CW. These dates may be modified as official changes are announced, so please check back regularly for updates. Nice Holidays 2020 - France ; Date. Public Holidays 2020; Public Holidays 2022; Public Holidays 2023 ; Public Holidays 2024; School Holidays 2020 and 2021; France Public Holidays 2021 ; This page contains a national calendar of all 2021 public holidays. Christmas Day 25 December 2020. Easter Monday 13 April 2020. The France year 2020 brings along many wonderful sites to visit that can be added into your many memories. Observances. In the French Republic, if the holiday occurs on the weekend, no time off is given to the employee. That translates to the average number of public holidays on French weekdays being 8.7. Tourism plays an important role in the French economy. School Holidays. 1 Jan 2020 (Wednesday) - Premier de l'an / Jour de l' an, Note: Observed only in Alsace and Moselle, 14 Jul 2020 (Tuesday) - 14 Juillet – Fête Nationale, {{getHolidayDate(x) + " - " + getLocalName(x, isObservedOnDefined(x))}}, {{getEnglishName(x, isObservedOnDefined(x))}}, Holiday in lieu of {{formatDate(,,, " ")}}. These dates may be modified as official changes are announced, so please check back regularly for updates. Import to Google Calendar (just paste the URL from your clipboard in next step). Wednesday 1st January - New Year's Day (Jour de l'An) Monday 13th April - Easter Monday (Lundi de Pâques) Friday 1st May - Labour Day (Fête du Travail) Canada Public Holidays 2020 ; This page contains a national calendar of all 2020 public holidays for Canada. Bastille Day 14 July 2020. We also provide France holiday calendar for 2020 in Word, Excel, PDF and printable online formats. Nice Holidays {{ year }} - France . The French law states that work should stop, but be paid, only for the Fête du Travail (May Day, 1st May), unless it is in businesses where it is not feasible to stop work. France is a beautiful place and it has all the wonderful places that can be mentioned in your wishes calendar of 2020. The school calendar in France for the year 2020 includes all the holidays that will be a part of your school calendar. The France year 2020 brings along many wonderful sites to visit that can be added into your many memories. Extra Working Days. France Public & National Holidays (2020) Download PDF. If you have any questions, suggestions or corrections please send it to 10 Apr 2020 (Friday) - Vendredi Saint. Five of these are civil holidays (New Year’s Day, May Day, Victory in Europe Day, Bastille Day and WWI Armistice Day) and the others six have a religious origin based on the Catholic faith (Easter Monday, Ascension Day, Whit Monday, Assumption Day, All Saints’ Day, and Christmas). The number every year ranges from 7 to 10. Other popular national pages. A leave from one’s job may only, however, be granted by an employer or through a trade union. Ascension Day 21 May 2020. The Alsace region and the Moselle department, however, have two additional holidays that they commemorate. The holidays of 2020 in France bring along many wonderful moments that will be a part of your calendar dairy. The holidays for the year 2020 are mentioned in the calendar list. Whit Monday 01 June 2020. All Saint's Day 01 November 2020. France Calendar 2020 is available on the site, which means it can be easily saved, downloaded and printed. The 11 public holidays in France for 2020 to put in your diary, as well as school dates. New Year's Day 01 January 2020. Unlike other European countries, if a public holiday falls on a Sunday, French employees are not legally entitled to take the following Monday off as a paid holiday. About The World Travel Guide … 1 Jan 2020 (Wednesday) - Premier de l'an / Jour de l' an . Thank you for helping us keep Enrico Service up-to-date. © 2020 Calendar Labs. The right to a paid holiday rests on the freedom of choice between the employer and employee either through a contract or bargaining agreement as dictated by trade unions. New Year's Day. The above is the list of 2020 public holidays declared in France which includes federal, regional government holidays and popular observances. Import above dates to your Google Calendar, Apple Calendar, Microsoft Outlook or mobile phone. Important Days. 2020 Public Holidays France Service. Good Friday. Over the past years, France has noted a decline in tourism based on ski holidays in the spring. January 1, 2020 Wed New Year's Day. For Latest Updates Like Our Facebook Page: » Holidays » Country Holidays » 2020 France Holidays, ‘‘If I had to choose a religion, the sun as the universal giver of life would be my god.’’. The upcoming France holiday All Saints Day is in 8 days from today. Public Holidays in France 2020. France. Friday 10 January 2020. The above is the list of 2020 public holidays declared in France which includes federal, regional government holidays and popular observances. France Holidays 2020 will be included in the calendar and has holidays such as public observances, official holidays and celebratory occasions. Most establishments, however, let their employees take the preceding Friday off as a “bridge” day, allowing for an extended four-day weekend. The French republic officially observes 11 public holidays. Powered by Enrico Service. The French republic officially observes 11 public holidays. Holidays Nice (France) Here you will find the public holidays for Nice of the current year , of the following two years , , as well ... choose holidays from other regions or you can select another year. Victory Day 1945 08 May 2020. Name. Below are listed Public Holidays in France. The other public holidays are listed in statute law; and for these, the law does not provide that action stops. Labour Day 01 May 2020. The following is the list of public holidays in France in 2020. Scroll down to view the national list or choose your province’s calendar. Learn how to import holiday dates to your favourite calendar application. The upcoming France holiday Christmas Day is in 62 days from today. Armistice Day 11 November 2020. France Public Holidays 2020. Majority of Asian countries and all North American countries have between 2 and ten more public holidays every other year on weekdays. The calendar of 2020 holidays also includes France School Holidays 2020.The students and parents need to be aware about the holiday schedule for the year 2020. There are 11 public holidays in France in 2020, and two of them fall on weekends: Assumption of Mary and All Saints' Day. We also provide France holiday calendar for 2020 in Word, Excel, PDF and printable online formats. About 30% of the tourism that France depends on is generated through ski holidays. Public Holidays in France (2020) Years: Country: State: Import these dates to your calendar See holidays for other countries. The holidays of 2020 in France bring along many wonderful moments that will be a part of your calendar dairy. Weekday Day. Public Holidays. January 1, 2020 Wednesday Wed. New Year's Day. France Holidays 2020 will be included in the calendar and has holidays such as public observances, official holidays and celebratory occasions. All Rights Reserved. The upcoming France holiday Armistice Day is in 18 days from today. France holidays for the year 2020 will be mentioned in the calendar as per your favourite dates and days. Postal Holidays. There are two more public holidays in Alsace and Moselle: Good Friday and Saint Stephen's Day. Vacation? Assumption 15 August 2020. All Dates.