I uh... you know... it's..." Natsu knotted his tongue and started to talk incoherently, Erza sighed, then she lifted her hand and ruffled his hair, said, "You silly boy, if you are like this, how you are going to find a girlfriend in the future, do you want to hold your mother for a lifetime?". God Bless! The Mikazuchi's were one of the poorer people in their small village of Rosemary, which seemed to make them popular targets of the other children in the village. I don't understand, my enchantments keep getting broken, but I can't see anything happening. Yet despite the ruin next to it, the box was completely unburned.
Irene blames it on Acnologia's appearance and also points out the Magic's successful usage. She simply sat there staring up at Irene with a simple smile, oblivious to the dark thought's clouding the one cradling her. Natsu thought for a while, he looked toward the sky that was getting darker, it was indeed not good for a girl to walk alone at this hour, then he nodded to her, said, "ok.", "Ah?" Sometimes she goes for a flight, other times she'll find a large body of water to swim in.
", "I have waited four hundred years for this moment. [1], Immense Durability: After battling some of the western Dragons, Belserion is seen with many scars and cuts upon his skin but wasn't hindered by them, holding a typical conversation with Irene. It obviously wasn't, if the bruises on her body and scuff's all over her simple clothes were any indication. Magic Maybe if she had stayed stronger and hadn't left or had taught Erza some real magic to defend her friends, this wouldn't have happened. When she realized that she was still pregnant, Irene planned to use her own child and take over her body. Green
Later, Irene is seen with the Spriggan 12, who are gathered at the Fairy Tail Guild. "Then Mom does this mean..." Natsu said ecstatically. Although Natsu knew it was hopeless for Gray, at least he still had a chance at the moment. However, she is interrupted yet again, this time by Neinhart, who informs her that Erza's whereabouts are known. "Of course, if you can promise Mom to enter the top 30 ranks this month's mock exam.". Kagura clearly recognized her as well, as she stopped moving for a moment before tearing up and launching herself into the woman still on the floor. They also provided a very effective distraction, allowing a certain rebellious child to wander off.
", "I just want to surprise my mother. Japanese However, upon viewing her child, she couldn't bring herself to do it and instead left her behind in care to others out of fear that such a feeling will subside.
"Oh, haha, sorry, Mom, I forget," Natsu stopped and rubbed the back of his head while spitting his tongue.
Rung is a middle-aged man with long, dark hair, droopy eyes, and a small goatee.
She finally thought she had found a way to appear as she once was, but it was nothing but a lie.
Irene Belserion lays exhausted next a secluded lake with the crying child, both wrapped in nothing but simple clothes.
she's not going to be anything after I'm done. A moment later, Lisanna served them juices then she rested her hands on the table while supporting her chin with them, she stared at Natsu and said, "Handsome boy, are you sure you aren't Yukino's boyfriend?
Afterwards, Irene moved to Alakitasia where she became a follower of Zeref's. [2], Some time in his past, Belserion's life was in danger, but he was saved by Irene's predecessor and pledged his life to protecting Irene. This actually a bit of a harem, there will be several women would be involved. For clothing, Irene dons a scanty version of the typical witch's garb. The show of rebellion losing power as she tried to blow the red strands out of her eyes. Erza declares, before crossing her arms, pouting and turning her head so hard that her hair flew into her face. but you can achieve this great, why stop at 30th? "No, of course not, we are friends after all, how can I?" It was getting harder and harder to put this off.
Sure enough, back at home, Erza asked Jellal where Natsu, he told her that Natsu was in his room and might have failed the mock exam because when he came back, his face was depressed.
Fairy Tail Manga: Chapter 514, Pages 10-12, Fairy Tail Manga: Chapter 514, Pages 10-11, Fairy Tail Manga: Chapter 518, Pages 12-13.
Appearance Edit. He just wanted to go home and watched AV anyway.
She does so by going outside and manifesting her giant eye in the sky, taunting everyone by openly projecting the thought that Mavis cannot run nor hide from her gaze.
What am I Doing? Within Alvarez, she is addressed by others as the Scarlet Despair, due to her peerless magnitude of power. It was barely 3 feet wide or tall with a simple lid on top, lacking any lock.
Infuriated that she was able to be deceived, Irene gladly obliges to pursue the escapee. The draconic beast she had become said lightly, coming of as a bellowing rumble. The day was getting late, they studied for about 2 hours before stopped, people said that 2 hours was the limit for someone to keep a focus on studying, afterward, their mind would just be getting bored and started to create a distraction. "No, not really, why?"
Her wings are also dark colored and noticeable border above her nostrils that divides her mouth from her face, extending to the back of her head.
Irene reveals leaving Erza back when she was a child.
When she flung her wings open there was a mighty gust of wind, and a wave of her enchantment magic along with it putting out the fire wherever it touched. "We had nowhere to go but Simon distracted them, and we tried to run. It only took out two of Irene's enchantments. Please be her! There was no so-called cleavage at this level of breast milk. "It's a girl… I'm so glad…" The sorceress huffed.
"Y-yes mom?" Alegria Mira isn't even close to Spriggan level. Irene watches the battle proceed from afar with Heine and Juliet. Her black witch's hat is much larger than her head and possesses dreadlock designs with white bandaging near its ends.
She finds herself unable to recognize anything as nearly everything within the village that could be burned had been. Noticing her Aunt had been bullied Natsu, Yukino said with discontent in her tone, "Aunt, stop it, or I won't talk with you anymore!".
Irene couldn't help but feel free, up in the sky.
"Right now?"
Afterward, both of them continued walking the street, Laki uttered a low sigh, but she patted her cheek and looked at Natsu's back with strong resolution. Whether she'd like it to or not. That she would be able to handle any problems that came her way, if it meant protecting her child.
Irene probably could extract their magic, make Erza's armor blow up like when she attempted to do it to Erza only for Wendy to intervene after the soul transfer enchantment. No longer able to take the abuse, Irene soon transformed into a full dragon where she killed her husband and began to wreck havoc. Erza's breasts were really the best, although some European and American actresses did have bigger breasts, it somehow couldn't hold comparison to hers. What…?
It's all my fault, I'm so sorry!".
If I can't learn it now, then I never will!" These flights were one of the few things she could do to stay sane.
She also wears black thigh-high boots with heels that have a white-colored border near the top and gloves of the same color and design, only having claw-like extensions.
Japanese Voice But normal life has been long outside her reach, and she quickly finds her family growing.