Negative factors that age us include career dissatisfaction, loneliness, depression, anger, the need for control and high expectations whereas stable relationships, faith, routine, positive mental regard and other notions help us age very well. Ageless Body, Timeless Mind, published in 1993, has already sold close to a million hardcover copies. If you don’t believe in something, no matter how many books you read, you are already setting yourself to fail since you are not believing. Chopra expounds on quantum physics and how it is believed to influence aging. "Once again Dr. Chopra presents us with information that can help us live long, healthy lives. I recommend everyone to read this book with an open mind and the most important thing is to believe. In terms reflective of the philosophy of Transcendental Meditation he explains to the patient: “What we want is to pull your awareness back to a healthier level, to a place where this disease is not so threatening. Deepak Chopra is gifted charlatan who preys on the weak-minded and gullible. Therefore it is not surprising that consciousness, which supposedly regulates this invisible process, is the true “healer.”. Ageless Body, Timeless Mind, published in 1993, has already sold close to a million hardcover copies. He refers to quantum physics time and again. Start by marking “Ageless Body, Timeless Mind: The Quantum Alternative to Growing Old” as Want to Read: Error rating book. We can control our body, we can heal it and even decide when to age by just thinking about it. However, it made a long road trip quite entertaining. Chopra begins Ageless Body, Timeless Mind by telling readers who desire true health that they must discard ten false assumptions concerning who they are and the world in which they live. Instead, we should view age is as a product of our chronological age, psychological age and biological age where only the first of these is absolute in form. A must for anyone who knows there is more to it but hasn't quite figured it all out yet. What a treasure of a book! But all this is nonsense. Supposedly, the only reason that we accept anything as objectively or phenomenologically real is because of the “tyranny of the senses” (1:7). For example: “The interaction of the mind and the immune system is so fluent that doctors cannot actually pinpoint the critical moment when negative thoughts compromise the body’s white cells. And want love means in real sense. As a western trained medical doctor (that specialized in endocrinology) I like his take on eastern & western philosophy. Consider Dr. Chopra’s more “enlightened” advice to a patient with chronic myelogenous leukemia, a fatal cancer.