If i read this as a teen in highschool, I proba... First off, I'm shocked that this is categorized as a Young Adult book series. See our. Suggest an update to this review. A court of thorns and roses book 2. Dark faery romance sequel filled with sex, gore, magic. Thank you Sarah I have never gone into a young adult book and they come out with it being a new adult the wood sexual content in it that was not held slay thank you I really enjoyed the sex scenes miss I’m not the say I didn’t I really enjoyed them I liked how she took that dive into that world of sex in novels and came out with such a great scene and many great scenes and they went really well I liked them I really appreciate that they were sexy they were hot they were Stevie, I was Fanning myself when I was reading it I’m not gonna deny that so yes I love the steamy scenes Andrey skies I picture him as Matthew daddario no bond specimen mm-hmm and he’s so powerful like he is darkness he is night and let’s talk about for a second the night course I was going into it thinking like what favorite thought the Night Court was a very dark secluded very just lonely place and then it turns out to be like so pretty so amazing so just gorgeous, I love that I just love how Ruiz hit his city from everybody else not just him but his ancestors before him you know hold her city from the known world and that was just so cool and that’s it he was gorgeous I loved it and I loved them with her aspect and the atmosphere of the guy corner did such a good job just describing and putting you inside of the Night Court we were favored experiencing it through her eyes in such a vivid way I just love that so much about this okay, So let’s talk about Farrah and her power so we know that Farrah she has a little bit of every wife in her – Lord and that makes things very interesting because nobody knows what she is and what power she contains not necessarily and then Tim was like we want to suppress it we don’t want anybody to know what she has in her I think that’s the best for us of what I think go Hamlet you’re an idiot, Once again you’re an idiot in love but in it and then Reese was like hey you have this power you need a harness it not just you use as a weapon but to use it and be able to control it so you can kind of anchor yourself to your new powers and be able to control them if needs be and I really enjoyed that about Reese and when we find out the real reason why Reese did all those things to her under the mountain was mainly because he’s had drinks on her, he like knew that she was mate and he was doing that to protect her in a sense and I know that may seem war but honestly when you’re in under the mountain everything is warped nothing is good so you try your best to day the people you love and care about even if it may seem like you’re harming them instead I know how that can be very weird and very confusing but once he explains in the book and made more sense even though it’s still sickening what happened no doubt about that no doubt about that at all. If you were suddenly reborn as an immortal being, what would you find the hardest thing to get used to? Your purchase helps us remain independent and ad-free. But this is also a very ADULT book. Tamlin, Feyre's love interest from Book 1, has taken a turn to the dark side, controlling her and locking her up in his castle, supposedly for her own protection and "the greater good." Common Sense is the nation's leading nonprofit organization dedicated to improving the lives of all kids and families by providing the trustworthy information, education, and independent voice they need to thrive in the 21st century. Feyre survived Amarantha's clutches to return to the Spring Court--but at a steep cost. Browse titles with similar subject matter. Similarly, Rhysand has done horrific things in the past to avenge his loved ones and save others and continues to be viciously brutal to enemies even as he's trying to protect his people. Common Sense Media, a nonprofit organization, earns a small affiliate fee from Amazon or iTunes when you use our links to make a purchase. I’m so excited to see what’s gonna happen in the third book like with all of the spying on favorite part especially because we thought that their mating bond was destroyed but it’s actually the apartment they made that was destroyed and I was so worried I’m my heart literally tore open and what’s displayed for all the world to see when that happened because, I was like a ship you know whenever he’s so sad but then we find out that actually was not broken and I’m like whoa thank you for thinking ahead Rhys and Farah you guys are so smart but you know now they have to like go and do so much stuff in the next book like they need to rebuild the pretty town that was hidden from everybody maybe it got attacked by the Kings minions and everybody likes so many people are killed everything was destroyed that made me so sad guys, because screw those Queens screw them so they need to rebuild that thing he needs to get his payback and then like you know he used to save them of our continent hopefully with the help of other people hopefully with the help of that some record even though like they secure the summer court over yeah they have a lot of mescaline not sure how that’s gonna end in the next book because the next book would have to be like 800 pages, I think which I’m totally fine. Your privacy is important to us. Thank you for your support. Searching for streaming and purchasing options ... Common Sense is a nonprofit organization. Also, discovering who you are and being true to it. We're updating our reviews to better highlight authentic stories and accurate, diverse representations. So let’s get started maca map was such a good Vera she literally went to hell and back in the last nob like you know she got exploited tortured in prison killed resurrected as an immortal being so you would expect her to you know not be normal not be her normal self not be sane and that was the case at the beginning of this book I’m really glad that PTSD was brought into this and it was shown in the way what and I really enjoyed that aspect of this book, Because it was realistic even if it’s a fantasy novel that does not mean that emotions are different motion still happened in the same way they happen in reality and I’m really glad that happened in this book so I love the character development in this novel not just with Freya but with other characters libraries know the characters that I won’t go into too much detail about because I want you guys to know about them yourselves, But I really love Reese’s character because oh my god and the last book I like to read not because what happened and what he did to favor but just because I had just a feeling that he had an ulterior motive wasn’t bad that it was good and I’m glad that was kind of clarified in this novel an extent that was okay I’m not gonna go into detail about that so read the book first, I will go into detail about it later though in my oilerie review part so I love Reese I love his character I love favorite character and I really enjoyed seeing Tamlin’s character kind of thought that was really interesting to see and makes me want to read a court of thorns and roses again kind of see his character then and compared to how it is now see if use always kind of like this and that’s all I’m gonna say about this maybe I don’t want to spoil you, I’m gonna go to more detail like I said before about later oh no the world building was truly phenomenal I love this world that Sara’s created and it was so great conflict of this book was truly exceptional there were so many different conflicts going on inside of it and I was really happy to see them being brought out in the full extent that they were actually since it’s a 600 page book that enabled it to be brought out in the way it was and I’m really happy that the storyline was not rushed it felt very fluid and very nice and easy to get into and then easy to not put down you just wanted to grip it in your hands and keep it alone, I adored a coordinate Mr. fury guys I adored it so good I gave it a five out of five stars without a doubt maybe even a 10 out of 5 stars you know that’s a thing it is a thing guys get it so please leave now if you have not read Aquaman if you have read Accomack let’s get into it okay let’s start with tamlin’s character because I really would like to discuss Tamela honestly I felt like his character was very abrupt but then I think back to the last book was, He always like this he probably was we just didn’t like notice it as much and now that it kind of was brought out in such a way like in this book with him control free walking Farah up in his house then again now we think back about it that’s something he totally would do and I know some people maybe like as she like just ditched Hamlet she wanted to be with him like she literally give up her life for him and his people but why doesn’t she stay with him. However, this came at a high cost. An act of kindness early on has important consequences later in the story. The # 1 New York Times bestselling sequel to Sarah J. Maas' spellbinding A Court of Thorns and Roses. Wondering if A Court of Mist and Fury: A Court of Thorns and Roses, Book 2 is OK for your kids? For some, the oft-repeated hand-wringing and internal debate, as well as the dialogue's tendency to veer from medieval to millennial and back, may get old; for others, it's part of the charm. Strong messages of protecting your loved ones, even at huge cost to yourself, and using your skills and talents for their benefit. Powerful characters are perfectly willing to abandon entire countries to horrible fates to save their own. This is book number 2 in the A Court of Thorns and Roses series. Here we meet Feyre once again. Crude and profane language ("f--k," "s--t," "ass," "prick," "hell," "damn," and the like) is plentiful. Common Sense Media's unbiased ratings are created by expert reviewers and aren't influenced by the product's creators or by any of our funders, affiliates, or partners. Read 15 028 reviews from the world's largest … See something that needs to be addressed? Feyre's survival rests upon her ability to hunt an…, Feyre survived Amarantha's clutches to return to t…, Looming war threatens all Feyre holds dear in the …, Nesta Archeron has always been prickly-proud, swif…, Discover the #1 New York Times bestselling A Court…, A Court of Thorns and Roses Series: All Four, One: A Court of Thorns and Roses> Perfect for fans…, Get a FREE sneak peek at the first four chapters o…, A Court of Thorns and Roses Coloring Book, A coloring book in the universe of the bestselling…. Let me talk to you don’t want the girl up into a house let me to think that is okay especially one said girl has PTSD and has all those issues towards being in confined spaces it’s like she’s just thinking about himself and not about his girlfriend it’s ridiculous well timely fiance but not any especially like with all the people he brought in like that one woman I knew she was trouble when she walked in that door I knewI could see right through her clothes I could see right through it that sounds really bad I could see through her exterior and see the rotting soul beneath and how awful she is, Because she is awful and I could see that from the very start but I wasn’t very confirmed in my suspicions until later on in the novel want to find out more about so honestly some people may be like you know what eras abrupt change and guys was so fast but honestly yes it was a little speedy but she belongs with Reese she belongs with him there mates so not just that they truly loved each other like he didn’t tell her that he was her mate until she found out like they fell in love without even knowing about that while least she didn’t so it wasn’t like he was forcing her into this relationship came naturally, So I enjoyed that I’m just gonna say I liked it sue me if you don’t appreciate that actually don’t please don’t I’m seriously broke all the failure like her PTSD was brought out in such a great way it was very realistic I very much appreciated that and I also really appreciated how she actually just wanted to get out and do something because honestly waiting at PTSD you don’t want to do a lot of things.