“The Night Before Christmas” becomes a bedtime story. For those who had wonderful childhood Christmases, it’s a chance to recreate them.
But if you can imagine Santa is the greatest gift-giver, then he must be real. Finally – do what you can to keep the magic alive at least a little. That’s why even grownups like to be “Secret Santas” for friends or office mates. “We experienced magic together today, when we saw Mamma Mia there was magic in the theatre, that creative team, the performers, the band and the crew all worked together and created magic for us. TV specials like A Charlie Brown Christmas, Santa Claus Is Coming to Town, and, of course, The Grinch Who Stole Christmas now run almost 24/7. Otherwise, there would be an even more famous gift-giver that everyone knows about. She is author of the insightful parenting e-book, Tending the Family Heart.Check out her book, Unlocking the Secrets of Self-Esteem. Learn more. There's a big buildup to Christmas with trips to visit Santa workshops and photo shoots On the eve of the big day, stockings are hung and cookies and milk are set out for Santa as well as a carrot for Rudolph. How we respond can make the moment into a tearful, even angry, confrontation or a sweet transition into a new kind of magic. Let it happen naturally, not on a deadline.
It can mark the end of a certain kind of innocence for the child and an end of a fun chapter of parenting for the adults. She specializes in couples and family therapy and parent education.
If they ask, tell them the truth. St. Nicholas made his first inroads into American popular culture … For those whose Christmases were less than wonderful, it’s a chance to do it better. Part of growing up is understanding that the spirit of a Santa can always be within us and then making the magic happen for others. What to say when your child asks if Santa is real, according to experts. Sinter Klaas Comes to New York. Some parents even take a bite out of the cookie and write a thank-you note from Mr. Claus for the kids to find the next day. It is part of the magic of Christmas for children and a nostalgic visit back to childhood for adults. Reuters/Stefan Wermuth. Some kids at school said he isn’t and I said he is and they laughed at me.” Somewhere around 6 or 7 or 8, your child poses that dreaded question. advice, diagnosis or treatment. What would Christmas be without the story of a jelly-bellied elf who somehow gets around the world in one night to deliver presents and treats to good little girls and boys? December rituals are similar in millions of households around the U.S.
Some parents may be able to gauge the age at which their child will learn the answer to “Is Santa real?” Learning To Trust Yourself Again After Betrayal, Many Seniors with Depression Faring Well During Pandemic. Slip something into stockings or under the tree for each member of the family that is “from Santa” and deny that it was you – with a wink, a smile, and a big Santa-type ho-ho-ho. Whatever the case, the first response is something to ride out with sympathy and understanding. Is Santa real? Santa Claus is a magical part of Christmas, but telling a child the bittersweet truth about the cherished tradition can be another stress for parents during an already busy holiday season. Dr. Marie Hartwell-Walker is licensed as both a psychologist and marriage and family counselor. Local top 40 radio stations run novelty Santa songs all day. It’s why adults enjoy paying a visit to Santa (and sometimes even to sit on his lap) as much as the kids do. She writes regularly for Psych Central as well as Psych Central's Ask the Therapist feature. Magic is actually real, Santa is not real but that doesn’t mean that magic is not real. But there isn’t a gift-giver better than Santa. All rights reserved. Copyright © 1995-2020 Psych Central. Then it’s our job to move past it to another level. December rituals are similar in millions of households around the U.S. There’s a big buildup to Christmas with trips to visit Santa workshops and photo shoots with Santa (that promptly go on the Facebook page or family website). Psych Central does not provide medical or psychological “Mom? It’s why people like to pretend a gift they put under the tree is from Santa. Or not. So we adults engage in a conspiracy of tales. ... Santa supposedly encourages imagination but, …