Hare and rabbit are among the most widely eaten game.

Deer hunted in the UK are: Other animals which are hunted in the UK include: Capercaillie are not currently hunted in the UK because of a recent decline in numbers and conservation projects towards their recovery. Commercial processors often handle deer taken during deer seasons, sometimes even at supermarket meat counters. Fish caught for sport are referred to as game fish. Some of these species are no longer hunted, and of the 44 indigenous gamebirds that can potentially be utilised in South Africa, only three, namely the yellow-throated sandgrouse, Delegorgue's pigeon and the African pygmy goose warrant special protection. Meat from older game, or from an animal exhausted in the chase, is less desirable, but it can be improved by marinating it for several hours, usually in a mixture of wine, vinegar, and spices. Young hare is usually roasted, and older hare is made into pâtés and pies, potted, jugged, and casseroled. Large game such as deer is quickly field-dressed by removing the viscera in the field, while very large animals like moose may be partially butchered in the field because of the difficulty of removing them intact from their habitat.

The method of processing varies by game species and size. Of the remaining 41 species, 24 have shown an increase in numbers and distribution range in the last 25 years or so. Large game such as deer is quickly field-dressed by removing the viscerain the fiel… This difference in taste can be attributed to the wild diet of the animal, which usually results in a lower fat content compared to domestic farm raised animals.

Wild game meat (usually considered to include animals harvested from game reserves) is generally considered to be superior in nutrient density and usually has lower fat content than meat procured through contemporary farming methods, while the cost in time and money to procure wild game is much higher. The Norwegian Food Safety Authority considers that children, pregnant women, fertile-aged women, and people with high blood pressure should not consume game shot with lead-based ammunition more than once a month.

Other (non-game birds) that are hunted for food in the UK are specified under the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981. Hunters must be absolutely certain of their target before shooting and should make every effort to get the animal down as quickly and painlessly as possible.

Ground game, which is classed among red meats, is usually readily digestible, but some such meat, like that from hare, may be rich in elements that make it more resistant to digestion than domestic meat acquired from a butcher.

While most game is cooked in simple country fashion, this class of foods has given rise to numerous renowned, sometimes very elaborate gourmet dishes. Let us know if you have suggestions to improve this article (requires login).

The meat of young game is generally easily digested. Small animals are ready for cooking, although they may be disjointed first. Small game can be processed essentially intact, after gutting and skinning or defeathering (by species). A common practice is not to draw birds with slender, tapering beaks, such as the thrush or corncrake. Other methods of tenderizing include marinating as in the dish Hasenpfeffer, cooking in a game pie or as a stew such as burgoo.

The term game arises in medieval hunting terminology by the late 13th century and is particular to English, the word derived from the generic Old English gamen (Germanic *gamanan) "joy, amusement, sport, merriment". In general, game is drawn and allowed to cool after being killed and then hung for several days.

Children who often eat such game might develop a slightly lower IQ, as lead influences the development of the central nervous system. [6], Learn how and when to remove these template messages, Learn how and when to remove this template message, Hunting and shooting in the United Kingdom, British Association for Shooting and Conservation, "Mattilsynet: – Barn kan få lavere IQ av storvilt", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Game_(hunting)&oldid=982980439, Articles needing additional references from July 2007, All articles needing additional references, Wikipedia articles needing rewrite from October 2014, Articles with multiple maintenance issues, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 11 October 2020, at 14:55. Rabbit can be stuffed with bread and herbs before baking, potted with layers of bacon or ham, and stewed with vegetables. Meat from older game, or from an animal exhausted in the chase, is less desirable, but it can be improved by marinating it for several hours, usually in a mixture of wine, vinegar, and spices.

Duck is a common type of game meat that is often roasted. Large game are often subject to individual licensing where a separate licence is required for each individual animal taken (tags). The carcass is kept cool to minimize spoilage. In Great Britain and western Europe. Large game includes animals like deer, moose, and bear. Small game and fowl may simply be carried home to be butchered.

In addition, most commonly consumed meats are specifically identified by the live animal from which they come. Small game and fowl may simply be carried home to be butchered. In the UK game is defined in law by the Game Act 1831.

Animals hunted for bushmeat include, but are not limited to: Some of these animals are endangered or otherwise protected, and thus it is illegal to hunt them. While most game is cooked in simple country fashion, this class of foods has given rise to numerous renowned, sometimes very elaborate gourmet dishes. Sometimes a distinction is also made between varieties and species of a particular animal, such as wild turkey and domestic turkey. Traditionally, game meat was hung until "high" or "gamey", that is, approaching a state of decomposition. This is influenced by climate, animal diversity, local taste and locally accepted views about what can or cannot be legitimately hunted.

A single small game licence may cover all small game species and be subject to yearly bag limits. Be on the lookout for your Britannica newsletter to get trusted stories delivered right to your inbox. Generally game is cooked in the same ways as farmed meat. It is illegal to shoot game on Sundays or at night.

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Whether or not game birds should be drawn is a debated issue. Small game includes small animals, such as rabbits, pheasants, geese or ducks. Once obtained, game meat must be processed to avoid spoiling. Also see the legal definition of game in Swaziland.[1]. Game or quarry is any animal hunted for its meat or sport. Game meat is typically taken from a wild animal that has been shot with a gun or bow. Beef refers to the meat from cattle, veal from calves, pork from hogs, lamb from….

The gamebirds of South Africa where the population status in 2005 was secure or growing are listed below: In the U.S. and Canada, white-tailed deer are the most commonly hunted big game. Young boar, or wild pig, that has been roasted, grilled, braised, or smoked is considered a delicacy, as is pheasant. Our editors will review what you’ve submitted and determine whether to revise the article. Big game is a term sometimes used interchangeably with large game although in other contexts it refers to large, typically African, mammals (specifically "big five game" or "dangerous game") which are hunted mainly for trophies. This article was most recently revised and updated by, https://www.britannica.com/topic/game-meat.

Game is usually classified according to three categories: (1) small birds, such as the thrush and quail; (2) game proper, a category that can be subdivided into winged game, such as the goose, duck, woodcock, grouse or partridge, and pheasant; and ground game, such as the squirrel, hare, and rabbit; (3) big game, predominantly venison, including roebuck, deer, elk, moose, and caribou but also including other large animals such as bear and wild boar. Otherwise the hunter handles butchering. Game in Norway, Sweden, Denmark and Finland includes: Game meat is typically taken from a wild animal that has been shot with a gun or bow. The type and range of animals hunted for food varies in different parts of the world. Game meat in Africa is known as "bushmeat" and includes zebra. In some parts of Africa, wild animals hunted for their meat are called bushmeat; see that article for more detailed information on how this operates within the economy (for personal consumption and for money) and the law (including overexploitation and illegal imports). Game or quarry is any animal hunted for food, and the meat of those animals. Other game species include: In the PRC there is a special cuisine category called ye wei, which includes animals in the wild.

In some countries, game is classified, including legal classification with respect to licences required, as either "small game" or "large game". Hunters must be absolutely certain of their target before shooting and should make every effort to get the animal down as quickly and painlessly as possible. [2] However, this adds to the risk of contamination. Quarry in the generic meaning is early modern (first recorded 1610), in the more specific sense "bird targeted in falconry" late 14th and 15th centuries as quirre "entrails of deer placed on the hide and given to the hunting-dogs as a reward", from Old French cuiriee "spoil, quarry" (ultimately Latin corium "hide"), but influenced by corée "viscera, entrails" (Late Latin *corata "entrails", from cor "heart").

The method of processing varies by game species and size. In that sense, it’s closer to the kinds of meat that would have been available in the Paleolithic: generally higher in protein and lower in fat, but higher specifically in Omega-3 fats. The status of 14 species appears unchanged, with insufficient information being available for the remaining three species.