any city property, including parks, as they do not own the parks. He faced a government that disregarded the views and rights of the people, a non-democratic government that used violence to instill fear in its citizens as a method of control. For some forty years now, the Internationalist bourgeois Left has treated Nineteen Eighty-Four as a blueprint. Apologies if I’ve posted this before, but …, First ‘They’ burned the books, and toppled the statues and monuments Got it right this time. John Doran. This right allows individuals that do not share it the ability to influence people that do. In the US on the same day, the light use of lockdown produced 5 deaths. 19 Dec. 2009. Do NOT throw a fit, create a scene and give the cops no option but to arrest you. According to the Meridian Police Department, the playground had been cordoned off with caution tape and there were signs instructing people not to use the equipment. 1) Too much debt. "Gandhi on Nonviolent Action & Civil Disobedience." But the Socialist cares only for identity politics and binary thinking. Neil Ferguson (the man of multi-billion Pound mistakes) is an epidemiologist, and professor of mathematical biology. The narrow, upturned nose seems common in excitable people. Looks like The Slog has a strong German readership ! Chris Whitty, UK Chief Medical Officer, worked as a doctor and researcher in Africa and Asia and is a practising NHS consultant. He has never worked in general practice, and his total experience in the current century has been as a Professor, administrator and public sector office holder at Gresham College and the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine (LSHTM). As old, in fact, as the ancient Greeks who warned that the Herd Instinct, when married to Herd Ignorance, would inevitably lead to the Führerprinzip. Occupational hazard, y’know. Despite the political stigma associated with downplaying the seriousness of COVID, I think it is important to recognize that, over time, people have been living longer by large margins. "Timeline: India." THE SATURDAY ESSAY: Is it time for Civil Disobedience against the Covid19 cult of failed advice? Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your WordPress.com account. From … Of course, the Swiss report is all conspiracy theorists with no names or references . 22 May 2009. "Henry David Thoreau and 'Civil Disobedience'" LewRockwell.com. 13 Dec. 2009. Sarah Brady Says She Never Touched the Playground Equipment & Felt ‘Singled Out’, Sarah Brady said she felt her arrest was unfair because she never actually touched the playground equipment at Kleiner Park. Never mind I’ve a nice line of covid-fear to sell you; purchase is mandatory but we guarantee you’ll love it. Bhathya, Piyush, Amy McKenna, Amy Tikkanen, and Grace Young. 30 May 2001. Idaho’s Stay-at-Home Order Prohibits Gatherings Of Any Size Unless For Essential Work. KTVB-TV reported that on the original video, the officers were recorded telling Brady and others that they were allowed on the grass and sidewalks but that the playground set was closed. Amnesty International. Just put on your mask pull down your knickers and spread your legs. After the Spanish Flu epidemic ended, the rate in 1920 was 1,050 per 100,000. Tiananmen Square Protest Another peaceful protest that resulted in mass death was the Tiananmen Square protest in Beijing, China. GandhiServe Foundation. of Why Gandhi is Relevant inModern India: A Western Gandhian's Personal Discovery. 23 Mar 2020 Lockdown Day. 17 July 2009. If you need assistance with writing your essay, our professional essay writing service is here to help! Civil Disobedience Gone Horribly Wrong. Disillusioned, he decided that violence was the only choice: “I, and some colleagues, came to the conclusion that as violence in this country was inevitable, it would be wrong and unrealistic for African leaders to continue preaching peace and non-violence,” (“Unity”). E-Learning. Why should 76 million law abiding people be bullied and gaslit and divided and controlled by their government? Sarah Brady: Idaho Woman Arrested Over ‘Playdate’ Coronavirus Protest. 4. "Brief Outline of Gandhi's Philosophy." Lloyds bank reports loss after setting aside £2.4bn Company Registration No: 4964706. But yeah, I do feel like I was singled out and maybe it was because I asked too many questions.”. During the hearing, Brady told the story of a mother who said her baby girl died 48 hours after receiving vaccinations. No, we seem to have run out of candy. Brady made headlines in 2017 in a dispute related to her decision not to vaccinate her own children. In a shorter clip that has circulated on social media, which is embedded above, an officer was seen asking Brady to leave the playground area as she insisted they were not trespassing. And I agree that deliberately looking to cause strife / stress is not the correct method. The Idaho Freedom Foundation wrote on its website that Brady had been participating in a “playdate protest at Kleiner Park in Meridian.” The organization did not explicitly state whether the protest had been planned by a specific group or whether it was more spontaneous. She enrolled her son at a private kindergarten that year after he was denied entry into a public school. There are lots of advisers pushing agenda’s to our sometimes hapless government, their funding is invariably Chinese, big corporate, EU, or a combination of the three. Web. Then China. Mandela also faced extended jail time, which the black Africans could do nothing about. The playground area had been closed to the public due to coronavirus concerns. Records indicate she posted a bond. In 2008, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation awarded the LSHTM £31 million for malaria research in Africa. On a separate idea, It is strange to me that some US states have more draconian tin-pot dictators than what is seen in Canada. The death rate in 1918-1919 relating to Spanish Flu was an estimated 1,684.2, as compared with the past 52 weeks at 922.8. I won’t be bullied by a friend. We are just being softened up ready for the sucker punch. ( Log Out / Definition: Examples: The refusal to obey certain laws or governmental demands for the purpose of influencing legislation or Does this independence enable his clear sighted trust in genuine science, and consequently Sweden’s refusal to remove their people’s liberty at the whims of ‘experts’? In Georgia, peaceful demonstrations were answered with violence: “On November 7, 2007, [Georgian] government forces used violent and excessive force to disperse a series of largely peaceful demonstrations in the capital, Tbilisi,” (“Crossing”). http://www.banned.video/watch?id=5f1fc7a468370e02f29f34cf. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. BBC News. «http;//news.bbc.co.uk». Sarah Brady was arrested around 4 p.m. on April 21. Free resources to assist you with your university studies! 4) The US is collapsing societally and financially. Unfortunately, in most cases where civil disobedience is used in non-democratic countries, the governments turn to violence and the people fall short of their causes. 8 Oct. 2009. – Investment Watch - Female Investors Daily, Is it time for Civil Disobedience against the Covid19 cult of failed advice? The UGLY way! The organization also stated that after posting bond, Brady went to Meridian City Hall to continue protesting against the governor’s stay-at-home order. The usual suspects are frantically censoring this. In South Africa, Nelson Mandela faced a government that was not a democracy. This according to their own website is what they are promoting: •Nowcasting: digital and computational demography. This is probably why the police here tried to handle the matter as gently as they did. I definitely wasn’t playing on the playground equipment. Those noting the spread of Islamic Jihadism and Pakistani rape gangs are Islamophobes. 13 Dec. 2009. I don’t care which, but please just DO SOMETHING to show that you are not the vegetables they now believe you are! I recall seeing the ‘Homomonument’ in Amsterdam. Well done Boris for keeping the pound strong when we were told that it would crash after Brexit. This is the tug-of-war team that has a monopoly on access to government. Mandela initially accepted Thoreau's concept of civil disobedience as an effective strategy for his cause and joined the African National Congress (“Nelson”). Learn how your comment data is processed. Why…are governments refusing to review their policies as scientists across the world draw new conclusions about the “ virus”? Yarborough, Wynn. The money for the Leverhulme Trust comes from Unilever, who were very quick to get some Corona virus exploitation started (https://www.unilever.co.uk/news/press-releases/2020/uk-aid-and-unilever-to-target-a-billion-people-in-global-handwashing-campaign.html ). Resisting the king’s laws eventually earns her death, but she prefers that over going against her own conscie… For the people of India, Thoreau's concept of civil disobedience was successful in earning independence from the British Monarch. (Meaning, not at all.) . In 2020, there are 6.550 million. The scapegoating of groups is where it begins. I cannot see how those sitting behind a desk writing reports and who have not seen a patient for 20 years would be much use.” He then left the meeting. The “experts” will be disgraced and MSM shamed. Nelson Mandela in Africa is only one of many examples of the ineffectiveness of civil disobedience against non-democratic governments. Copyright © 2003 - 2020 - UKEssays is a trading name of All Answers Ltd, a company registered in England and Wales. Before getting any medical treatment ask the physician what the NNT is (Numbers Needed to Treat). Seasons of Peace Cooperation Circles. The chief community physcician stood up and opened the meeting. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! Thoreau believed individual were obligated to resist unjust laws through non-participation, accepting all of the penalties that breaking the law might bring (McElroy). 13 Dec. 2009. But the global mob rule we are witnessing is as old as the hills.