The significance or prominence of soil is huge on every corner of the earth let it be plants or animals or microorganisms. The soil is one of the most important ecological factors (called edaphic factor) and also is the most characteristic feature of terrestrial environments. Soil is the living ecosystem. The space of soil between the plant cover and bedrock is the indispensable connecting element between atmosphere and groundwater. Soil is the origin for all the three needs. Besides being the source for the entry of nutrients and water into plants, the soil is the medium for the detritus food chain: nutrients released in detritus are decomposed by various soil microbes like bacteria, algae, fungi, protozoa, etc., bound in or on soil particles, and taken back into plants through their roots. As soil is the origin of existence and development of life form on earth, conservation of it is must. Time has come to make people realize the benefits of maintaining the quality of the soil. Heavy flow of water and heavy rainfall washes away the soil from one place to another. It takes more than thousand years for the formation of just one-inch layer of soil. 982 Words 4 Pages. Soil contains water as it contains both organic and inorganic materials. As a result, pollution due to decaying dead bodies of animals decreases and it increases the quantity of organic matters in soil which makes the soil more fertile suitable for cultivation. Importance of soil cannot explicitly be described in words.
Concentration of carbon dioxide is more than other gases. Your email address will not be published. Growing of vegetation cover on the ground conserves soil. Essay On Importance Of Soil; Essay On Importance Of Soil. Soil is the habitat of all kinds of organisms. Only a good quality soil can provide us with all the aforementioned benefits. Soil is the living ecosystem. Soil (mud) is also the main source of nutrients for all aquatic plants (hydrophytes), roofed or submerged or free-floating. So, deforestation enhances the process of erosion. Loss of minerals, nutrients in soil as a result of utilization of fertilizers makes a steep erosion.
The soil is indeed very important for the existence of life on earth. In addition, soil is the means of support for all terrestrial organisms : plants are anchored to the soil by their root systems ; animals walk upon it and are supported by it, as many animals like nematodes, polychaetes, arachnids, insects, rodents, etc., live under the soil. Published by Experts, Soil Conservation Measures in India – Essay, Physical, Chemical and Biological Properties of Soil – Essay, Essay on Some Important Chemical Properties of Soil | Essay, Essay on Leadership: Introduction, Functions, Types, Features and Importance. When there is no cover of plants, wind causes soil erosion. Here is your essay on the Importance of Soil ! Required fields are marked *. Time has come to make people realize the benefits of maintaining the quality of the soil. Micro-organisms- Micro -organisms like bacteria, fungi, algae are present in high numbers in the soil. “If a healthy soil is full of death, it is also full of life.”. The modern world is standstill without these resources. When you hear the words 'natural resource', what comes to mind?
“Soil is a resource, a living, breathing entity that, if treated properly will maintain itself. Litter of leaves resists soil erosion caused by wind and heavy rainfall. Content Guidelines 2. When it has finally been depleted, the human population will disappear… project your imagination into the soil below you next time you go into the garden. Weathering process means the physical and chemical deterioration of rocks over time due to factors like temperature, heat, pressure, water, wind etc. Your email address will not be published. These resources have become the integrated part of our life. Soil with more number of pores contain more water as water is absorbed in those pores. January 21, 2018 by Study Mentor Leave a Comment. Integration of soil conservation is important ( Douglas 1988; Shaxson 1988). This website includes study notes, research papers, essays, articles and other allied information submitted by visitors like YOU. What Is Organic Farming Essay. Because without soil the whole living process is unthinkable. Water- Water is the solution of organic and inorganic compounds. If you have ever done gardening, you might have observed the change in productivity with the change in the quality of the soil. It is one of the important natural resources. For us food, cloth, and house are basic needs of life. Share Your is the home of thousands of essays published by experts like you! According to Dokyachev (1879), the first soil scientist, the soil is a result of the actions and reciprocal influences of parent rocks, climate, topography, plants, animals and age of the land. Without soil, there is no existence of life.
Its depth, colour, and composition vary from place to place, but all soils are common in consisting of inorganic (mineral) and organic matter, water, and gaseous phases. Air contains gases like carbon dioxide, nitrogen, oxygen etc. During humification (a process where soil organisms form complex and stable organic matter) some organic matter breakdown does not occur completely, especially in soils like peat, owing to its high acid and water content. Without intact soils, we would be lacking the most important essential basis of life. Some are not even interested to know anything regarding soil. along with healthy soil such as nutrients essential to plants, beneficial microorganisms, and organic additives important in organic farming systems because of the integration of biodiversity; allowing overall healthier lifestyles to all individuals willing to take initiative.
Disclaimer Copyright. Water is also a major component of soil. Welcome to! Soil contains different kinds of components. It forms the surface and ecosystem of the earth. Your email address will not be published. These kinds of substances increase the fertility of the soil. Air- In between the spaces of soil particles air is present. Crop rotation shoots up the productivity of the lands. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. It is mostly made up of grains of rock weathered by wind, rain, sun, snow, etc., and varying amounts of humus.