While the most critical information can’t be missed, there is enough extra side content to please those who love hunting for clues. Told through written notes as well as audio and holographic recordings, the story allows the player to learn what happened both to the colonists and the astronauts that came before you trying to save the station. I thought the pacing was nice also. Deliver Us the Moon grew though. But, even with the stumble that I found Deliver Us The Moon‘s ending to be, I still, overall, loved the experience. GreedyLoU. I can see them trying to create something that would be so challenging you’d be cutting it down to the finest margin of victory. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! Over four years, what started with nothing became a $1.5 million project via Kickstarter , peaking at 21 people. © Valve Corporation. Deliver us, the moon. This feeling of the vast impressiveness of space permeates the experience. I look forward to growing as a writer and bettering my craft in my time here! 14 comments. Deliver Us The Moon is a Sci-Fi thriller set in an apocalyptic near future where Earth's natural resources are depleted. Until you get to the final challenge. Soundtrack was pretty good too! With earth hanging in the balance, it would have felt weird for the games pacing to halt story progression for hours every time I entered a room. Is there an upload of it that i can listen to somewhere. During the game, the player receives voice communications and finds holograms of various story characters. No, not the happy bit where Johnny dies with his dream of going to the moon fulfilled. I can not finish the final scene of the MPT I try 15 times without success, keyboard mouse is too difficult for me someone has a tip? But something has gone wrong. Because I can't imagine it being more frustrating than the version I just finished. Watching the short cinematic pop up after the first set of ending credits made it even worse lol. In order to sustain humanity until a permanent solution can be found, a lunar colony is established to supply the earth with energy. Anyone else feel this way? Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Tumblr (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pocket (Opens in new window), Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window), Click to email this to a friend (Opens in new window), Click to share on Skype (Opens in new window), Click to share on WhatsApp (Opens in new window), Click to share on Telegram (Opens in new window), REVIEW: ‘The Millionaire Detective: Balance Unlimited’ is one of 2020’s Best Shows, AUSTIN FILM FESTIVAL 2020: ‘Murder Bury Win’, Geekspanic Heritage Month: Onyx Equinox with Showrunner Sofia Alexander, TIFF20: Carolyn Talks With ’40 Years A Prisoner’ and Preparing for TIFF With Robyn Citizen, INTERVIEW: Josh Ruben on Comedy, Writing, and ‘Scare Me’, INTERVIEW: Chainsaw Man with Alexis Kirsch, Deputy Editor in Chief of Weekly Shonen Jump, Geekspanic Heritage Month: Castlevania and Ballet Folklorico With Alejandra Reynoso, Follow But Why Tho? As problem after problem rose up, I found myself constantly being challenged to use my environment and various tools to set the lunar colony to right. Deliver Us The Moon restored space as something to be wondered at; to look at in awe. Thanks Sarah Baker but it's insane for me ! Was considering actually downloading this game when I seen it but didn’t bother to, I think I’ll give it a shot tho.