Pages 1-2 (Cover)Page 3 (Title Page)Pages 4-5 (Table of Contents)Pages 6-39 (Abe’s Works File) 6-7 Prologue 8-9 The Girl Beneath the Juunikai 10-11 Interlude 1 12-13 The Russian Lady of the Mansion 14-15 Untitled 16-17 Asakusa Tales 18-19 Electricity Girl vs the Tank Squadron 20-21 Interlude 2 22-23 From Beyond the Silver Screen 24-25 At the Corner of the Triangular Second Floor 26-27 The Black Cat of the Twelve-Story Tower 28-29 The Devil King 30-31 Interlude 3 32-33 Sky 34-35 Farewells 36-37 The Nightmare Discontinues 38-39 Chance MeetingPages 40-41 (Taisho=Heisei Asakusa Map)Pages 42-75 (Despera A) 43-46 Asakusa Juunikai 46-49 The Surugadai Nobleman 49-54 Electricity Girl vs the Tank Squadron 54-62 The Anarchists and the Superhuman 62-68 High-Flying Ain 68-73 The Foretold Day 73-75 Showa EraPages 76-83 (Special Contribution One) Asakusa Juunikai and Its SurroundingsPages 84-96 (Rough Sketches)Pages 97-122 (Despera B) 98-99 One 99-101 Two 101-103 Three 103-104 Four 104-106 Five 106-108 Six 108-110 Seven 110-112 Eight 112-113 Nine 113 Ten 113-116 Eleven 116-117 Twelve 117-118 Thirteen 118-119 Fourteen 119-120 Fifteen 120-121 SixteenPages 123-130 (Special Contribution Two) 122-125 Nikola Tesla’s Power of Imagination 126-129 The Woman and the Machine, The Doll and the GirlPages 131-155 (Illustration and Design Gallery) 132 Untitled Omake 1 133 From Fumbling First 134 Untitled Omake 2 135 It’s Black and Red from Here 136 Signature Pose 137 Design Is Also An Element 138 This Month’s Cartoon Drawing & The Naval Country Quiz 139 Everything is Alright, Don’t Worry 140 The Arrival of the Birth of Film 141 Meta-like Jokes Are Also OK 142 This Month’s Maid Quiz!! Synopsis: In both versions, he is described as being emotionless, and only displays deep affection for Ain. Well, yeah, just like the author if he seriously names his russian character BARBARA ANDREI. MyAnimeList is the largest online anime and manga database in the world!
Despite being 12 years old, she often displays a mature expression of an adult. Ain - Despera. The story centers around a 12-year-old girl named Ain, who often builds devices despite the lack of scientific background for them.
Kimiyasu Fuenokōji (笛小路公寧 Fuenokōji Kimiyasu) - A Japanese nobleman with the title of viscount.
Please download a browser that supports JavaScript, or enable it if it's disabled (i.e. Log in or sign up to leave a comment log in sign up. Well, yeah, just like the author if he seriously names his russian character BARBARA ANDREI. In the prologue chapter of the novel, he claims to be able to see the future through the displays on Ain's computer monitors.
148 Me and the Airplane 149 Give Me P. 40 as a Reference, Please 150 Despera 3D 151 Rapidly Becoming Fun 152 Nendoroid 153 Pull Out the Cap 154 Ain and Ryuushika 155 Ending With a Snap Pages 156-159 (September 1, 1923-March 11, 2011) Page 160 (Afterword)
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The sci-fi alternative period story is set in Tokyo during the Taisho era in 1922, one year before the 1923 Great Kanto earthquake.
A technical genius with no prior scientific knowledge, she is able to create electronic devices far beyond the capabilities of the current era. Read more information about the character Ain from Roman Album: Taishou Dennou Dadaism Emaki - Despera? Takeshita (竹下 Takeshita) - A man in his 30s who is an associate of Ain's. At MyAnimeList, you can find out about their voice actors, animeography, pictures and much more! Ain is particularly uncomfortable of Barbara's presence as she is frightened of her pale white complexion, presumably having never seen a Russian before. Log in sign up. Looks like your connection to J-Novel Club Forums was lost, please wait while we try to reconnect. View entire discussion ( 0 comments) More posts from the Lain community. Barbara Andrei (バルバラ・アンドレイ Barubara Andorei) - A Russian woman of aristocratic origins, Barbara is a refugee who escaped from Harbin during the disownment of the presence of Russians by the Chinese Republic. Some of the devices created include early versions of a modern computer, complete with typewriter keyboards and cathode ray tubedisplay monitors. Press J to jump to the feed. no comments yet.
He holds the rank of 2nd lieutenant. Enoki is sent to Asakusa to investigate the unstable electrical discharge occurring in the vicinity of the Ryōunkaku. Thank you for your cooperation and continued support. @terrence In addition to translated works I will also post other content relating to ABe and konaka's works.
User account menu • Ain. The story centers around a 12-year-old girl named Ain, who often builds devices despite the lack of scientific background for them. I think it's quite the must read for any Lain fan (like myself). A technical genius with no prior scientific knowledge, she is able to create electronic devices far beyond the capabilities of the current era. The story centers around a 12-year-old girl named Ain, who often builds devices despite the lack of scientific background for them. Please do not redistribute any of my translations or claim them as your own.
@bloodygaikotsu said in Despera: Ain is particularly uncomfortable of Barbara's presence as she is frightened of her pale white complexion, presumably having never seen a Russian before. In the serialized version, he has no name and is only referred to as "the man", and his face is unseen throughout the illustrations. @terrence
Published by Tokuma Shoten. In the novel version, one of her ongoing works is a mysterious robot which she refers to as Father (お父さん, O… Currently, I am working on translating Despera and a few of ABe's lain omake. Ain is particularly uncomfortable of Barbara's presence as she is frightened of her pale white complexion, presumably having never seen a Russian before.
If the latter, please contact a wiki administrator. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. But I sure love that kind of anime, after all. best.
Here is the official headquarters of unofficial translations of Yoshitoshi ABe and chiaki j konaka's works. The sci-fi alternative period story is set in Tokyo during the Taishō era in 1922, one year before the 1923 Great Kantō earthquake. She also displays an uncanny ability to generate electricity from her hands when she takes on a tank squadron later in the story. In the novel version, he sells these information, known as prophecies, to the Japanese military and the aristocracy to fund for Ain's inventions.
There are a few differences between the serialized version and the collected volume. 147 Despera in Technicolor!
He has a primary residence in Sanbanchō of Chiyoda-ku, and a second residence at the Kanda-Surugadai district. Only users with topic management privileges can see it. Some of the devices created include early versions of a modern computer, complete with typewriter keyboards and cathode ray tube display monitors. (and probably that's why the anime production has been a bit slow even after finding a new director). Though, admittedly, at least it looks like a name, she could have very well been called Elektrichka Sapsan like that poor girl from Pretty Cation.
Sort by. 100% Upvoted. 148 Me and the Airplane 149 Give Me P. 40 as a Reference, Please 150 Despera 3D 151 Rapidly Becoming Fun 152 Nendoroid 153 Pull Out the Cap 154 Ain and Ryuushika 155 Ending With a SnapPages 156-159 (September 1, 1923-March 11, 2011)Page 160 (Afterword). Characters: NoScript). She lives in the Kanda-Surugadai residence owned by Kimiyasu who has taken her in. Despera Wiki is a Wiki focusing on the planned anime series Despera, a spiritual sequel to Serial Experiments Lain. Your browser does not seem to support JavaScript. The subreddit for the currently-in-production anime Despera by the creators of Serial Experiments Lain. Takeshita (竹下), or The Man, is one of the main character of the planned anime series Despera. Despera Wiki is a Wiki focusing on the planned anime series Despera, a spiritual sequel to Serial Experiments Lain. 76 members in the Despera community. Enoki (榎木 Enoki) - A military officer who works for the Japanese army's science institute.