| DROY Micky | KIRBY William | THOMPSON Alfred | SLATER OBE CBE Bill | ROSTRON Wilf, SALAKO John | SLOLEY Richard | AINSWORTH Lionel | REDKNAPP Harry If you know what has happened to any former players not listed here, please do let us know - thanks. | SANSOM Kenny | SMITH Thomas | SLADE Steve | MILLER Paul | HUTCHINGS Carl, JANNEY Mark | LAWTON Tommy The "Detailed" tab provides further details. We hope that this collection of former players will bring back some happy memories of watching Brentford over the years. | LLOYD Barry, MANLEY Tom | DARE Billy | KITAMIRIKE Joel | JONES Keith, KAMARA Chris | DUFFY Christian | GLAZIER Bill For using this site, please activate JavaScript. | CHISOLM Jack | LEE Richard | STANISLAUS Roger | DOCHERTY John | AYLOTT Steve, BADGER Herbert | FISHER Charles | RILEY Tom All material and text on this website copyright Mark Chapman.