I have a question what does the high priestess and the three of cups card mean together. Assimilating life lessons. ~ Queen of Pentacles – Practical, home-loving, creative, hard working. A new job, career or business. Conservation and care of the environment. The eighteenth Key of the tarot … represents the Moon with four Hebrew Yods like drops of dew falling, two dogs, two Towers, a winding Path leading to the Horizon and, in the foreground, Water with a Crayfish crawling through it to the land. He suggests keeping an eye on your resources and to use them wisely. ~ Ace of Pentacles – A gift, a new income source or a prize. ~ Magician 1 — “As I will, so must it be.” Focus, will power, concentration, control. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. ~ Ten of Swords – End of a life cycle. The Majors are gorgeous, the Minors are not illustrated, they are pips with just the suit emblems. I pulled 3 cards First Empress 3, then Hermit 9 and the third Six of Swords. Has a relaxed, somewhat irresponsible attitude towards his children. ~ Two of Cups – Mutual attraction, developing friendship, forming an emotional bond, love. what it is trying to say thank for any guidance I can get. The Fool The Magician The High Priestess The Empress The Emperor The Hierophant. Keeper of secrets and mystery. ~ King of Swords – Authoritarian, intellectual, usually at the top of his profession (lawyer, surgeon, writer, etc.). All Rights Reserved |. Continuing to use it implies consent. Travel. amzn_assoc_marketplace = "amazon"; Gathering resources and driving oneself forward. ~ Knight of Swords – Fights for a cause. ~ Tower 16 — “Arghghghgh!” Perceived catastrophe. Time to pause and think. ~ King of Cups – Sincere, wise, avoids conflict. ~ Five of Cups – Grief, loss, despair, deep depression. ~ Moon 18 — “I’m lost, I know I am.” Confusion, distraction, deceptive circumstances, losing one’s way, distorted perception, poor mental health. Hi, I have also just bought the deck, I was wondering if there is a difference if the cards are facing me or not, are there different meanings of it ? The pentacles is the suit of all things worldly and material. Someone who is interested in many things. her roommates found the box they were in wrapping up in a silk cloth and thought they attracted evil and threw them out. This website uses cookies. The truth revealed. ~ Nine of Wands – Temporary defeat or lack of energy. Prosperity, reward, improving finances. The deck is the Pagan Tarot 2000. © 2016-2020 Labyrinthos LLC. Taking a more difficult path. What do you read into it. Timing is everything, so when an opportunity presents itself,… The edition comes in a sturdy box with a companion book, and cards with gilt edges. Cheers. Stagnation. ~ Judgment 20 — “Heads up!” A call to action, something you must do. Depends which figure you identify with; deceiver, victim or one who refuses to retaliate and walks away. Clear out. An animal lover. The Lovers The Chariot Strength The Hermit Wheel Of Fortune Justice The Hanged Man Death Temperance *Note: British spelling used throughout Feel free to save or print for your own reference but please do not republish elsewhere. It is associated with the element of air. Recuperation. Trust in the Universe. Likes children and animals. ~ Ace of Wands – New initiatives, ideas or inspiration. And so, as we follow the journey of the Fool, we can start seeing common parallels between our own stages in life and those in the cards, each card teaching a specific lesson and a concept to meditate over. Get organised! ~ Queen of Wands – Warm, ambitious, fun, flirty, cheerful, disorganised, no shrinking violet, may be temperamental. The Major Arcana is a 22 card set within the tarot that is considered to be the core and the foundation for the deck. Fulfilment. Hard work pays off. The images are different but the meanings are just about identical. Medicine Card Meanings 15 Aug. EAGLE. ~ Temperance 14 — “I’d like to teach the world to sing…” Harmony, healing, blending, integration, moderation, consideration. ~ Six of Swords – Mental healing. ~ Seven of Cups – Too many choices, daydreaming about possibilities, emotional overwhelm.