return false; $cont.append( $stream ); } { Running On the Wall. FF_resource.scriptDeferred.resolve(); Shop for New Virtual Races 2020 . There are no categories or genders and there are no prizes for the winners. var $cont = $("[data-plugin='flow_flow']#ff-stream-"+data['stream-id']); } }, 67); if (FF_resource.scriptDeferred.state() === 'pending' && !FF_resource.scriptLoading) { The original virtual race company. All the more props to the drivers that actually participate in both, Gasly being one of them. console.log(response); You have until July 1 2021 to complete the challenges. for (var i = 0, len = streamOpts.template.length; i < len; i++) { Choose between running, walking or riding across the province(s), territory or territories of your choice or across the entire country. var resourcesLoaded = $.when.apply($, FlowFlow.extensionResourcesRequests); if (FF_resource.styleDeferred.state() === 'pending' && !FF_resource.styleLoading) { var testKey = 'test', storage = window.sessionStorage; Consult with a physician before training or participating in an event. $errCont.find('.ff-err-info').html(original == '' ? 1) Virtual Walk or Run Across Canada: 4800km, 3) Virtual Run/Ride Combo Across Canada:  4800km, 4) Virtual Multi-sport your way Across Canada: 4800km. These virtual events have a limited number of participants and sell out fast - so register early! William's winning Le mans, Canada esports and virtual GP, collecting their "WDC and WCC" all in one day lmao. } var isMobile = /android|blackBerry|iphone|ipad|ipod|opera mini|iemobile/i.test( navigator.userAgent ); Under Armour Spring Run-Off November 7, 2020 – 8K | 5K | Kids Run; lululemon Toronto 10K; Oasis ZooRun September 1 – October 12, 2020 – Virtual Race – 10K | 5K | Cub Run; Scotiabank Toronto Waterfront Marathon October 1 -31, 2020 – Virtual Race – 42K | 21K | 10K | 5K | Marathon Relay; West. var $stream, width; window.console && window.console.log('Flow-Flow gets invalid data from server'); ajaxDeferred = isLS && sessionStorage.getItem(hash) ? More Races and Challenges. New Virtual Races 2020 11 products. streamOpts['c-overlay'] = "yep"; } catch (error) { } $cont.find('.ff-header').removeClass('ff-loading').end().find('.ff-loader').addClass('ff-squeezed').delay(300).hide(); Each time you log your mileage, you’ll be able to see your results and how you stack up against everyone else tackling the challenge! }; console.log('Flow-Flow: resource loading failed'); Claire should go all in on a Willams E-Sports team to take it that e-racing domination money for that long term F1 redemption arc. style.href = ""; } 'action': 'fetch_posts', }; = "ff_style"; Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. One medal per province you register for. Team Driver Profession; … Amazing Finisher Medals. ; } While most high school season are either delayed or outright cancelled, runners can still put their fitness to the test with the MileSplit Virtual Classic. The last one from this series, and canada is one of my favourite circuits. 5) Register for one province or territory at a time. Shop for Monthly Challenges . if ( typeof $stream !== 'string' ) { streamOpts.trueLayout = streamOpts.layout; FlowFlowOpts.dependencies[extension] = 'loaded'; October 10, 2020; Documentary Formula 1: Race to Perfection. 21K | 10K | 5K | course des enfants, (function () { var script, style; COMPLETE YOUR CHALLENGE. // response = JSON.parse(original); Sign up online and also download the optional MedalMad app. return; October 1 - November 21, 2020 | 42K, 21K, 10K, 5K and Marathon Relay|, Oct 1 – Nov 21, 2020 As such, the drivers representing AlphaTauri will be driving Toro Rosso cars in the Virtual Grand Prix events, Main feed:Formula 1 on YoutubeFormula 1 on Twitch, Contestant streamsLando Norris: TwitchCharles Leclerc: TwitchGeorge Russell: TwitchNicholas Latifi: TwitchAlex Albon: Twitch, Join us on r/formula1's IRC chat: #f1 on, Stream talk has a channel of it's own: #f1streams on The challenge ends on July 1, 2021. var isOverlay = layout_pre === 'j' || streamOpts[layout_pre + '-overlay'] === 'yep' && streamOpts.trueLayout !== 'list'; Don’t let your training go to waste. } var FF_resource = window.FF_resource || Earn amazing medals and achieve your goals. request = $.getScript( opts.plugin_base + '-' + extension + '/js/ff_' + extension + '_public.js'); October 12, 2020; 2020. By Paige Triola. var original = (isLS && sessionStorage.getItem(hash)) ? Virtual Race FF_resource.scriptLoading = true; *Medals are currently being designed and images will be posted soon! VR PRO Virtual Events always include the same amenities as the actual race - like race premiums, bibs, finisher medals, and more! I thought Bottas was going to join the grid in Canada too, did they mention why he didn't come after all? try { The event, which is open now and runs through May 31, will record results in events from the 100m through the 5,000m. The challenge ends on July 1, 2021. clearInterval( timer ); afterContentArrived( window.jQuery ); var hash = '1603292591.f8140df8b9b63b628170444e2818d33a26f569085fc35fa614679d23bce232191d875022ac29cf6856e33223eae506a3'; Our most popular choice is the 5k race, which is 3.1 miles long. Formula 1 2020 Round 11 – Eifel Grand Prix – Race. If using your own fitness tracker take screenshots or … console.log('FLOW-FLOW DEBUG MESSAGE: No jQuery on page, please make sure it\'s loaded as jQuery is plugin requirement') streamOpts['s-smart-p'] = "0"; streamOpts['g-ratio-w'] = "1"; Virtual Run Canada is an opportunity to get out of the house, run for a cause, and be a part of an online community to connect with others like you.When we can't be connected through running races together, we can stay connected through running for the same causes, "hanging out" … New Virtual Races 2020 11 products. Virtual 5K or 10K Runs. if ( !window.jQuery ) { Starting this Canada Day, July 1 2020, participants from around the world will have the opportunity to race across this great country. }; resourcesLoaded.done(function(){ streamOpts['layout'] = 'masonry'; style = document.createElement('link'); }; Medal depicted here is for those who complete the full 4800km challenge. streamOpts['layout'] = 'grid'; Virtual runs, races and challenges for everyone. Or use this link after logging in. We realize that not everyone can walk, run, or ride this far in one year, but we can all see how far we can go! var layout_pre = streamOpts.layout.charAt(0); if (!isMobile && streamOpts.trueLayout !== 'carousel') $cont.css('minHeight', '500px'); We’re working on the leaderboard and the map so everyone can track the winners, and you’ll be able to see where you are on the map, but we’re all in this together, regardless of age or gender.