August 1989 – Antonia Brico, 87, a Conductor; Fought Barriers to Women in 30's, Nachruf; Susan Fleet Archives – Two Conductors: Antonia Brico and Marin Alsop Antonia Louisa Brico (26 juin 1902, Rotterdam, Pays-Bas - 3 août 1989, Denver, Colorado, É.-U.) [2], Following her debut as a professional conductor with the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra in February 1930, Brico worked with the San Francisco Symphony and the Hamburg Philharmonic, winning plaudits from critics and the public. Première femme à avoir dirigé les Philharmoniques de Berlin et de New York, Antonia Brico (1902-1989) déclarait à qui voulait l’entendre : « Je ne me considère pas comme une femme chef d’orchestre. Ze was een van de eerste vrouwen die als dirigente werkte en ondervond in het begin van haar carrière tegenwerking omdat men van mening was dat het beroep van dirigent alleen door mannen kon worden uitgeoefend. [2][3], 26 Haziran 1902'de Rotterdam, Hollanda'da doğan Brico, Uluslararası olarak tanınmış ilk kadın orkestra şeflerindendir. [2], In July 1938, Brico was the first woman to conduct the New York Philharmonic, and in 1939 conducted the Federal Orchestra in concerts at the 1939 New York World's Fair. [11], Brico died in 1989 after a long illness at the age of 87. Het History Colorado Center in Denver bezit een verzameling van haar brieven en documenten. Brico moved from her native Netherlands to the United States with her parents in 1908 and settled in California. Ze kreeg lovende kritieken van critici en had succes bij het publiek. Antonia Brico ist bereit, sich für ihren Traum ausbeuten zu lassen. Sie ist eine Außenseiterin, unehelich in den Niederlanden geboren und von … At the University of California, Berkeley, Brico worked as an assistant to the director of the San Francisco Opera. New York Times, 5. Jane Weiner Lepage, "Women Composers, Conductors, and Musicians of the Twentieth Century", (Scarecrow Press, New Jersey, 1980). Following her graduation in 1923 she studied piano under a variety of teachers, most notably under Zygmunt Stojowski. Daha sonra yerleştiği Amerika Birleşik Devletleri'nde Denver, Kolorado'da yaşamını ve çalışmalarını sürdürmüştür. Creative Commons Naamsvermelding/Gelijk delen, Lief portret van mej. )[1], Hollandalı-Amerikalı kadın orkestra şefi ve piyanisttir. [9][10] She taught piano or conducting to such students as Judy Collins, Donald Loach, James Erb and Karlos Moser[2] Brico continued to appear as guest conductor with orchestras around the world, including the Japan Women's Symphony. 3 Ağustos 1989; Denver, Kolorado, ABD. [2] Here she founded a Bach Society and the Women's String Ensemble. Brico verhuisde in 1942 naar Denver waar ze de Denver Philharmonic Orchestra oprichtte, een semi-professioneel orkest.

est une chef d'orchestre et une pianiste.C'est la première femme à être reconnue internationalement comme chef d'orchestre [1].. Elle est intronisée au Colorado Women's Hall of Fame [2].C'est aussi l'une des 999 femmes nommées sur le Heritage Floor de l'installation d'art The Dinner Party [3 [7], A documentary film about Brico's life, entitled Antonia: A Portrait of the Woman, by director Jill Godmilow, with help from Brico's former student Judy Collins, appeared in 1974. On leaving Oakland Technical High School [6] in Oakland in 1919 she was already an accomplished pianist and had experience in conducting. [2] Ze emigreerden met haar in 1907 of 1908 naar Oakland (Californië). Born Antonia Louisa Brico to a Dutch Catholic unmarried mother[4][5] in Rotterdam, Netherlands, Brico was renamed Wilhelmina Wolthuis by her foster parents. Ze groeide op bij pleegouders, het echtpaar Wolthuis, waar ze de naam Wilhelmina Wolthuis had. De tekst is beschikbaar onder de licentie. Optredens als gastdirigente bij orkesten in Detroit, Washington D.C. en andere steden volgden al snel. In 1934, she was appointed conductor of the newly founded Women's Symphony Orchestra which, in January 1939 (following the admission of men), became the Brico Symphony Orchestra. During that period she was also a pupil of Karl Muck, conductor of the Hamburg Philharmonic Orchestra, with whom she studied for a further three years after graduation. Het laatste jaar van haar leven woonde ze in de Bella Vita Towers, een verpleeghuis in Denver, waar ze in 1989 na een langdurige ziekte op 87-jarige leeftijd stierf.

Brico komt hard aan, Antonia Brico krijgt late eer met film 'De Dirigent',, Wikipedia:Lokale afbeelding anders dan op Wikidata, Wikipedia:Commonscat met lokaal zelfde link als op Wikidata, Dit artikel of een eerdere versie ervan is een (gedeeltelijke) vertaling van het artikel.
[7] During an extensive European tour, in which she appeared both as a pianist and a conductor, Brico was invited by Jean Sibelius to conduct the Helsinki Symphony Orchestra. Sommige bronnen geven haar pleegouders en haarzelf (onterecht) de achternaam 'Wolters', andere (eveneens foutief) 'Wolthius'. In 1927 ging Brico naar de Staatliche Musikakademie in Berlijn.

[7], History Colorado, formerly the Colorado Historical Society, holds a large collection of her personal papers. Na haar afstuderen in 1923 studeerde ze piano bij verschillende leraren, met name de Poolse pianist en componist Zygmunt Stojowski. Antonia Louisa Brico (d. 26 Haziran 1902; Rotterdam - ö. Ook wordt haar aangenomen voornaam wel afgekort tot 'Willy'. [4][5], Kadın orkestra şefi ve piyanist Louisa Brico çalışmalarıyla "Kolorado'lu Emektar Kadınlar Şeref Listesi" 'ne girmiştir. [8] She was conductor of the Boulder Philharmonic Orchestra from 1958-1963. Deze concerten werden opgenomen door Columbia Records. In 1934 werd zij benoemd tot dirigente van het nieuw opgerichte Women's Symphony Orchestra dat in januari 1939 (na de toelating van mannen) het Brico Symfonieorkest werd. In die periode was ze ook leerling van Karl Muck, dirigent van het Philharmonisches Staatsorchester Hamburg, bij wie ze na haar afstuderen nog drie jaar studeerde. Antonia Louisa Brico (Rotterdam, 26 juni 1902 - Denver, 3 augustus 1989) was een Nederlands-Amerikaanse dirigente en pianiste. Ze studeerde in 1929 af in orkestdirectie, als eerste Amerikaan. She graduated from high Bu sayfa son olarak 4 Ekim 2020 tarihinde ve 11.25 saatinde değiştirilmiştir. In: Encyclopædia Britannica. Appearances as guest conductor of the Musicians' Symphony Orchestra in Detroit, Washington, D.C. and other sites soon followed.

In 1927, Brico entered the Berlin State Academy of Music and in 1929 graduated from its master class in conducting, the first American to do so. [7][8], "Master teacher of cellists, and humble student of nature : oral history transcript / and related material, 1982-1984", "Antonia Brico, 87, a Conductor; Fought Barriers to Women in 30's", "Musical milestone: Boulder Philharmonic celebrates 50 years",, Amerika Birleşik Devletleri'ndeki Hollandalı göçmenler, GND tanımlayıcısı olan Vikipedi maddeleri, ISNI tanımlayıcısı olan Vikipedi maddeleri, LCCN tanımlayıcısı olan Vikipedi maddeleri, MusicBrainz tanımlayıcısı olan Vikipedi maddeleri, SNAC-ID tanımlayıcısı olan Vikipedi maddeleri, VIAF tanımlayıcısı olan Vikipedi maddeleri, WorldCat tanımlayıcısı içeren Vikipedi maddeleri, Creative Commons Atıf-BenzerPaylaşım Lisansı. Aan de Universiteit van Californië - Berkeley werkte Brico als assistente van Gaetano Merola, de latere grondlegger en directeur van de San Francisco Opera. Antonia Louisa Brico (Rotterdam, June 26, 1902 – August 3, 1989) was a conductor and pianist. She had lived at the Bella Vita Towers, a nursing home in Denver since 1988. She was inducted into the Colorado Women's Hall of Fame in 1986. In 1974 verscheen de documentaire Antonia: A Portrait of the Woman van regisseur Jill Godmilow en Judy Collins, Brico's voormalige student, als producent. Antonia Louisa Brico (d. 26 Haziran 1902; Rotterdam - ö. In juli 1938 was Brico de eerste vrouw die de New York Philharmonic leidde en in 1939 trad ze op met het symfonieorkest van het Federal Music Project tijdens de New York World's Fair. De film leidde ertoe dat ze werd uitgenodigd om het Mostly Mozart Festival Orchestra te dirigeren. [7], Brico settled in Denver, Colorado in 1942. She and her foster parents migrated to the United States in 1908 and settled in California.