In the southern CA mountains where I have lived for 21+years, the major factor that’s obvious to me is that very little harvesting of firewood for heating purposes is happening today compared to when I first moved there. But, ultimately it is the mindset of the people that has driven the policy. Review Team staff are able to view timber harvesting documents online, via CalTREES, to facilitate faster and easier collaborative reviews. – Jonathon Moseley, American Thinker, “…flashy (apparently widely distributed)”– Michael E. Mann, Material on this website is copyright © 2006-2019, by Anthony Watts, and may not be stored or archived separately, rebroadcast, or republished without written permission. }); I had a house in the woods, beautiful view, but the trees were maples and oaks, which do NOT burn, and the house is still there. There will be more incidents of “throwing out the baby with the bath water” when someone passes a law that says all bathwater must be thrown out by 4pm daily regardless. The very poor forest conditions that exist today are a consequence of decades of inappropriate forest management neglect and are described as follows: “As noted above, forest management practices and policies over the past several decades have (1) imposed limitations on timber harvesting, (2) emphasized fire suppression, and (3) instituted a number of environmental permitting requirements. NRCS will use the term "Forest Management Plan (FMP)". Those are state mandates. She was apparently literally spitting mad. if(imgAlt != 'Broken Link' && imgAlt != '' && imgAlt != 'offsite link image'){ That is really hilarious Bill Powers, thanks for the laugh! However, based on our conversations with stakeholders, small landowners and proponents of forest restoration projects are finding that the costs and time associated with preparing one of these plans can be cost prohibitive. Just like Russian “collusion” was a HOAX. Since the 50’s there have been some modifications to the rules by USFS and state. All of this indicates another SEVERE political problem … the CPUC … the California PUC which is supposed to REGULATE this public energy monopoly in the best interests of the CONSUMERS .. the PUBLIC! The Forest Practice Act was enacted in 1973 to ensure that logging is done in a manner that will preserve and protect our fish, wildlife, forests and streams. This link leads to an external site which may provide additional information. As wind and solar have increased there will probably be many more line surges due to sudden changes in wind velocity. (Miriam O’Brien aka slandering “Sou” from Hotwhopper, that means you.).