20. ISA cases are subject to review by the courts to ensure strict compliance with procedural requirements under the act. Even though ISIS has suffered heavy territorial losses in Iraq and Syria, its virulent ideology persists in cyberspace, and continues to attract supporters in Singapore, the region and beyond.
However, it is important for Singaporeans to not become complacent. 3. 17. Through these efforts, the majority of Singaporeans now see themselves playing a role in the fight against terrorism. One of them is an Indonesian returnee who killed a policeman in Medan, Indonesia in 2017. The terrorism threat to Singapore will persist, so long as the violent ideology fuelling the threat continues to find traction. JI continues to attract supporters in the region. Where there is basis to suspect that the person may be radicalised, he or she will be called up for an interview.If the individual is found to be in the nascent stages of radicalisation, he/she may simply be referred for counselling and other mitigating measures, without the need for arrest. The initial detention may be for up to two years, and the MHA may renew detention orders for an unlimited period (in increments of up to two years at a time), with the president’s consent. Renewed Threat of Al-Qaeda and Jemaah Islamiyah. ISIS’ persistent interest in the region raises the threat to Singapore. The law also allowed Singapore’s FIU, the Suspicious Transaction Report Office, to exchange financial intelligence with FIUs in a broader range of overseas jurisdictions. Singapore detained numerous individuals under the ISA for terrorism-related activities in 2019, including a Singaporean who was an alleged supporter of Sri Lankan radical preacher Zahran Hashim, identified by the Sri Lankan authorities as the mastermind of the April 21 terrorist attack in Colombo. See Annex C for details on the progress of SGSecure. The Malaysian authorities continue to disrupt ISIS-linked plots and attacks.According to media reports, they have disrupted four terrorist plots and arrested more than 80 militants in 2018.In Nov 2018, the Malaysian authorities said they had arrested 44 women since 2013 for their involvement in terrorism-related activities. The comprehensive program includes religious and psychological counseling and involves the detainee’s family and community. 4. The terrorism threat to Singapore will persist, so long as the violent ideology fuelling the threat continues to find traction. While there has been no credible or specific intelligence of an attack being planned against Singapore since the last report, our security agencies continue to maintain high vigilance. A recent survey by Malaysia-based research firm Merdeka Center found that support for the actions of JI ranged from 9.9% to 18%, based on respondent data from Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand and the Philippines. The Singaporean government has put in place extensive measures to combat terrorism and has arrested a number of terrorist suspects. Attacks could be indiscriminate, including in places visited by foreigners. 7. Recent reports indicate that AQ is reviving its global networks and issuing more propaganda.AQ has also built � through its affiliates � strong bases in areas of conflict and instability, especially in the Middle East and Africa. Overview: Singapore continued to identify counterterrorism as the nation’s top security policy priority and developed a comprehensive CT strategy based on global and regional trends. One is currently detained under the ISA while the other was released from detention and issued with a Suspension Direction. A few radicalised Singaporeans managed to travel to Syria to participate in the conflict there. The reference to an ISIS wilayat in this region also significantly raises the terrorism threat to Singapore, as it would be a rallying call for its supporters in the region, including within Singapore. The Singaporean government has put in place extensive measures to combat terrorism and has arrested a number of terrorist suspects. As mentioned in the last report, two Singaporeans Haja Fakkurudeen Usman Ali and Maimunah binti Abdul Kadir had travelled there with their families. The terrorism threat to Singapore remains high. 11. 9.
The Islamic Religious Council of Singapore (MUIS), the Islamic authority in charge of Muslim affairs, maintains a Facebook presence and holds outreach and educational events to counter terrorist propaganda and recruitment efforts.