Why your grandfather is so angry all the time: Whiskey Sour, A Greeting to Colder Days: Scotch Cocktails, There's a Frat Boy in All of Us: Jägermeister Drinks, The Wages of Gin is Intoxication: The Gin and Tonic, Why your grandfather is so angry all the time: Whiskey Sour, Ringing in the New Year: Champagne Cocktails, I'll Be Drunk for Christmas: Holiday Drinks, Warming the Soul and Intoxicating the Body: Hot Drink for the Winter. Inspiriert vom Whiskey Sour ist unser „Red Cinnamon Sour“ eine Variation des Barklassikers. -2 oz Bourbon (or other whiskey)

Make your own choice about the glass. Denouement We get commissions for purchases made through links in this post. So, if you, for whatever insane reason, like Southern Comfort, you make it like all the rest of these drinks: Shake the liquid ingredients with ice and strain it into a sour glass or ice-filled old fashioned glass, and garnish with the fruit. -1/2 oz Simple Syrup You asked for grape cough syrup, but your mom got the wrong brand. Why is that? Once you’ve strained it, float the red wine on top. With the rapid growth and change observed in our environment due to modernization, this drink also evolved-and still continues to improve-from simple flavors to numerous varieties. Newer Post →, Please note, comments must be approved before they are published, 10 Best Cocktail Shaker Sets in 2020: Reviews and Buying Guide Der Red Cinnamon Sour ist ein Drink, der zu besonderen Anlässen genau so gut passt, wie zu einem entspannten Abend zuhause. The egg white really doesn’t change the flavor. This is a pretty tasty variation. The whiskey lends its strong, robust flavor, and the gin lends its nice, light aroma and taste. Enter your email address to get weekly alcoholic magic sent to you! You want to make sure to break up the egg white and blend it with the rest of the drink.

Shake the liquid ingredients with ice and strain into a sour glass or ice-filled old fashioned glass. October 13, 2020. is a combination of smooth spirit and sweet and sour flavors. Dabei wird beim Mixen das Aroma aus frisch aufgebrochenen Zimtstangen herausgelöst, die sich mit dem Geschmack der anderen Zutaten paaren. So think about what aesthetics you want, and decide which version is right for you. Finally, garnish with the lemon slice. Create a free website or blog at WordPress.com. As you’ll probably see in the picture, I did a thoroughly mediocre job of floating the wine. Whichever method you use, once it’s well-shaken, strain it into a sour glass or an ice-filled old-fashioned glass and garnish with the fruit.

-3/4 oz Lemon Juice That being said, the flavor doesn’t come out that much here — which is really a good thing. But it is not this day. -2 oz Bourbon (or other whiskey) Surely it was a gift from the gods to reward us for diligently eating of our vegetables and not pooping our pants. -1/2 oz Orange Juice Die Sammlung enthält neben den Zutaten für die meisten Drink-Klassiker ganz unterschiedliche Spirituosen. and mix properly until it becomes a syrup. I think the sweeteners really pull this drink together. Simple enough, right? Whiskey Sour Too much whiskey, and it’ll be too strong and gross. Unquestionably delicious. It won’t be everyone’s cup of tea (or cup of liquor, I suppose), but it does exactly what it’s supposed to do, and it does it well. Shake it a bit more vigorously than you would normally.

Garnish if desired. With Whiskey Sours, the basic blueprint is whiskey, lemon juice, and sugar (I use syrup, because it’s a little easier and faster).