It's particularly good at dealing with Dialga, but it's rendered downright trivial in the face of many other threats such as Togekiss and both forms of Giratina. Attack

The 5 strongest Pokémon you can use to beat Heracross are: These moves are calculated using type advantages / disadvantages, and including STAB.

Heracross can use its unique typing, good stats, and strong moves to act as a niche closer.

Copyright (C) GamePress All Rights Reserved. Heracross will only normally appear in the wild in Latin America, south Florida, and Texas. Pokémon is Copyright Gamefreak, Nintendo and The Pokémon Company 2001-2018.


The update to Close Combat makes it now almost mandatory due to its cheaper 45 energy cost, but still offers a very high 100 base power (plus STAB) to threaten huge damage.

Heracross 30%

This Pokémon is only found in Latin America, south Florida, and Texas. 50% On either side of the horn is a short antenna with a spherical tip.

Heracross's strongest moveset is Counter & Megahorn and it has a Max CP of 3,101.

Lediglich die Krallen sind weiß.

Just note that Heracross fares particularly poorly against Ghost-types, and needs to run very quickly if its opponent has any chance of packing Flying-type moves in particular. Pokédex information

Heracross's strongest moveset is Counter & Megahorn and it has a Max CP of 3,101.

38 - 3,101 3,140

Generation: II: Height: ~ 1.5 m: Weight: ~ 54 kg: Stamina: 160: Attack: 234: Defence: 189: Catching Heracross. Earthquake (120 Power/65 Energy) is a strong move that provides wide coverage, but is also the slowest option.

Heracross' performance stays largely the same in the Master League, acting as a closer with typing to counter top threats. It does not evolve into or from any other Pokémon.

Heracross family

Heracross is part of a one-member family.


Shiny female

Regular male Second Charged Attack


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Heracross is a bipedal, beetle-like Pokémon covered in a blue exoskeleton. Buddy distance

Second Type

Das Horn spalte…

High spawn rate: in Cloudy and Rainy weather Heracross nests.

But then right after the game freeze and I could not…, I am going to use Steelix as an example, but this question is about Fast Move energy…, Hi! The best moves for Heracross are Counter and Megahorn when attacking Pokémon in Gyms.


3 km All images and names owned and trademarked by Gamefreak, Nintendo, The Pokémon Company, and Niantic are property of their respective owners. Single Horn Pokémon Heracross …

Yes (native 5-km Eggs)

Heracross is a regional Bug & Fighting Pokémon. Legendary Pokémon • Mythical Pokémon • Shiny Pokémon • Lucky Pokémon • Shadow Pokémon • Region-exclusive Pokémon • Starter Pokémon • Baby Pokémon • Fossil Pokémon.

Available from Research Tasks:

It also grants Heracross an invaluable Bug-type STAB to help it take down many of the Pokemon that it's generally chosen to counter.

Pokémon family  Fighting

Pokémon Go Heracross.

Struggle Bug performs better than Counter, but is resisted by many types that would attack Heracross.


It still acts best as a closer and needs to be paired with a pokemon that can cover its weaknesses, but it can definitely punch holes in the opponent's team if played right.

160% of damage from: Fairy  Fire  Psychic256% of damage from: Flying

Yes Jumping


Skaraborn ist ein mittelgroßes, zweibeiniges und nashornkäferähnliches Pokémon, welches hauptsächlich blau gefärbt ist. This allows it to do very good damage while charging its moves at an above-average rate., Heracross was released with the main release of.

"Heracross charges in a straight line at its foe, slips beneath the foe's grasp, and then scoops up and hurls the opponent with its mighty horn.

Dodge type